- Download Qt 5.4+ http://qt-project.org/downloads
- Run the setup wizard and install to a known location which we'll call
- Grab a copy of the QScintilla libs http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/qscintilla/download and untar into a known location which we'll call
(current version is QScintilla-gpl-2.9) - Install SuperCollider 3.6 from http://supercollider.github.io/download.html
- Download SuperCollider extensions from http://sourceforge.net/projects/sc3-plugins/files/OSX_3.6/SC3ExtPlugins-universal.dmg/download and install as per the included README.txt file
- Grab a copy of Sonic Pi's source to a known location (which we'll call
)cd /path/to/sonic-pi/root/
git clone git://github.com/samaaron/sonic-pi.git
- Provide a Ruby version for Sonic Pi to use
- The Qt app expects Ruby to exist at a certain path. We can use a symlink to provide an appropriate Ruby Version
cd /path/to/sonic-pi/root/
mkdir -p app/server/native/osx/ruby/bin
- link the ruby version into place:
ln -s `which ruby` app/server/native/osx/ruby/bin/ruby
- Provide a SuperCollider scsynth for Sonic Pi to use
- The Qt app expects scsynth to exist at a certain path. We can also use a symlink here.
cd /path/to/sonic-pi/root/
cd app/server/native/osx/
ln -s /Applications/SuperCollider.app/Contents/Resources/scsynth .
Sonic Pi uses some ruby libraries which have native extensions. We need to compile these with the provided script:
cd /path/to/sonic-pi/root/
cd app/server/bin
../native/osx/ruby/bin/ruby compile-extensions.rb
This will take some time. Ignore the warnings.
- Build QScintilla:
cd /path/to/qscintilla/Qt4Qt5
- generate makefile:
/path/to/qt/5.4/clang_64/bin/qmake qscintilla.pro
- Add the following to SonicPi.pro:
LIBS += -L /path/to/qscintilla/Qt4Qt5/ -lqscintilla2
INCLUDEPATH += /path/to/qscintilla/Qt4Qt5/
DEPENDPATH += /path/to/qscintilla/Qt4Qt5/
- Modify top of mac-build-app appropriately i.e.
- Build QScintilla:
cd /path/to/qscintilla/Qt4Qt5
- Add the following to
QMAKE_MAC_SDK = macosx10.11 - generate makefile:
/path/to/qt/5.4/clang_64/bin/qmake qscintilla.pro
- update the dylib inner path part 1:
install_name_tool -id "/path/to/qscintilla/Qt4Qt5/libqscintilla2.12.dylib" /path/to/qscintilla/Qt4Qt5/libqscintilla2.12.dylib
- update the dylib inner path part 2:
install_name_tool -change "libqscintilla2.12.dylib" "/path/to/qscintilla/Qt4Qt5/libqscintilla2.12.dylib" /path/to/qscintilla/Qt4Qt5/libqscintilla2.12.dylib
- Add the following to SonicPi.pro
LIBS += -L /path/to/qscintilla/Qt4Qt5/ -lqscintilla2
INCLUDEPATH += /path/to/qscintilla/Qt4Qt5/
DEPENDPATH += /path/to/qscintilla/Qt4Qt5/
- Add the following to SonicPi.pro
QMAKE_MAC_SDK = macosx10.11
- Modify top of mac-build-app appropriately i.e.
Finally, we need to build the OS X App
cd /path/to/sonic-pi/root/
cd app/gui/qt
- App should be in
dir which you can either launch via Finder or via the following from theqt
dir: ./build/Sonic\ Pi.app/Contents/MacOS/Sonic\ Pi
Sonic Pi should now boot successfully.