A shell script collection which downloads nopaystation PS Vita stuff. There are several scripts. One to download all *.tsv files of NoPayStation. The other are for downloading games, updates or all DLC of a PS Vita game.
- GNU/Linux
- FreeBSD
- Windows 10 with WSL should also work but it's untested
- a working internet connection
- posix shell (bash, ksh, zsh, sh)
- curl or wget
- pkg2zip
- latest torrent7z
- python3 + python3-lxml (install it via package manager or pip)
- (Optional) latest mktorrent
This section assumes that "${HOME}/bin" is in your shells "${PATH}". If you don't want to install the generating programs in $HOME. Just change it in the howto below to something like "/usr/local/bin" etc.
If your package manager doesn't already have v1.1 you can compile it by yourself. mktorrent v1.1 is only needed for source flag. If you don't need it you also can use v1.0. You also need some sort of compiler (e.g. gcc) and "make" is needed.
git clone https://github.com/Rudde/mktorrent.git
cd mktorrent/ && PREFIX=$HOME make
PREFIX="${HOME}" make install
rm -rf ~/mktorrent
Compile t7z from source (gcc and make is needed).
git clone https://github.com/BubblesInTheTub/torrent7z
cd torrent7z/linux_src/p7zip_4.65/
install -Dm 0755 bin/t7z "${HOME}/bin"
git clone -b t7z https://github.com/sigmaboy/nopaystation_scripts.git && cd nopaystation_scripts
chmod +x download*.sh pyNPU.py
test -d "${HOME}/bin" && ln -s "$(pwd)"/download*.sh "$(pwd)"/pyNPU.py "${HOME}/bin"
If you don't have ${HOME}/bin in your ${PATH}, try the following.
test -d "/usr/local/bin" && sudo ln -s "$(pwd)"/download*.sh $(pwd)"/pyNPU.py "/usr/local/bin/"
It downloads every *.tsv file from NoPayStation.com and creates a tar archive with the current date for it.
./download_tsv.sh /path/to/the/output_directory
If you don't add the output directory as the first parameter, it uses the current working directory. You need the *.tsv file(s) for mostly every other script in this toolset.
With this script you can download a PS Vita game. The first parameter is the path to your *.tsv file and the second is the game's title ID. It places the *.7z (torrent7z) file in the current directory. It also changes the region name into TV format (NTSC, PAL, ...) For example:
./download_game.sh /home/tux/Downloads/GAME.tsv PCSE00986
I can recommend this site for searching title IDs.
With this script you can download the latest or all available PS Vita game updates. There is a optional first parameter "-a" and the second is the game's title ID. It places the files in a created directory from the current working directory named <\TITLE_ID_update>. For example:
./download_update.sh [-a] PCSE00986
This script downloads every DLC found for a specific title ID with available zRIF key. Every update is placed in a created directory from the current working directory named <\TITLE_ID_update>. For example:
./download_dlc.sh /home/tux/Downloads/DLC.tsv PCSE00986
Every DLC is placed in a created directory from the current working directory named <\TITLE_ID_dlc>.
With this script you can download a PSP game. The first parameter is the path to your *.tsv file and the second is the game's title ID. It places the *.iso file in the current directory. For example:
./download_psp.sh /home/tux/Downloads/PSP_GAMES.tsv NPUZ00001
I can recommend this site for searching title IDs.
- pkg2zip and the optionally mktorrent If you want to use the source flag, you need mktorrent >= 1.1
This script downloads the game, every update and dlc found for a specific title ID with available zRIF key. It puts the DLC and the Updates in a dedicated folder named like the generated zip and optionally creates a torrent for the game, updates and dlc folders. In fact it uses the three scripts from above, combines them and download everything available for a game. You need to have download_game.sh, download_update.sh, download_dlc.sh in your $PATH variable to get it working.
You need to symlink them to ${HOME}/bin/, /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin/. This is explained in the Installation Section above
If you want to do some additional steps after running download_bundle.sh, you can add a post script named download_bundle_post.sh to the directory where you run download_bundle.sh from the command line. It has to be executable to run. download_bundle.sh runs the post script with the game name as the first parameter. Your script can handle the parameter with the variable $1 in your (shell) script. You can use this to automate your upload process with an script which adds the torrent to your client or move it and set the correct permissions to the file. All files are named like $1. For example the update and dlc directories
- ${1}_update
- ${1}_dlc
or the torrent files
- ${1}.torrent
- ${1}_update.torrent
- ${1}_dlc.torrent
If you call the script with "-a", it will download all updates instead of the latest only. Additionally you can set the parameter [-c] to enable torrent creating. If you use this you can add source flag after it. when creating torrent files with to use with private trackers. To use this feature you need to have mktorrent installed in version 1.1+! For example:
./download_bundle.sh [-a] -t PCSE00986 -c "http://announce.url" -d "/path/to/directory/containing/the/tsv/files" [-c] [<SOURCE FLAG>]
This works pretty much the same as download2torrent.sh but downloads all base games of a specific region. It creates a subdirectory in your current working directory for the region you mentioned. Valid regions are US JP EU ASIA. There is also a post hook implemented with the file name ./download_region_post.sh For more informations and help about the script just call it with the --help parameter.
$ ./download_region.sh -r ASIA -t game -d /path/to/directory/containing/the/tsv/files [-c http://announce.url] [-s <SOURCE>] [-a]
This little python program helps you downloading updates and generating changelogs for your games. Just use the "-h" parameter to get all parameters and examples. It's useful for checking changelogs and generating download links.
- create a script to download PSM games
- add command line parameters to control the behaviour of the download scripts (downloading/compressing only)
- compare the whole download + compression process of pkg2zip vs. pkg2zip without zipping + torrent7z compressing