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	The WRF utility, mozbc, a single cpu code,  maps species concentrations
        from Mozart datasets to WRF concentrations for initial condition and
        boundary condition datasets.  The utility is setup for Mozart species
        concentrations to be in volume mixing ratio and WRF species concentrations
        to be either part per million, ppm, volume mixing ratio or part per
        billion , ppb, mass mixing ratio depending on whether the WRF species is
	gas phase or aerosol.  The mozbc utility allows for a versatile mapping
        from each WRF species to the Mozart species including multiple Mozart
        species per single WRF species with :

	(a) an individual weight factor per Mozart species
	(b) an overall conversion factor per WRF species

	Mozbc reads a namelist input file that specifies all aspects
	of the mapping from Mozart to WRF and checks key namelist control
	variables for validity.  Below is a complete listing of all namelist
	control variables.

	Before invoking mozbc you must have a WRF initial condition file
	per WRF domain and/or a WRF boundary condition file for the first WRF
        domain.  Standard WRF initial condition files are denoted :


	where <nn> represents the domain number in two digit,integer format

	Thus the standard initial condition file for WRF domain number
	1 is :


	Similarly the standard WRF boundary condition file is denoted :


	The WRF initial condition files will contain species concentrations
	for one time point; the simulation start time.  The WRF boundary
	condition file will contain concentrations for two or more time points.
        In fact the boundary condition file must cover the entire WRF simulation
        time span.

	The Mozart datasets are interpolated in space; bilinearly in longitude,
	longitude and linearly in pressure.  However, the Mozart datasets are
	NOT temporally interpolated.  If a Mozart dataset with a time matching
	the WRF time can not be found then mozbc error halts.

	Building mozbc
        ======== =====

	In the mozbc source code directory issue the command :


	That's it.  The make_mozbc script is presently setup to compile
	on either Linux or AIX systems using the Portland Group Fortan90
	compile, pgf90, on Linux system or the xlf90 compiler on IBM
	AIX systems.  If you need to use another compiler such as the Intel
	Fortran90 compiler, ifort, you can set the environment variable


	before invoking make_mozbc.  As an example you would issue
	the command :

	export FC=ifort 

	in the sh, bash, or ksh Linux shells or

	setenv FC ifort

	in the csh or tcsh shells.  Presently the make_mozbc utility recognizes
        the following FC settings :

        pgf90                 (PGI)
        gfortran              (GNU)
        ifort                 (Intel)
        lf95                  (Lahey)
        xlf90                 (IBM)

	The mozbc utility requires the netcdf library and make_mozbc
	will attempt to locate the libnetcdf.a library.  However, this is
	not a foolproof process and thus you may need to set the environment variable

	to the directory containing the file lib/libnetcdf.a.  As an example
        in the ksh shell, if you issued the command :

	export NETCDF_DIR=/usr/local/netcdf-3.6.2

	then make_mozbc would look for the file libnetcdf.a in the
	directory /usr/local/netcdf-3.6.2/lib (make_mozbc automatically
	appends the /lib string to the NETCDF_DIR string.

        If you require assistance with compiler and/or netcdf issues send email to :

	[email protected]

	Namelist control variables
        ======== ======= =========

	Variable name             Variable type                                   default value
	-------- ----             -------- ----                                   ------- -----

        do_bc                     logical,scalar                                  .false. 
        do_ic                     logical,scalar                                  .false. 
        dir_wrf                   character(len=100),scalar                       (None)
        dir_moz                   character(len=100),scalar                       (None)
        fn_moz                    character(len=100),scalar                       (None)
        spc_map                   character(len=164),array                        (None)

        domain                    integer,scalar                                   1
	bdy_cond_file_prefix      character(len=100),scalar                        'wrfbdy'
	init_cond_file_prefix     character(len=100),scalar                        'wrfinput'
	moz_var_suffix            character,scalar                                 '_VMR_inst'
	met_file_prefix           character,scalar                                 'met_em'
	met_file_suffix           character,scalar                                 '.nc'
	met_file_separator        character(len=1),scalar                          '.'
	surf_press_name           character,scalar                                'PSFC'
	def_missing_var           logical,scalar                                   .false.

	Of the first six namelist variables either do_bc and/or do_ic must be set to
	.true. or mozbc will do nothing.  If either do_bc and/or do_ic are .true. then
	the next four of the first six variables must be set or mozbc will error halt.

	None of the remaining namelist variables need be set and often are not as the
	defaults cover most situations.

        Namelist variable notes
	======== ======== =====

	do_bc, do_ic

	  Controls whether or not WRF initial(do_ic) and/or boundary(do_bc) conditions
	  are set from Mozart input.  You may have one or both do_ic, do_bc set to
	  .true. .  Remember, per domain, WRF initial and boundary condition files,
          defaulting to wrfinput_d<nn> and wrfbdy_<nn>, must be present in the directory
	  defined by the dir_wrf namelist variable.


