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Language Server for NASM/GAS/GO Assembly Tests


Provide hovering, autocompletion, signature help, go to definition, and view references for assembly files written in the GAS/NASM or GO assembly flavors. It supports assembly files for the x86, x86_64, ARM, RISCV, z80, and 6502 instruction sets.

This tool can serve as reference when reading the assembly output of a program. This way you can query what each command exactly does and deliberate about whether the compiler is producing the desired output or whether you have to tweak your code for optimisation.


Using cargo

Install using the cargo package manager, either from or from github:

cargo install asm-lsp
# or to get the latest version from github
cargo install --git asm-lsp

Install using the cargo from source:

cargo install --path asm-lsp

Precompiled Binaries

Download and uncompress the appropriate precompiled binaries from the project's releases page.

Set up as a language server

Add a section like the following in your settings.json file:

"asm-lsp": {
    "command": "asm-lsp",
    "filetypes": [
        "asm", "s", "S"

[OPTIONAL] Configure via .asm-lsp.toml

Add a .asm-lsp.toml file like the following to your project's root directory and/or ~/.config/asm-lsp/ (project configs will override global configs) to selectively target specific assemblers and/or instruction sets. By default, diagnostics are enabled and the server attempts to invoke gcc (and then clang) to generate them. If the compiler config field is specified, the server will attempt to use the specified compiler to generate diagnostics. Different configurations can be created for different sub-directories or files within your project as projects. Source files not contained within any project configs will use the default configuration if provided.


Creating a .asm-lsp.toml file manually is fine, but can be error-prone as projects grow in complexity. Running asm-lsp gen-config will walk you through the creation of a config interactively, with informative prompts and extra validation checks along the way.

$ asm-lsp gen-config --help
Generate a .asm-lsp.toml config file

Usage: asm-lsp gen-config [OPTIONS]

  -o, --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR>      Directory to place .asm-lsp.toml into. (Default is the current directory)
  -g, --global-cfg                   Place the config in the global config directory
  -p, --project-path <PROJECT_PATH>  Path to the project this config is being generated for. (Default is the current directory)
  -w, --overwrite                    Overwrite any existing .asm-lsp.toml in the target directory
  -q, --quiet                        Don't display the generated config file after generation
  -h, --help                         Print help


If the server reads in an invalid configuration file, it will display an error message and exit.

# Configure documentation available for features like hover and completions
assembler = "go"
instruction_set = "x86/x86-64"

# The `compiler` field is the name of a compiler/assembler on your path
# (or the absolute path to the file) that is used to build your source files
# This program will be used to generate diagnostics
compiler = "zig" # need "cc" as the first argument in `compile_flags.txt`
diagnostics = true
default_diagnostics = true

# Configure the server's treatment of source files in the `arm-project` sub-directory
path = "arm-project"
assembler = "gas"
instruction_set = "arm"

compiler = "zig"
compile_flags_txt = [

Valid options for the instruction_set field include:

  • "x86"
  • "x86-64"
  • "x86/x86-64" (Enable both)
  • "arm"
  • "arm64"
  • "riscv"
  • "z80"
  • "6502"

Valid options for the assembler field include:

  • "gas"
  • "go"
  • "masm"
  • "nasm"
  • "ca65"

Don't see an architecture and/or assembler that you'd like to work with? File an issue! We would be happy to add new options to the tool.

[OPTIONAL] Extend functionality via compile_commands.json/compile_flags.txt

Add a compile_commands.json or compile_flags.txt file to your project's root or root build directory to enable inline diagnostic features, as well as to specify additional include directories for use in hover features. If a compile_commands.json or compile_flags.txt file isn't provided, the server will attempt to provide diagnostics with a default compile command. This feature can be disabled by setting the default_diagnostics config field to false.

VSCode Support

The project has not published any VSCode extension package yet. However, there is a development extension in the editors/code directory with setup instructions.

Root directory must contain .git

The lsp searches for a .git directory to locate the root of your project. Please be sure to run git init if your project is not already configured as a git repository.

Demos / Features Documentation

Hovering / Documentation support



Goto Definition

View References

Signature Help

  • Triggering signature help is dependent on your editor and LSP client.
    • Using Neovim's built in LSP client, this can be done via the command :lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help().
    • Using coc, this issue comment suggests the remap inoremap <silent> ,s <C-r>=CocActionAsync('showSignatureHelp')<CR> to trigger signature help in insert mode.

Acknowledgements / Sources


Language server for NASM/GAS/GO Assembly







No releases published


No packages published


  • Rust 97.5%
  • Python 1.2%
  • Other 1.3%