PYSKL is a toolbox focusing on action recognition based on SKeLeton data with PYTorch. Various algorithms will be supported for skeleton-based action recognition. We build this project based on the OpenSource Project MMAction2.
This repo is the official implementation of PoseConv3D and STGCN++.
- Release a tech report about this repository (2022-05-20).
- Support spatial augmentations and provide a benchmark on ST-GCN++ (2022-05-12).
- Support skeleton action recognition demo with GCN algorithms (2022-05-03).
- Release the skeleton annotations (HRNet 2D Pose), config files, and pre-trained ckpts for Kinetics-400. K400 is a large-scale dataset (even for skeleton), you should have
installed for efficient training & testing on K400 (2022-05-01). - Provide an example (diving48) for processing a custom video dataset, generating 2D skeleton annotations, and using PoseC3D for skeleton-based action recognition. The tutorial for skeleton extraction part is available in diving48_example (2022-04-15).
- ST-GCN++ (PYSKL, Tech Report): [MODELZOO]
- PoseConv3D (CVPR 2022 Oral): [MODELZOO]
- MS-G3D (CVPR 2020 Oral): [MODELZOO]
- NTURGB+D (CVPR 2016): NTU RGB+D: A large scale dataset for 3D human activity analysis
- NTURGB+D 120 (TPAMI 2019): Ntu rgb+ d 120: A large-scale benchmark for 3d human activity understanding
- Kinetics 400 (CVPR 2017): Quo vadis, action recognition? a new model and the kinetics dataset
- UCF101 (ArXiv 2012): UCF101: A dataset of 101 human actions classes from videos in the wild
- HMDB51 (ICCV 2021): HMDB: a large video database for human motion recognition
- FineGYM (CVPR 2020): Finegym: A hierarchical video dataset for fine-grained action understanding
- Diving48 (ECCV 2018): Resound: Towards action recognition without representation bias
For data pre-processing, we estimate 2D skeletons with a two-stage pose estimator (Faster-RCNN + HRNet). For 3D skeletons, we follow the pre-processing procedure of CTR-GCN. Currently, we do not provide the pre-processing scripts. Instead, we directly provide the processed skeleton data as pickle files, which can be directly used in training and evaluation. You can use vis_skeleton to visualize the provided skeleton data.
git clone
cd pyskl
# Please first install pytorch according to instructions on the official website: Please use pytorch with version smaller than 1.11.0 and larger (or equal) than 1.5.0
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
# You should run the following scripts under the directory `$PYSKL`
# Running the demo with PoseC3D trained on NTURGB+D 120 (Joint Modality), which is the default option. The input file is demo/ntu_sample.avi, the output file is demo/demo.mp4
python demo/ demo/ntu_sample.avi demo/demo.mp4
# Running the demo with STGCN++ trained on NTURGB+D 120 (Joint Modality). The input file is demo/ntu_sample.avi, the output file is demo/demo.mp4
python demo/ demo/ntu_sample.avi demo/demo.mp4 --config configs/stgcn++/stgcn++_ntu120_xsub_hrnet/ --ckpt
Note that for running demo on an arbitrary input video, you need a tracker to formulate pose estimation results for each frame into multiple skeleton sequences. Currently we are using a naive tracker based on inter-frame pose similarities. You can also try to write your own tracker.
You can use following commands for training and testing. Basically, we support distributed training on a single server with multiple GPUs.
# Training
bash tools/ {config_name} {num_gpus} {other_options}
# Testing
bash tools/ {config_name} {checkpoint} {num_gpus} --out {output_file} --eval top_k_accuracy mean_class_accuracy
For specific examples, please go to the README for each specific algorithm we supported.
If you use PYSKL in your research or wish to refer to the baseline results published in the Model Zoo, please use the following BibTeX entry and the BibTex entry corresponding to the specific algorithm you used.
url = {},
author = {Duan, Haodong and Wang, Jiaqi and Chen, Kai and Lin, Dahua},
title = {PYSKL: Towards Good Practices for Skeleton Action Recognition},
publisher = {arXiv},
year = {2022}
For any questions, feel free to contact: [email protected]