Field | Size (bytes) | Description |
type | 2 | little-endian,uint16,transaction type |
time | 4 | little-endian,uint32,transaction creation time |
remark_len | 1-9 | Varint,length |
remark | variable | remakr,utf8 byte array |
txData_len | 1-9 | varint, length of transaction data |
txData | variable | transaction data |
coinData_len | 1-9 | varint, length of transaction asset data |
coinData | variable | date of transaction assets as the following :General-CoinData |
Field | Size (bytes) | Description |
from_count | 1 | the number of “from” is counted by the next required iteration |
from | variable | CoinFrom, Transaction sender, see the table below: General-CoinFrom" |
to_count | 1 | the number of “to” is counted by the next required iteration |
to | variable | CoinTo, transaction receiver, see the table below: General-CoinTo |
Field | Size (bytes) | Description |
address_len | 1-9 | varint,address length |
address | variable | sender address |
assetsChainId | 2 | little-endian,uint16,AssetChainID |
assetsId | 2 | little-endian,uint16,asset ID |
amount | 32 | little-endian,transaction amount |
nonce_len | 1-9 | varint,length of transaction serial number |
nonce | variable | transaction serial number,prevent doubled transaction |
locked | 1 | 0normal transaction,-1unlock assests transaction(exit consensus,undelegate) |
Field | Size (bytes) | Description |
address_len | 1-9 | varint,address length |
address | variable | receiving address |
assetsChainId | 2 | little-endian,uint16,assetsChainId |
assetsId | 2 | little-endian,uint16,assetsId |
amount | 32 | little-endian,transaction amount |
lockTime | 8 | little-endian,int64,time of unlocking,-1 is permanent lock |
Date structure shown in general transaction
Title | Value | Description |
Type | Transfer | transaction type |
Amount | NULS 8.88 / 9-55 898989 | amount(refer to the "Note" below) |
Address | NULSd.... | receiver address |
Fee | NULS 0.088 | transaction fee |
Note: When the transferred asset is an internal supported asset, the number shown is the de-precisioned value. For example, if transferring the NULS asset with AssetId=1-1, and the parsed value is 135000000, with the NULS asset having a precision of 8, then the amount displayed on the Ledger is 1.35 NULS, which equals 135000000 / 1e8
testing feedback message: e006000096058000002c8000003c8000000000000000000000000200d0f9fe6300008c0117010001b2a74c73b3d63ceae361f05e00355115d0255d3f01000100005d880600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080000000000000000000117010001aca553215d606c663cac99e8503abe19f76289eb0100010060d68606000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
"hash": "bbc1306923568c72690b5ff6f95bfcbffc811c1490b61237720251f879ae37db",
"type": 2,
"timestamp": 1677654480,
"remark": null,
"transactionSignature": "2102b638c69aebc4d2b952aff586e658023a7ba5abfac065c7ff7175c6309b5a030946304402201ce0c4e459a55ffb2cf7b5cc2055d1510d1ec5f435c2b028b55d434391a8780802200a1707dce78a089c3fdd8d0287041e57cb8fbd3a9934ba77a0f38bfb5a674360",
"txDataHex": null,
"from": [
"address": "NULSd6HgerWoEd1c7LFtgSLfpPVkddL5eKrca",
"assetsChainId": 1,
"assetsId": 1,
"amount": "109600000",
"nonce": "0000000000000000",
"locked": 0
"to": [
"address": "NULSd6HgeV64HLRvTP1FacTcpCchdLUH6VVti",
"assetsChainId": 1,
"assetsId": 1,
"amount": "109500000",
"lockTime": 0
Field | Size (bytes) | Description |
deposit | 32 | little-endian,amount staked |
address | 23 | user address |
agentHash | 32 | hash of staking nodes |
Title | Value | Description |
Type | Depoist | transaction type |
Amount | NULS 8888.88 | amount staked(refer to the "Note" below) |
Fee | NULS 0.088 | transaction fee |
Note: The asset of this transaction has to be NULS, and the amount displayed is equal to deposit / 1e8.
