PyGoDaddy is a 3rd-party client library, written in Python, for site admins(devs), to make GoDaddy suck less.
Currently, Only A-Record manipulation is supported
- Login with a USERNAME and a PASSWORD
- CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE your domain's DNS Records (A-Record only for now)
To install pygodaddy, simply:
pip install pygodaddy
from pygodaddy import GoDaddyClient
client = GoDaddyClient()
if client.login(username, password):
print client.find_domains()
client.update_dns_record('', '')
Please refer to docstrings and tests
Create a file in tests/
Put settings in this file:
accounts = [ { 'username': 'USERNAME', 'password': 'PASSWORD', 'test_domain': 'DOMAIN.NAME', }, ]
run nosetests tests in root directory