This repository contains the solution to the first programming assignment of the Reproducible Research course. The repository has been created by clonning @rdpeng/RepData_PeerAssessment1.git The original file has been renamed to Following is a brief description of the files in this repository:
- - this file
- - the assignment specification (original
- PA1_template.Rmd - RMarkdown document containing the assignment solution
- - file generated by knit2html("PA1_template.Rmd") command
- PA1_template.html - file generated by knit2html("PA1_template.Rmd") command
- figure/activity_histogram1.png - first required plot - the histogram of daily activity from the data set after removing the rows with missing values (the "figure" folder and the "PNG" graphics file have been created automatically by knit2html() function)
- figure/activity_timeseries1.png - second required plot of the assignment - the timeseries plot of the average interval (intraday) activity from the data set after removing the rows with missing values
- figure/activity_histogram2.png - third required plot of the assignment - the histogram of daily activity from the data set including the sinthesized "steps" values
- figure/activity_timeseries2.png - second required plot of the assignment - the timeseries plot of the average interval (intraday) activity from the data set including the synthesized data for the missing values
- doc - folder from the original repository
- instructions_fig - folder from the original repository
The PA1_template.Rmd document contains the entire set of R commands used in the analysis. In order to process the PA1_template.Rmd on your local machine you have to do the following:
- download PA1_template.Rmd file in your R working directory
- download activity.csv file in the same directory
- at R/RStudio promt load the "knitr" library -
- execute
No other packages are required for the analysis (other than knitr for RMardown processing). The plots have been generated using the R base plotting system.