The C implementations should follow the kernel/git coding style.
Python code follows PEP8
with regard to coding style and PEP257 with regard to docstring
style. Multi-line docstrings should have one short summary line,
followed by a blank line and a series of paragraphs. The last
paragraph should be followed by a line that closes the docstring (no
blank line in between). Here's an example from
def unlink(f): """Delete a file at path 'f' if it currently exists. Unlike os.unlink(), does not throw an exception if the file didn't already exist. """ ...
Module-level docstrings follow exactly the same guidelines but without the blank line between the summary and the details.
Avoid finally: blocks in favor of explict catches because a throw from a finally block will lose any pending exception. An explicit catch can chain it (see below).
To behave similarly under Python 2 and 3, use add_ex_tb() to explicitly add stack traces to any exceptions that are going to be re-raised by anything other than a no-argument raise (otherwise the stack trace will be lost):
try: ... except ... as ex: add_ex_tb(ex) pending_ex = ex ... raise pending_ex
If an exception is thrown from an exception handler, the pending
exception should be "chained" to the new exception as the context.
This can be accomplished via chain_ex()
try: ... except ... as ex: add_ex_tb(ex) try: ... except ... as ex2: add_ex_tb(ex2) raise chain_ex(ex2, ex)
See the end of lib/bup/
for a functional example.