testing feedback message: e006000096058000002c8000003c80000000000000000000000005003963f9630057a0f09cf1a80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100012640fb7483f42e7bd467a556770e2ac3914483fa423735d1451bcab64122b3145d969c334f78ddec9be4db2e2e3abffb413f8c3e8c01170100012640fb7483f42e7bd467a556770e2ac3914483fa0100010040779ef1a80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000873f19c9399965cd50001170100012640fb7483f42e7bd467a556770e2ac3914483fa01000100a0f09cf1a8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffff
"hash": "e5ac585e6c61fe286359e89e54fdf14069a7f8935469cbf4201dec5800e9dabc",
"type": 5,
"timestamp": 1677288249,
"remark": null,
"transactionSignature": "21039451999ef23d53fc30ac730cc55a1352d65b50fa2fd2d43891021f96dc1fe386473045022100af10603498e8faa6d631e0d06c0debf8c82e40edeabf51857612524a25b36f4b02203a9d2288d40fec9ccf8d9d0d512b3dce2965420b313cdb88f3a3aa03a84f5a40",
"txDataHex": "a0f09cf1a80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100012640fb7483f42e7bd467a556770e2ac3914483fa423735d1451bcab64122b3145d969c334f78ddec9be4db2e2e3abffb413f8c3e",
"from": [
"address": "NULSd6HgWDn4NoXR5d9m18SK9PvefK3fs9EUe",
"assetsChainId": 1,
"assetsId": 1,
"amount": "725608200000",
"nonce": "73f19c9399965cd5",
"locked": 0
"to": [
"address": "NULSd6HgWDn4NoXR5d9m18SK9PvefK3fs9EUe",
"assetsChainId": 1,
"assetsId": 1,
"amount": "725608100000",
"lockTime": -1
"txData": {
"deposit": 725608100000,
"agentHash": "423735d1451bcab64122b3145d969c334f78ddec9be4db2e2e3abffb413f8c3e",
"address": "NULSd6HgWDn4NoXR5d9m18SK9PvefK3fs9EUe"
Field | Size (bytes) | Description |
joinTxHash | 32 | transaction hash of staking |
Title | Value | Description |
Type | Withdraw | transaction type |
Amount | NULS 8888.88 | amount of unstaking(Quit deposit, extract “amount” from "CoinTo")(refer to the "Note" below) |
Fee | NULS 0.088 | transaction fee |
Note: The asset of this transaction has to be NULS, and the amount displayed is equal to deposit / 1e8
testing feedback message: e006000096058000002c8000003c8000000000000000000000000600bc77fe630020e5ac585e6c61fe286359e89e54fdf14069a7f8935469cbf4201dec5800e9dabc8c01170100012640fb7483f42e7bd467a556770e2ac3914483fa01000100a0f09cf1a800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008201dec5800e9dabcff01170100012640fb7483f42e7bd467a556770e2ac3914483fa01000100006a9bf1a80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
"hash": "6b6fcd4619d44232f376e40a45323b70a77b7811a559e5e93c7ffa8e4f9e410f",
"type": 6,
"timestamp": 1677621180,
"remark": null,
"transactionSignature": "21039451999ef23d53fc30ac730cc55a1352d65b50fa2fd2d43891021f96dc1fe38647304502210090edd5f40363713d6e402e2b21cf59ff3f3138f82c7ed4947d2c8f34292f8caa022064ffbae23f4841b1e50baff08397279db2e1126129d53d8e0760e3e5e6ef5db3",
"txDataHex": "e5ac585e6c61fe286359e89e54fdf14069a7f8935469cbf4201dec5800e9dabc",
"from": [
"address": "NULSd6HgWDn4NoXR5d9m18SK9PvefK3fs9EUe",
"assetsChainId": 1,
"assetsId": 1,
"amount": "725608100000",
"nonce": "201dec5800e9dabc",
"locked": -1
"to": [
"address": "NULSd6HgWDn4NoXR5d9m18SK9PvefK3fs9EUe",
"assetsChainId": 1,
"assetsId": 1,
"amount": "725608000000",
"lockTime": 0
"txData": {
"joinTxHash": "e5ac585e6c61fe286359e89e54fdf14069a7f8935469cbf4201dec5800e9dabc"
Date structure shown in general transaction
Title | Value | Description |
Type | Cross Chain Transfer | transaction type |
Amount | NULS 8.888 / 9-55 898989 | amount(refer to the "Note" below) |
Address | NULSd.... / NERVEe.... | receiver address(if the address prefix changes, please refer to "Note 2") |
Fee | NULS 0.088 | transaction fee |
Note: When transferring an internal asset, the amount displayed is the de-precisioned value. For example, if transferring the NULS asset with "AssetId=1-1", and the parsed value is 135000000, with the NULS asset having a precision of 8, then the amount displayed on the Ledger is 1.35 NULS, which equals 135000000 / 1e8
Note2:The address data is read as a uint16 (little-endian) and converted to decimal. If the value is 9, the address prefix used is NERVEe. If the value is 1, the address prefix used is NULSd
Crosschain transaction with NULS assets
testing feedback message: e006000096058000002c8000003c8000000000000000000000000a000321066400008c0117010001e6da0a93f2ac0f396745215115fe359ae3dafc2f01000100400caa3b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008536cb627f749afed000117090001e6da0a93f2ac0f396745215115fe359ae3dafc2f0100010000ca9a3b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
