This package provides a ros-controller which implements Forward Dynamics Compliance Control (FDCC) on a set of joints.
It's essentially a hybrid of the CartesianMotionController
and the CartesianForceController
, and offers both interfaces for control.
- In a sourced terminal, run
roslaunch cartesian_controller_examples examples.launch
In another sourced terminal, open rqt and navigate to the Controller Manager plugin under Robot Tools. Select /controller_manager as namespace and activate my_cartesian_compliance_controller.
Publish a geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped to /target_wrench with force x = 10 and watch the robot move.
In rqt open the Dynamic Reconfigure plugin under Configuration. Play a little with the parameters of my_cartesian_compliance_controller (e.g. stiffness/trans_x) and observe the effect of the target_wrench in RViz.
In rqt in the Controller Manager, activate my_motion_control_handle.
Switch to the RViz window and tick the box Interactive Markers. Use the interactive marker to guide the end effector of the robot. Adjust the solver's parameters in Dynamic Reconfigure, such as
and get a feeling how it responds.
Below is an example entry for a controller specific configuration. Also see cartesian_controller_examples/config/example_controllers.yaml for further tips.
type: "position_controllers/CartesianComplianceController"
end_effector_link: "tool0"
robot_base_link: "base_link"
ft_sensor_ref_link: "sensor_link"
compliance_ref_link: "tool0"
target_frame_topic: "target_frame"
- joint1
- joint2
- joint3
- joint4
- joint5
- joint6
trans_x: 500
trans_y: 500
trans_z: 500
rot_x: 20
rot_y: 20
rot_z: 20
error_scale: 0.5
trans_x: {p: 0.05}
trans_y: {p: 0.05}
trans_z: {p: 0.05}
rot_x: {p: 1.50}
rot_y: {p: 1.50}
rot_z: {p: 1.50}
A minimal example can be found in cartesian_controller_examples of this meta package. Also check the top-level for further information.