miLight 2,4 GHz controlled Light Bulbs or LED RGB-W Strip Controller with WLAN Interface / WiFi Bridge receiver V3.0 (V2.0 interfaces should be backward compatible but using different default UDP port) Lamps are sold under different brands MiLight, Easybulb,LimitlessLED plugin tested with recently released RGB-W Lamps API decription could be found here:
Typical configuration
[milight] class_name = milight class_path = plugins.milight #udp_ip = #udp_port = 8899 #bri = yes #off = 10 #hue_calibrate = 0
specifies IP adress of miLight gateway - if not specified broadcast to ( all miLight gateways)
specifies Communication port - V3 is using 8899 by default
specifies if RGB settings should only impact HUE or HUE and LUM (brightness) on will change color and brightness - off only color values: on/off
if bri is enabled , this value specifies threashold level for turn off the light ( e.g. below brightness 10 turn off) values: on/off
fine calibrating of color (HUE) to match with different color wheels / tables as input vaue: 0 to 1 eg. 0.005 to adjust 0,5% clockwise or -0.005 to adjust 0,05% counter-clockwise
specifies channel that should be SWITCHED(on/off ) 0 = all 1-4 like on remote 1 | 2 controls group 1 and 2 type must be bool
specifies channel that should be DIMMED ( 0...255) remark: miLight supports only 32 values - will be recalculated for KNX DPT5 compliance type must be num (integer 0 .. 255) 1-4 like on remote multiple input : 1 | 3 controls group 1 and 3
specifies channel to change HUE COLOR ring (0...255) change will switch from white to RGB color type must be num (integer 0 .. 255)
specifies channel that should be switched to defined RGB value. Calculated Luminanz (Brightness) 0 = all 1-4 like on remote 1 | 2 controls group 1 and 2 type must be list with 3 objects (integer 0 .. 255) like [255;128;0]
specifies channel that should be switched to WHITE (on/off ) 0 = all 1-4 like on remote 1 | 2 controls group 1 and 2 type must be bool
activates and toggles DISCO modes (toggle ) 1-4 like on remote 1 | 2 controls group 1 and 2 type must be bool enforce_updates = yes recommended
controls SPEEDof DISCO mode (increase/ decrease) 1-4 like on remote 1 | 2 controls group 1 and 2 type must be bool enforce_updates = yes recommended
[mylight] [[all]] type = bool milight_sw = 0 [[wohnen]] type = bool milight_sw = 1 knx_dpt = 1 knx_send = 1/0/107 knx_listen = 1/0/65 [[[dimmen]]] type = num milight_dim = 1 knx_dpt = 5 knx_listen = 1/0/66 knx_send = 1/0/67 [[[farbe]]] type = num milight_col = 1 [[[white]]] type = bool milight_white = 1 [[[disco]]] type = bool milight_disco = 1 enforce_updates = on [[[discospeedup]]] type = bool milight_disco_up = 1 enforce_updates = yes [[[discospeeddown]]] type = bool milight_disco_down = 1 enforce_updates = yes [[flur]] type = bool milight_sw = 2 [[[dimmen]]] type = num milight_dim = 2 [[[farbe]]] type = num milight_col = 2 [[[white]]] type = bool milight_white = 2 [[[disco]]] type = bool milight_disco = 2 enforce_updates = on [[[discospeedup]]] type = bool milight_disco_up = 2 enforce_updates = yes [[[discospeeddown]]] type = bool milight_disco_down = 2 enforce_updates = yes [[[rgb]]] type = list knx_dpt = 232 milight_rgb = 1 knx_sent = 1/1/1 [[eg]] type = bool milight_sw = 1 | 2 [[[dimmen]]] type = num milight_dim = 1 | 2 [[[farbe]]] type = num milight_col = 1 | 2 [[[white]]] type = bool milight_white = 1 | 2
Hint: on and bri are coupled, like a typical KNX dimmer.
since SMARTVISU does not support table input for RGB selection, following logic could be useful to calculate RGB table out of 3 seperate input for R; G and B values
logic.conf [rgb_conversion] filename = watch_item = r| g| b r=sh.r() g=sh.g() b=sh.b() sh.rgb ([r,g,b])
No methods attributes.