A Java Class Library for Active Learning
9 February 2016
version 1.1
web: http://jclal.sourceforge.net
JCLAL framework is open source software and it is distributed under the GNU general public license. It is constructed with a high-level software environment, with a strong object oriented design and use of design patterns, which allow to the developers reuse, modify and extend the framework. Up to date, JCLAL uses the WEKA (http://weka.sourceforge.net) and MULAN (http://mulan.sourceforge.net) libraries to implement the most significant query strategies that have appeared on the single-label and multi-label learning paradigms. For next versions, we hope to include query strategies related with multi-instance and multi-label-multi-instance learning paradigms.
The user can download the current version of JCLAL from:
SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jclal/files/
GitHub: https://github.com/ogreyesp/JCLAL/archive/master.zip or fork/git clone
the source.
Maven repository: http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=net/sf/jclal/jclal/1.1/ http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/net.sf.jclal/jclal/1.1
Sonatype OSSRH repository: https://oss.sonatype.org/#nexus-search;quick~jclal
The source code can be obtained using SVN, GIT and Mercurial via SourceForge. The source code can be also obtained unsing GIT via GitHub. The source code of JCLAL is free and available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3. Thus, it can be distributed and modified without any fee.
You'll find the documentation and API inside the directory doc/
along with the original *.javadoc.jar
If you have implemented an active learning strategy, scenario or extension using the JCLAL classes, and you would like to make it available to the community, please submit your contribution to [email protected].
If you find any bugs, please send a bug report to [email protected]. Any comment or constribution will be well received.