This guide shows how to implement MediaPipe graph using OVMS. It is using a sequence of models:
input_stream: "in1"
input_stream: "in2"
output_stream: "out"
node {
calculator: "OpenVINOModelServerSessionCalculator"
output_side_packet: "SESSION:dummy"
node_options: {
[ / mediapipe.OpenVINOModelServerSessionCalculatorOptions]: {
servable_name: "dummy"
servable_version: "1"
node {
calculator: "OpenVINOModelServerSessionCalculator"
output_side_packet: "SESSION:add"
node_options: {
[ / mediapipe.OpenVINOModelServerSessionCalculatorOptions]: {
servable_name: "add"
servable_version: "1"
node {
calculator: "OpenVINOInferenceCalculator"
input_side_packet: "SESSION:dummy"
input_stream: "DUMMY_IN:in1"
output_stream: "DUMMY_OUT:dummy_output"
node_options: {
[ / mediapipe.OpenVINOInferenceCalculatorOptions]: {
tag_to_input_tensor_names {
key: "DUMMY_IN"
value: "b"
tag_to_output_tensor_names {
key: "DUMMY_OUT"
value: "a"
node {
calculator: "OpenVINOInferenceCalculator"
input_side_packet: "SESSION:add"
input_stream: "ADD_INPUT1:dummy_output"
input_stream: "ADD_INPUT2:in2"
output_stream: "SUM:out"
node_options: {
[ / mediapipe.OpenVINOInferenceCalculatorOptions]: {
tag_to_input_tensor_names {
key: "ADD_INPUT1"
value: "input1"
tag_to_input_tensor_names {
key: "ADD_INPUT2"
value: "input2"
tag_to_output_tensor_names {
key: "SUM"
value: "sum"
Model preparation: Python 3.9 or higher with pip
Model Server deployment: Installed Docker Engine or OVMS binary package according to the baremetal deployment guide
Clone the repository and enter mediapipe image_classification directory
git clone
cd model_server/demos/mediapipe/multi_model_graph
cp -r ../../../src/test/add_two_inputs_model ./dummyAdd/
cp -r ../../../src/test/dummy ./dummyAdd/
xcopy /s /e /q /y ..\..\..\src\test\add_two_inputs_model .\dummyAdd\add_two_inputs_model\
xcopy /s /e /q /y ..\..\..\src\test\dummy .\dummyAdd\dummy\
:::{dropdown} Deploying with Docker Prepare virtualenv according to kserve samples readme
docker run -d -v $PWD:/mediapipe -p 9000:9000 openvino/model_server:latest --config_path /mediapipe/config.json --port 9000
::: :::{dropdown} Deploying on Bare Metal Assuming you have unpacked model server package, make sure to:
- On Windows: run
script - On Linux: set
environment variables
as mentioned in deployment guide, in every new shell that will start OpenVINO Model Server.
ovms --config_path config.json --port 9000
python --grpc_port 9000
[[ 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19. 21.]]