"hash": "38e92a2db7d02cc305dc528a0dd4e8d61f9b9b007f2050945cc05de1b65bfbb5",
"type": 10,
"timestamp": 1678123267,
"remark": null,
"transactionSignature": "2102d1ca09495b5a251f72db575f80913b3fdc0df11868e9931643d3580265577ca3473045022100c4314dcb0f4395f40b0c1427aadf7e45d4659fdd89d16d38b24204c2ee088988022041e9a6d344908c484487c07f6ba60ae4a8806d584b13698a7df95176d9a97643",
"txDataHex": null,
"from": [
"address": "NULSd6Hgi4gPrtfxevMJ8BPdRi9dD6kh3WYgQ",
"assetsChainId": 1,
"assetsId": 1,
"amount": "1001000000",
"nonce": "536cb627f749afed",
"locked": 0
"to": [
"address": "NERVEepb6F5DjGnGB1eHpyssPogq7Y92uCznsz",
"assetsChainId": 1,
"assetsId": 1,
"amount": "1000000000",
"lockTime": 0
Crosschain transaction with other assets
testing feedback message: e006000096058000002c8000003c8000000000000000000000000a005d7906640000d20217010001e6da0a93f2ac0f396745215115fe359ae3dafc2f0100010040420f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000085cc05de1b65bfbb50017010001e6da0a93f2ac0f396745215115fe359ae3dafc2f09000e0296bdc3cadec2ae55cd2811e50000000000000000000000000000000000000000086da2a545a4405046000117090001e6da0a93f2ac0f396745215115fe359ae3dafc2f09000e0296bdc3cadec2ae55cd2811e500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
"hash": "302808dbce3104c51a28c799ed946227b68098fd4a3d64aadd7a66f4b3baec2e",
"type": 10,
"timestamp": 1678145885,
"remark": null,
"transactionSignature": "2102d1ca09495b5a251f72db575f80913b3fdc0df11868e9931643d3580265577ca3473045022100a7bfe00124f38a4ca14f8f2ced58d29d69fa4b20b915d731df12e9496a27926402205f5cc753ca5208f717884eb57000bb8eda471e0660a22ddecc2ea5fd3803add7",
"txDataHex": null,
"from": [
"address": "NULSd6Hgi4gPrtfxevMJ8BPdRi9dD6kh3WYgQ",
"assetsChainId": 1,
"assetsId": 1,
"amount": "1000000",
"nonce": "5cc05de1b65bfbb5",
"locked": 0
"address": "NULSd6Hgi4gPrtfxevMJ8BPdRi9dD6kh3WYgQ",
"assetsChainId": 9,
"assetsId": 526,
"amount": "70892811670437405731523378582",
"nonce": "6da2a545a4405046",
"locked": 0
"to": [
"address": "NERVEepb6F5DjGnGB1eHpyssPogq7Y92uCznsz",
"assetsChainId": 9,
"assetsId": 526,
"amount": "70892811670437405731523378582",
"lockTime": 0
Field | Size (bytes) | Description |
sender | 23 | caller address |
contractAddress | 23 | contract address |
value | 32 | little-endian, the amount of NULS transferred from the caller to the contract address,fill with 0 if there is none |
gasLimit | 8 | little-endian,int64,max gas consumed |
gasPrice | 8 | little-endian,int64,gas price |
methodName_len | 1-9 | Method name length |
methodName | variable | utf8 byte array,method name |
methodDesc_len | 1-9 | Method describe length |
methodDesc | variable | utf8 byte array,method describe,if the contract method is not overloaded,this parameter can be empty |
two_dimensional_args_len | 1 | length of a two-dimensional array,uint8,the next 3 need to be read cyclically |
one_dimensional_args_len | 1 | length of a one-dimensional array,uint8,the next 2 need to be read cyclically |
element_len | 1-9 | byte length of each element in a one-dimensional array |
element | variable | UTF-8 byte array of each element in a one-dimensional array |
Title | Value | Description |
Type | Call Contract | call contract |
Amount | NULS 8.88 | the amount of NULS transferred to the contract by the caller,use txData.value |
Contract Address | NULSd..... | contract address |
Contract Method | swap... | method name |
Fee | NULS 0.088 | transaction fee |
Title | Value | Description |
Type | NRC20 Transfer | NRC20 transfer |
Amount | NABOX 8.88 | amount(refer to the "Note" below) |
Address | NULSd..... | receiving address |
Fee | NULS 0.088 | transaction fee |
Note: When the contract address is a address of an internal NRC20 asset contract, the contract method is transfer
,shown as NRC20 transfer
,and the number is displayed in a de-serialized format. For example,when transferring the NABOX asset with contract address (NULSd6Hgv3Y49CHapt5qL4pCiEX8x3ZHrh6ie), the parsed contract parameter is value=3350000000000000000, and the precision of the NABOX asset is 18. Therefore, the amount displayed on Ledger is 3.35 NABOX, which is 3350000000000000000 / 1e18
parsed into two parameters: "to" and "value", as shown in Transaction Example 1.
parsed into two parameters:from, to, value.