	  Specifies the directory where mozbc expects to find all WRF datasets which
	  include the initial and boundary condition files for each domain and the
	  WRF meterological files whose file name is specified by the met_file_...
	  namelist variables.  Note that dir_wrf must end with a "/" as in :



	  Specifies the directory where mozbc expects to find all Mozart datasets.
          Again dir_moz must end with a "/" as in :



	  Specifies the initial mozart data filename in the dir_moz directory.
	  Mozbc will attemp to find the first WRF time, either from the WRF
	  initial or boundary condition file, in the file fn_moz.  If mozbc
	  can not find an exact match for the WRF time then mozbc will error halt.
	  fn_moz must be of the form :


	  where :

          prefix is any set of legal filename characters that is fixed for
          all Mozart datafiles such as "h"

          <nnn> represents any string of integer digits that comprise a valid
          fortran interger such as "0001"

	  Thus the following is a valid fn_moz specification :

	  Note that if need be mozbc will increment the fn_moz filename to look for
	  matching times once the end of the fn_moz file has been reached.


	  Specifies the mapping between WRF and Mozart variables.
	  src_map is a character array of size 500.  If you enter more 500
	  variables there is no error halt but only the first 500 will be
	  mapped.  Each entry in the is of the form :

	  <WRF_variable> -> multiplier * <Mozart_variable> + multiplier * <Mozart_variable> ; conversion_factor


	  <WRF_variable> = specified_value


	  <WRF_variable> is the exact name of the WRF variable as it appears in the intial
          and/or boundary condition files.

	  multiplier is any legal,positive fortran real or integer number.  multiplier defaults
          to 1. and may vary from Mozart variable to Mozart variable.

	  <Mozart_variable> is the exact name prefix for a variable in the Mozart datasets.
          The moz_var_suffix will be attached to each Mozart variable.  You may have any
	  number of Mozart variables per each WRF variable.

	  conversion factor is an optional mapping factor that is applied to the sum of the
	  weighted Mozart variables making up the WRF variable.  It must be a valid fortran
	  real or integer number.  For gas phase WRF species conversion_factor defaults to
	  1.e6.  For WRF aerosol species the default conversion_factor is 1.

	  specified_value is any legal,positive fortran real or integer number.  
	  Please note that the delimiter "=" is used to separate the WRF species
          from the numeric value whereas the "->" delimiter is used for WRF species
	  whose values will be formed by interpolating Mozart variable(s).  The value
	  denoted by specified_value will be assigned to the WRF initial, boundary
	  condition at all spatial points.  Furthermore, in the case for boundary
          conditions the specified_value will be assigned at all WRF times.

	  Individual entries in the src_map namelist variable are separated by commas and
          each entry must fit on a single line in the input file.  Each src_map entry is limited
          to 164 characters.

	  The following are three examples of src_map specification; as such they are each only
	  for one WRF variable.

	  spc_map = 'o3 -> O3'

	  map the Mozart variable O3_VMR_inst to the WRF variable o3 presuming the default
          spc_map = 'o3->O3','o -> .75 * O1D + .25 * O1S'

	  map as in the prior example and add a weighted combination of Mozart variables O1D
          and O1S to set WRF variable o.

          spc_map = 'ch4 = .034'

	  set the WRF variable ch4 initial condition or boundary condition to .034 ppm at all
          spatial points.

	  Specifies the total number of WRF domains.  Defaults to 1.  Remember if for instance
	  you set :

	  domain = 2

	  Then with standard prefixes mozbc will expect to find files :

	  wrfinput_d01, wrfinput_d02 and/or wrfbdy_d01, wrfbdy_d02 in the dir_wrf directory
          depending on the do_bc, do_ic settings.

	  Specifies the prefix string for the WRF boundary condition files.  All such files
	  are of the form bdy_cond_file_prefix_d<nn>.  Defaults to wrfbdy.


	  Specifies the prefix string for the WRF initial condition files.  All such files
	  are of the form init_cond_file_prefix_d<nn>.  Defaults to wrfinput.


	  Specifies the suffix string for all Mozart variables.  Defaults to "_VMR_inst".
	  A common variation is :

	  moz_var_suffix = '_VMR_AVRG'


	  Specifies the prefix string for the WRF meterological files.  WRF meterological
	  files have the standard naming convention of :


	  for em_real simulations where <nn> is as before a two digit integer and <date>
          is a WRF date format yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm:ss wherein

	  yyyy = four digit year
          mm   = two  digit month of year
          dd   = two  digit day of month
          hh   = two  digit hour of day
          mm   = two  digit minutes of hour
          ss   = two  digit seconds of minute

	  The default setting for met_file_prefix is "met_em".


	  Specifies the suffix string for the WRF meterological files.  The default value is


	  Specifies the separator character for the WRF meterological files.  The default value is
          ".".  This character separates the met_file_prefix, d<nn>, <date>, and met_file_suffix
	  components in the met file filename.


	  Specifies the name of the surface pressure variable in the WRF meterological files.
          Defaults to "PSFC".


	  Specifies whether or not to add a WRF variable specified in the spc_map input if
	  the WRF initial and/or boundary condition files do NOT have the indicated variable.
	  As an example, if in the above example for spc_map the WRF variable o3 does not
	  exist in the WRF initial condition file and do_ic == .true. then mozbc will add
	  the variable o3 to the WRF initial condition file and do the interpolation from
	  the Mozart dataset to the WRF variable.

	Running mozbc
        ======= =====

	To run mozbc issue the command:

	mozbc < mozbc.inp > mozbc.out

        (Redirected input is required. Redirected output to mozbc.out is optional.
         The mozbc.inp and mozbc.out filenames are for illustration only; you
         may use any valid filename in place of mozbc.inp, mozbc.out)