A better way to reserve your meal in http://dining.sharif.edu/
If you want to setup the bot on your own server follow these instructions.
This script was tested on Ubuntu 18.04
If you don't have nodeJS installed, take a look at this link:
Checkout this link for setup instructions:
pyTelegramBotAPI is used to connect with the servers of Telegram, issue this commend to install it on your system:
pip2 install pyTelegramBotAPI
if you don't have pip installed, checkout this link.
pip2 install emoji
Issue this command to get the script:
git clone https://github.com/onajafi/SweetCookie.git
In Telegram create your bot using BotFather.
After getting your bots TOKEN, copy it and open
the inits.py
file, then paste the token
instead of <###THE BOTS TOKEN###>
set the feedBack_target_chat
variable a chat ID you like the feedbacks to be forwarded to,
otherwise, just write 0.
Now you can run the script:
cd SweetCookie/
python sweetcookie.py
Run the code on the back ground so it will keep running on the server while your logged off:
python sweetcookie.py &