has_activity Public
Forked from cdunn/has_activityA simple way to grab recent activity on a given model from a table grouped by day, hour, or week with only 1 SQL query and giving the ability to pad the results for days/weeks/hours with no activity.
rackfeeder Public
simple rack app which parses a feed and responds with html
thinking-sphinx Public
Forked from pat/thinking-sphinxSphinx plugin for Rails and Merb
acts_as_commentable Public
Forked from jackdempsey/acts_as_commentableThe ActiveRecord acts_as_commentable plugin
action_keywords Public
simple rails helper to set per page keywords
jrails_in_place_editing Public
Forked from rakuto/jrails_in_place_editingEdit in place plugin for jRails.
has_machine_tags Public
Forked from cldwalker/has_machine_tagsA rails tagging plugin implementing flickr's machine tags + maybe more (semantic tags)
busy_ajax_jquery Public
Forked from ssoroka/busy_ajaxAll projects can benefit by having a simple ajax spinner that follows the mouse when ajax calls are being made by the browser in the background. Gives the user a better experience, and saves you fr…
is_rateable Public
Forked from zachinglis/is_rateableRatings for your model. With AJAX!
mysql-ruby Public
Forked from kwatch/mysql-rubyMySQL driver for Ruby 1.9.1
method_ni Public
Forked from kairichard/method_niThis is a simple plugin which supports "class/instance.methods" being held inside of records
gitosis Public
Forked from res0nat0r/gitosisManage git repositories, provide access to them over SSH, with tight access control and not needing shell accounts.
acts_as_machinetaggable Public
Forked from geemus/acts_as_taggable_reduxFork of acts_as_taggable_redux with the ability to handle machinetags