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PyPartMC is a Python interface to PartMC, a particle-resolved Monte-Carlo code for atmospheric aerosol simulation. PyPartMC is implemented in C++ and it also constitutes a C++ API to the PartMC Fortran internals. The Python API can facilitate using PartMC from other environments - see, e.g., Julia example below.

US Funding License: GPL v3 Copyright Maintenance Github Actions Build Status API docs

TL;DR (try in a Jupyter notebook)

Python 3 Linux OK macOS OK Windows OK Jupyter

! pip install PyPartMC
import PyPartMC

Jupyter notebooks with examples

  • Dry-Wet Particle Size Equilibration with PartMC and PySDM:
    nbviewer Open In Colab Binder Voila


  • works on Linux, macOS and Windows (compatibility assured with CI builds)
  • hassle-free installation using pip (prior PartMC installation not needed)
  • works out of the box on, Google Colab and alike
  • ships with a set of examples maintained in a form of Jupyter notebooks
  • Pythonic API (but retaining PartMC jargon) incl. Python GC deallocation of Fortran objects
  • specification of parameters using native Python datatypes (lists, dicts) in place of PartMC spec files
  • code snippets in README depicting how to use PyPartMC from Julia (also executed on CI)
  • auto-generated API docs on the web
  • support for [de]serialization of selected wrapped structures using JSON
  • based on unmodified PartMC code
  • does not use or require shell or netCDF Fortran library
  • aiming at 100% unit test coverage

Usage examples

example object instantiation in Python

import PyPartMC as ppmc
gas_data = ppmc.GasData(("H2SO4", "HNO3", "HCl", "NH3", "NO", "NO2"))

example object instantiation in Julia

using Pkg

using PyCall
ppmc = pyimport("PyPartMC")
gas_data = ppmc.GasData(("H2SO4", "HNO3", "HCl", "NH3", "NO", "NO2"))

Jupyter notebooks with examples

See the PyPartMC-examples project.

usage in other projects

PyPartMC is used within the test workflow of the PySDM project.

Implementation outline

  • PyPartMC is written in C++, Fortran and uses pybind11 and CMake.
  • JSON support is handled with nlohmann::json and pybind11_json
  • PartMC and selected parts of SUNDIALS are statically linked (and compiled in during pip install or python -m build)
  • C (SUNDIALS), C++ (pybind11, ...) and Fortran (PartMC, CAMP) dependencies are linked through git submodules
  • MOSAIC dependency is optionally linked through setting the environmental variable MOSAIC_HOME
  • a mock of Fortran netCDF API and a mock of PartMC spec file API are used for i/o from/to JSON


Common installation issues

error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'cmake'

Try rerunning after installing CMake (e.g., apt-get install cmake or brew install cmake)

No CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER could be found.

Try installing a Fortran compiler (e.g., brew reinstall gcc)

Notes for developers

How to debug

git clone --recursive git+
cd PyPartMC
DEBUG=1 VERBOSE=1 pip --verbose install -e .
gdb python 
(gdb) run -m pytest -s -vv -We -p no:unraisableexception tests

Pre-commit hooks

PyPartMC codebase benefits from Pylint, Black and isort code analysis (which are all part of the CI workflows where we also use pre-commit hooks. The pre-commit hooks can be run locally, and then the resultant changes need to be staged before committing. To set up the hooks locally, install pre-commit via pip install pre-commit and set up the git hooks via pre-commit install (this needs to be done every time you clone the project). To run all pre-commit hooks, run pre-commit run --all-files. The .pre-commit-config.yaml file can be modified in case new hooks are to be added or existing ones need to be altered.



authors: PyPartMC developers
funding: US Department of Energy Atmospheric System Research programme
copyright: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
licence: GPL v3


authors: Nicole Riemer, Matthew West, Jeff Curtis et al.
licence: GPL v2 or later