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Web projects spaghetti to make my own headache


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Ref. Job Desc. Run
g8 todo
g7 AssemblyLine component - curr : deployed
deployment - depl : io/interview_react_assembly_line :atom:
g6 ... saved files - what : Assemblyline w/o long press
g5 Countries - done : 1st draft
g4 Search filter component - what : BookSearch comp. w/ dynamic filtering
deployment - depl : io/interview_react_search_filter :atom:
- done : basic functionality works!
g3 Epoch - what : my take on 100r's Age
io/epoch 🟢
g2 Message board - what : a msg board on Next 🔺
- curr : 🟡 On-going 🟡
g1 CRUD API w/ Chi - what : a deprecated Go project
e9 ... saved files - what : saved states + infile fetcher
e8 mmg - what : a memory matching game
io/mmg - todo : update io/mmg to use img from /in 🟢
e7 Confirmation component - goal : Extending/inheriting a component
deployment - depl : io/interview_react_confirmation_component :atom:
- 1st draft : added notistack, works fine
e6 p5js p5js using p5 . preferred 🟡
- curr : navbar (left, shrinkable)
- todo : switchable components
e5 p5js testout p5js on react-p5 . deprecated 🟢
e4 bar! - what : a notistack vite demo ---> deployment
e3 SNL - what : C++ exam set turned useful
e2 Socket WebSocket (2/3) Socket 🟢
- curr : test ok on Postman
e1 NGINX - what : docker . nginx.conf 🟡
- Weird bug from homebrew
eO Gateway WebSocket (1/3) Gateway 🟢
- Test on Postman (see instr.)
d9 Restful picking up from d4 🟡
- todo : jest e2e-spec
d8 Backender Submodule: HERE
- (File Under) OAuth (Google, 42)
- (File Under) Docker Prisma Jwt
d7 Getter - what : use .env
d6 Jwt improved - what : custom decor . global ATGuard
d5 Jwt access / refresh 🟢
- debugger : Jwt
- bugfix : users table bug at startup Run go script
d4 Restful - what : cont. from d1
d3 42 OA @nestjs/passport passport passport-42
- run : start dev + browser 🟢
d2 Google OA oauth tryout
@nestjs/passport passport passport-google-oauth20
- run : start dev + browser 🟢
d1  Rest  nestjs tryout
- access on postman / insomnia 🟢
dO Pong done : paddle segments mapped to rad
c9 Angular hello - what : hello world in angular
c8 Fla [sic] Guessing flags
c7 Key Guessing key signatures
- 1st : one Reset button only
io/mu 2nd : + choices
c6 Pokemon - what : vanilla + astro
io/poke - depr. bug : netlify fn to handle key
c5 Jukebox - what : to be written in Astro
io/jukebox 1st draft : works fine
- bug : only mobile has good viewport
Uses 4 buttons 🟢
c4 Aron Lostor done
c3 Dmd Guessing weekday
- 1st : input by typing
io/dmd 2nd : btns . nightmode . memo 🟢
c2  Cronway  conway on react 🔴
c1 API hw. api reach-out 🟢
cO ¿Ranch? that thing has been deployed
b9 IPA 1-line api reach-out
io/ipa todo : save array to localstorage 🟢
b8  MD Preview  - bug : textarea div different height 🔴
io/mdp to remake
b7 Gig - todo : on doubclick
b6 Bootstrap hw. bug : .container-fluid 🔴
b5 Nut deployed 🟢
b4 Coffee init to Astro + Sass 🟢
b3 IO done : convert to Astro + Sass
io done : rainbow header
b2 Dad Jokes 🟢
b1 Cat Album fcc project clone + react
bO io/gig - depr. Function Component <--- Route
a9 io/gig - depr. unrefreshable routes
a8 Advent 🟢
a7 Weather fix : tsx <--- ts 🟡
a6 React Hooks useState . useRef
fix : emoji height
a5 Coughing done : del. Route
io/coughing done : local storage 🟢
a4 HSK-3
a3 Idioms
a2 Hangman in progress 🟡
Todolist use components
a1 Todolist (vite)
aO Todolist bug : EACCES 🟡



Web projects spaghetti to make my own headache




