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🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
2017年买房经历总结出来的买房购房知识分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。买房不易,且买且珍惜。Sharing the knowledge of buy an own house that according to the experience at hangzhou in 2017 to all the people. It's not easy to buy a own house, so…
A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS
Skeleton: A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development
Automatically add a progress bar to your site.
Build mobile apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components.
Spectre.css - A Lightweight, Responsive and Modern CSS Framework
Delightful, performance-focused pure css loading animations.
The fastest way to build beautiful Electron apps using simple HTML and CSS
A CSS only tooltip library for your lovely websites.
A drop-in collection of CSS styles to make simple websites just a little nicer
Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons (jQuery & Zepto)
A modern dialog library which is highly configurable and easy to style. #hubspot-open-source
📘《Python进阶》(Intermediate Python - Chinese Version)
An extensible open-source mobile backend framework
Material Design 中文协同翻译 - design.1sters.com
🐈 webrtc screensharing electron app for mac os (Alpha)
The Jekyll Butler. A no frills responsive Jekyll blog theme.