A beautiful portfolio Jekyll theme that works with GitHub Pages.
© 2019 portfolYOU, licensed under the MIT License.
- Clone or Download this repo.
- Delete unnecessary files and folders:
- docs/
- Change the configuration options in
depending on your needs. - Modify
's front matter to add projects. - Add
directory to add a new article. - Modify
's front matter to add skills or items to the timeline, modify the markdown body to write your bio. - Set up portfolYOU locally or publish it to GitHub Pages.
portfolYOU's sections are independent, you can remove any section upon your needs. Here's a list of the files and folders needed by each section:
Projects | Articles | About |
pages/projects.html | pages/articles.html | pages/about.md |
_sass/projects.scss ¹ | _sass/_articles.scss ¹ | _sass/_skills.scss ¹ |
assets/js/card_animation.js ² | _layouts/post.html | _sass/_timeline.scss ¹ |
_posts ³ | _layouts/about.html | |
_includes/skills-others.html | ||
_includes/skills-programming.html | ||
_includes/timeline.html |
¹ remove reference from
² remove reference from
³ remove permalink from
Dependency | Version |
Animate.css | v3.7.0 |
Bootstrap | v4.2.1 |
FontAwesome | v5.6.3 |
jQuery | v3.3.1 |
Popper.js | v1.14.6 |
wow.js | v1.1.2 |
- CSS3 Animated Skill Progress bar A pen by Shah Zobayer Ahmed.
- How to Create Bootstrap Card Hover Effect (jQuery) A video by Daily Tuition.
- Vertical Timeline (HTML-SCSS-CSS) A video by DevPen.