Environments: Local
The local development environment uses Lando to create and manage the Drupal CMS.
lando start -y
lando rebuild -y
lando composer nuke
Destroy the vendor directory so it can be rebuilt properly.lando xdebug-on
|lando xdebug-off
Turns xdebug on or off.
- Sometimes after initial setup or
lando start
, Drush is not found. Runninglando rebuild -y
once or twice usually cures, if not, see: https://github.com/lando/lando/issues/580#issuecomment-354490298
There are some scripts created to help with managing the Drupal site locally.
- Copy the database from PROD:
- This script obtains a recent copy of the PROD database that has been sanitized to protect user data and imports it into the local Drupal site. The db export appears here.dumps/cms-db-latest.sql
. - Copy the files from PROD:
- This copies the/sites/default/files/*
from PROD down to your local environment
There are a number of helpful composer "scripts" available, located in the composer.json file, in the scripts
section. These scripts get loaded in as composer commands.
Change to the CMS repositiory directory and run composer
to list all commands, both built in and ones from this repo.
The VA.gov project has the following custom commands.
composer set-path
composer set-path
command to print out the needed PATH variable to allow running any command in the./bin
directory just by it's name.For example:
$ composer set-path > # Run the command output below to set your current terminal PATH variable. > # This will allow you to run any command in the ./bin directory without a path. > echo "export PATH=${PATH}" export PATH=/Users/VaDeveloper/Projects/VA/va.gov-cms/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
Then, copy the last line (with all of the paths) and paste it into your desired terminal, and hit ENTER.
Once the path is set, you can run any of the commands listed in the bin directory directly:
$ phpcs --version PHP_CodeSniffer version 2.9.2 (stable) by Squiz (http://www.squiz.net)
The path will remain in place as you change directories.
composer va:proxy:socks
orcomposer va:proxy:socks&
Simply runs the "socks proxy" command which is needed to connect to the VA.gov network. Add the
character to run it as a background process. -
composer va:proxy:test
Test the proxy when it is running.
composer nuke
Removes all composer installed directories, useful when you manually made changes to any files inside a composer managed directory. e.g. docroot/core, docroot/vendor.
@TODO: Document all of the custom composer commands.
See https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/scripts.md for more information on how to create and manage scripts.
All Drush commands are run with a Lando prefix. (examples)
lando drush uli
lando drush cr
lando drush sqlq "show tables"
See testing.
You can't test with the VA cert locally using Lando but you can use Lando's self-signed cert. If you need to test the actual cert locally contact the DevOps team to help you setup the vagrant build system to get HTTPS working with VA CA.
To test with Lando's self-signed cert you need to tell your system to trust the Lando Certificate Authority. Instructions are here > https://docs.devwithlando.io/config/security.html
TODO, create upstream PR with sudo trust anchor --store ~/.lando/certs/lndo.site.pem
for Arch Linux
Note: I had to still import that same CA into Chrome.
Go to chrome://settings/certificates?search=https
Click "Authorities"
Import .lando\certs\lndo.site.pem