Eclipse/FreeRTOS/core-v-mcu example program
core-v-mcu-cli-test depends on core-v-mcu-sdk, thus the preferred installation sequence is to install core-v-mcu-sdk first, and then core-v-mcu-cli-test.
Core-v-mcu-sdk generates a library file that is used by the cli-test app.
Start Eclipse Embedded IDE and target a new workspace. The Eclipse start page will list a number of options:
1 Select 'Checkout projects from Git' 2 On the 'Select Repository Source' wondow, select 'Clone URL' 3 On the 'Source Git Repository' window paste in the repo name '' 4 On the 'Branch Selection' window select the 'main' branch 5 On the 'Local Destination' window accept the default path '/...../git/core-v-mcu-sdk' 6 On the 'Select a wizard to use for importing projects' window select 'Import existing Eclipse projects' 7 On the 'Import projects' window accept the default by clicking finish
Next you have to install the core-v-mcu-cli-test project
1 Select 'File>Import...' 2 Select 'Git>Projects from Git' 3 On the 'Select Repository Source' wondow, select 'Clone URL' 4 On the 'Source Git Repository' window paste in the repo name '' 5 On the 'Branch Selection' window select the 'main' branch 6 On the 'Local Destination' window accept the default path '/...../git/core-v-mcu-sdk' 7 On the 'Select a wizard to use for importing projects' window select 'Import existing Eclipse projects' 8 On the 'Import projects' window accept the default by clicking finish
You should now see the cli-test project and the sdk project in the explorer window. The final step is to import the launch configurations"
1 Select 'File>Import...' 2 Select 'Run/Debug>Launch Configuration' 3 On the 'From Directory' window, browser to '/...../git/core-v-mcu-cli-test/launch' and open 4 Select and import all
First, buiild the SDK project Second, build the cli-test project Finally, run the cli-test project