This app is using the Datadog agent in a container.
- Ubuntu (>= 16.04.x/Xenial)
- Node
- Docker (>= 1.9.0)
- Docker-compose (docs to install/upgrade)
- Go to your working directory.
- Clone this repo:
- option 1:
git clone [email protected]:nxnarbais/dd-partner-app.git
- option 2:
git clone
- option 1:
- Move to relevant directory:
cd dd-partner-app/nodejs-dummy
- In the same directory (
), clone demo app:- option 1:
git clone [email protected]:benc-uk/nodejs-demoapp.git app
- option 2:
git clone app
- option 1:
- Move to cloned app source directory:
cd app/src
- Install node dependencies:
npm install
- Check that this is working well:
- Start the app:
npm start
- Go to http://localhost:3000
- Start the app:
- Now the app should work! You can stop the server with
- Go back to parent directory:
cd ../..
directory) - Copy environment file example:
cp .env.example .env
- Edit
file:vim .env
- Select the relevant site:
- Add your API key
- Select the relevant site:
Note: not all the files are shown here
- dd-partner-app/nodejs-dummy
- app
- src
- server.js
- route.js
- etc.
- .env
- .env.example
- .gitignore
- docker-compose.yaml
- mongo-init.js
- Open the
file:vim docker-compose.yaml
- On the datadog container, edit:
- DD_HOSTNAME: the name of the host that will be displayed in the platform
- DD_TAGS: some tags that will be associated to all the metrics, logs and apm going through the agent. (Recommended: team, owner, environment, etc.)
Create a docker network:
docker network create my-net
Note: If you get a permission denied
, preface the docker
commands with sudo
. To avoid that going forward, you can add your user to the Unix group called docker (sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
) and reload your terminal.
Note: If you get 'network' is not a docker command
, upgrade Docker to >= 1.9.0
Warning: If you have an other agent running on the machine, make sure to stop it before starting this new application.
Start all the containers from the docker-compose file (Note: make sure to be in the dd-partner-app/nodejs-dummy
docker-compose up -d
Note: If you get the following error, you must upgrade Ubuntu to >= 16.04
ERROR: for datadog-agent Cannot start service datadog: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:297: copying bootstrap data to pipe caused \"write init-p: broken pipe\"": unknown
At this point you should have two endpoints available:
- http://localhost:8081 to visualize what is inside your database
- http://localhost:8080 to see your application running
If you want to see the logs for debug
docker-compose logs -f
At that point, you should see some logs coming into the platform as well as some metrics, a host, a container, etc.
To start to see some traces within the Datadog platform, you will need to instrument the application.
cd app/src
npm install --save dd-trace
Go into server.js
and add:
const tracer = require('dd-trace').init()
(Note: This code could be added below the first debug line: console.log('### Node.js demo app starting...');
Make some requests to the application:
curl http://localhost:8080
curl http://localhost:8080/weather
curl http://localhost:8080/todo
At this point, you should see some services in the APM service page: US EU
Some additional parameters can be added on the tracer. You can for instance replace the tracer initialization by:
const tracer = require('dd-trace').init({
logInjection: true, // Enable connection between logs and apm through the trace_id. This requires to use the supported library:
analytics: true, // Enable trace search and analytics
runtimeMetrics: true, // Enable runtime metrics
tags: {
serviceteam: "dogdemo"
It is also possible to enable trace search and analytics to enable additional functionnalities inside the platform. Documentation
The log injection enable the library to inject the trace_id to link the logs to the trace itself. For automated trace injection, Datadog supports the Winston library. Documentation.
These are a few steps to implement it within the app:
- Go to the app directory:
cd app/src
- Install winston:
npm install winston
- Create
file with the content below:
const winston = require('winston');
const wlogger = winston.createLogger({
level: 'info',
format: winston.format.json(),
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console(),
module.exports = wlogger;
- Import this winston logger in
const wlogger = require('./wlogger');
- Comment the line with
- Setup the morgan library to use winston for logging (this should be added below the commented line above):
class MyStream {
write(text) {
let myStream = new MyStream()
app.use(logger('combined', { stream: myStream }));
At this point all the logs sent via morgan will use Winston and the dd-trace library will automatically insert the trace_id.
