Yeoman generator for Express, Marionette and Backbone with AMD
- Server:
- Node:
- Express:
- Socket IO:
- Faye:
- DB: Mongo:
- ODM: Mongoose:
- Client:
- Backbone:
- Marionette:
- jQuery:
- Require:
- Handlebars:
- SASS-Bootstrap:
- Tooling:
- Yeoman:
- Bower:
- Grunt
app/ --> client side files
/bower_components --> bower installs
- /vendor --> 3rd party scripts
- /models
- /collections
- /controllers
- /routers
- /regions
- /views
- /item
- /collection
- /composite
- /layout
- init.js --> require configuration
- main.js --> application starting point
- application.js --> application file
/styles --> scss files
/templates --> handlebar templates
server/ --> node server files
test/ --> unittesting
First make sure you have MongoDB, Node, Npm, Yeoman, Bower and Grunt installed.
Install mongoDB with: brew install mongodb or visit
Visit to install node and NPM
To install Yeoman, Bower and Grunt run: npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower
Install mocha generator: npm -g install generator-mocha
Install marionette generator
$ npm install generator-marionette
To bootstrap a new project simply run
$ yo marionette
You have options to include a few Node packages. The client side libraries are set for now.
To start the app run
$ grunt expressserver
You can generate routers too with
$ yo marionette:router router-name
To add a Backbone model to the project use the model generator like this
$ yo marionette:model model-name
Or to inherit from an existing model
$ yo marionette:model model-name --inherit model-name
To add a Backbone collection to the project use collection generator
$ yo marionette:collection collection-name
You can link the collection with an existent model
$ yo marionette:collection collection-name model-name
Or may be you want to create both, model and collection on one step
$ yo marionette:collection collection-name --model model-name --create-all
Or you may want to inherit from another collection
$ yo marionette:collection collection-name --model model-name --inherit collection-name --create-all
Backbone works with view definitions, to create one use this command. It is recommended to use Marionette views instead of the standard Backbone view
$ yo marionette:view view-name
Create a Marionette ItemView and link to an existing template at location templates/[template-location]
$ yo marionette:itemview view-name
You may want to inherit from another itemview
$ yo marionette:itemview view-name --inherit view-name
Or maybe you want to create both, itemView and template on one step
$ yo marionette:itemview view-name --create-all
Create a Marionette CollectionView that is associated to an existing itemview
$ yo marionette:collectionview view-name --itemview itemview-name
Or inherit from another collectionview
$ yo marionette:collectionview view-name --itemview itemview-name --inherit view-name
Or maybe you want to create both, itemview (with template) and collectionview.
$ yo marionette:collectionview view-name --itemview itemview-name --create-all
Create a Marionette CompositeView
$ yo marionette:compositeview view-name --itemview itemview-name
Or inherit from another CompositeView
$ yo marionette:compositeview view-name --itemview itemview-name --inherit view-name
Or maybe you want to create all, itemview and compositeview and both templates.
$ yo marionette:compositeview view-name --itemview itemview-name --create-all
Create a Marionette Region
$ yo marionette:region region-name
Or inherit from another Region
$ yo marionette:region region-name --inherit region-name
Create a Marionette Layout and link to an existing template at location templates/[template-location]
$ yo marionette:layout layout-name
Or inherit from another layout
$ yo marionette:layout layout-name --inherit layout-name
Or maybe you want to create both, Layout and template on one step
$ yo marionette:layout layout-name --create-all
Create a Marionette Controller
$ yo marionette:controller controller-name
Or inherit from another Controller
$ yo marionette:controller controller-name --inherit controller-name
Create a handle bars tmpl
$ yo marionette:tmpl tmpl-name --tmplLocation tmpl-location
Default test framework for this generator is mocha
- Build a module generator
- Auto generate failing unit tests
- Create generator unit tests