NRC20 transfer
testing feedback message: 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
"hash": "9b50bf1ea887a54c17b72d010185714a226631d551f901dba8587b004b0f62ba",
"type": 16,
"timestamp": 1615869450,
"remark": null,
"txDataHex": "01000155b03381577d329bb52dd47062afcb80576ebdf3010002a443687a6883154a1a94e8b66419c1490716d0b20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a0860100000000001900000000000000087472616e73666572000201254e554c53643648675a7068736e3151734d6d414b3573613247724a3279704d4c3278524163010731303030303030",
"from": [
"address": "NULSd6HgZ8xEbCKo9J5MwgJYVy9F3Cpzvh2GY",
"assetsChainId": 1,
"assetsId": 1,
"amount": "2600000",
"nonce": "5a580ec9b95ef21e",
"locked": 0
"to": [],
"txData": {
"sender": "NULSd6HgZ8xEbCKo9J5MwgJYVy9F3Cpzvh2GY",
"contractAddress": "NULSd6HguiDcyABtp3RGKXk2sEVXK2y8At4hq",
"value": "0",
"gasLimit": 100000,
"price": 25,
"methodName": "transfer",
"methodDesc": "",
"args": [
Common calling contract
testing feedback message: 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
"hash": "bc6fbdf8c5af3d15c93ae908d64dc57abb9798bdd68d8b9ffda7ab9c175a710d",
"type": 16,
"timestamp": 1677621617,
"remark": null,
"transactionSignature": "210229a3123fc78e12fb1f68424ee361c6e2fe0a38586ada3ae466ff03eeada7f12e473045022100d0a1f903359dd25bec3a58286dc511a90da82ec13b6c36df4cbdce82c20b7d3a02206590acbc200178e9f89190fb875eef9b053221e8f5635a556343d7bd742cd913",
"txDataHex": "01000159cee52b78b1083cc4491a7b1bfb088489532cf901000299e3598aa45be4c399b12ca3913bf880d4055ec800902f50090000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000d8501000000000019000000000000000d6465706f736974466f724f776e0000",
"from": [
"address": "NULSd6HgZPeU4ciTWF3XnQgxgtK7ch8unRhfY",
"assetsChainId": 1,
"assetsId": 1,
"amount": "40002589925",
"nonce": "fe6f80bacf5c3635",
"locked": 0
"to": [
"address": "NULSd6Hgu5DRgAg11zwyq1C1NGpKBGYUm3Uhu",
"assetsChainId": 1,
"assetsId": 1,
"amount": "40000000000",
"lockTime": 0
"txData": {
"sender": "NULSd6HgZPeU4ciTWF3XnQgxgtK7ch8unRhfY",
"contractAddress": "NULSd6Hgu5DRgAg11zwyq1C1NGpKBGYUm3Uhu",
"value": "40000000000",
"gasLimit": 99597,
"price": 25,
"methodName": "depositForOwn",
"methodDesc": "",
"args": []
Title | Value | Description |
Type | Blind sign | blind signature type |
Amount | NULS 8.88 / 9-55 898989 | amount(refer to the "Note" below) |
Address | NULSd.... / NERVEe... | to address |
Fee | NULS 0.088 | transaction fee |
Parse the CoinData to obtain the collections of “CoinFrom” and “CoinTo”;
Sum up the amount of all assets with asset ID 1-1 in “CoinFrom” and assign it to variable A;
Sum up all amounts with AssetID 1-1 in the “CoinTo” collection, and let it be denoted as B;
Fee = A - B
Note:Proceed a null check when transactions without CoinTo collection and CoinData occur.
When parsing a transaction, if an internal asset is matched, the amount should be displayed with precision modification.
AssetId | Symbol | Decimals |
1-1 | NULS | 8 |
AssetId | Symbol | Decimals |
9-1 | NVT | 8 |
9-220 | USDTN | 18 |
9-388 | USDCN | 18 |
Contract Address | Symbol | Decimals |
NULSd6Hgv3Y49CHapt5qL4pCiEX8x3ZHrh6ie | NABOX | 18 |
NULSd6HgrzcXdTuGvRF9DmkxoXM8XNmXZs95d | NSWAP | 8 |
NULSd6Hgr7kEY9dEJVEpjsWAgmGRqBiMe9vL7 | WTF | 8 |
NULSd6HgvhaiirRcbg3QY7GWSU6RSFGaVovme | BULS | 8 |
NULSd6Hh1AW8WxfB64RW1EYxP4zXaMxkQi5xd | NFTC | 2 |