In addition, this application output some information via console.log, you can override this to use Winston as well.
For instance on the main server.js
- Open again the
file:vim app/src/server.js
- Replace the line:
console.error(`### ERROR: ${err.message}`);
with:wlogger.error(`### ERROR: ${err.message}`);
Or on the todo module:
- Open the
file:vim app/src/todo/utils.js
- Import the wlogger.js file:
const wlogger = require('../wlogger');
- Replace the console.log lines with the Winston logger:
const wlogger = require('../wlogger');
class Utils {
// Try to send back the underlying error code and message
sendError(res, err, code = 500) {
// console.dir(err);
// console.log(`### Error with API ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
wlogger.error(`### Error with API ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
let statuscode = code;
if(err.code > 1) statuscode = err.code;
// App Insights
const appInsights = require("applicationinsights");
if(appInsights.defaultClient) appInsights.defaultClient.trackException({exception: err});
// Just sends data
sendData(res, data) {
// App Insights
const appInsights = require("applicationinsights");
if(appInsights.defaultClient) appInsights.defaultClient.trackEvent({name: "dataEvent", properties: {data: JSON.stringify(data)}});
module.exports = new Utils();
Additional logging can be added in other places to add additional information.
Most logs have a specific format from Winston, a pipeline can be created with a grok parser. Here is the parsing rule that can be set:
genericRule \:\:ffff\:%{ipv4:network.client.ip}\s+-\s+-\s+\[%{date("dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z"):date}\]\s+\"%{word:http.method}\s+%{notSpace:http.url}\s+%{notSpace:http.version}\"\s+%{integer:http.status_code}\s+%{integer:token_1}?-?\s+\"%{notSpace:http.from_url}\"\s+\"%{}\"
The datadog agent can also collect some runtime metrics. This feature is currently in beta for NodeJs. Documentation
To get started, just follow the instructions to generate a token for RUM (here is the doc).
Then make sure you select the right datacenter (eu or com) and add the advised few code lines such as the one below for eu in the file _foot.ejs
located in dd-partner-app/nodejs-dummy/app/views/_foot.ejs
. This will have to be added before the </html>
window.DD_RUM && window.DD_RUM.init({
clientToken: '<CLIENT_TOKEN>',
applicationId: '<APPLICATION_ID>',
sampleRate: 100
To send custom application metrics into Datadog, the easiest way is to use DogStatsD.
The agent in the docker-compose file is already configured to receive those metrics. So to get started, follow the instruction below.
- Install dependency. On
runnpm install --save node-dogstatsd
- In
instantiate dogstatsd by adding the line below:
// Setup Datadog node runtime metrics and statsD
const StatsD = require('node-dogstatsd').StatsD;
const dogstatsd = new StatsD(process.env.DD_AGENT_HOST,process.env.DD_STATSD_AGENT_PORT);
- Create now a middleware to count the number of page viewed by adding the snippet below before instantiating any route (e.g. before
// Routes & controllers
// On every page, this middleware will be applied
// This middleware will create a counter that increment on each call
app.use((req, res, next) => {
dogstatsd.increment(''); // Create a metric in Datadog
As an example you can also, add this code snippet to app/src/todo/routes.js
in the POST /api/todo
before let result = await db.collection(COLLECTION).insertOne(todo)
const { title, type, done } = todo;
dogstatsd.gauge('nodejs.todo.payload_size', title.length, [`type:${type}`, `done:${done}`]);
dogstatsd.increment('nodejs.todo.payload_type.count', 1, [`type:${type}`, `done:${done}`]);
This will publish the size of the todo content as a gauge to the Datadog platform and count the number of todo per type. Of course do not forget to instantiate dogstatsd on this file.
Kill the app and restart it:
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
or simpler:
docker-compose restart
Go to the application on http://localhost:8080 and click on links to generate traces
If you app has a public url, it is possible to create traffic with some browser and api tests.
To improve this repository for more advanced exercices:
- Add notes on how to configure log ingestion
- Add dashboards, log pipelines, etc. to inject into environment
- Add script to generate traffic
- Add section to setup custom metrics