This document describes windows development and compilation guide for ovms.exe binary. This instruction was tested on Windows 11 and Windows 10 OS.
- cloud storage for the models - to be added in next releases
- C-API interface - to be added in next releases
- DAG pipelines - legacy feature
Following the steps below requires 40GB of free disk space.
Install build tools for VS:
Mark required options for installation:
- C++ Desktop development with C++
- Windows 11 SDK (10.0.26210.0)
- MSVC v143 CPP - VS 2022 C++ platform toolset.
- C++ CMake tools for Windows platform toolset.
- MSVC v142 CPP - VS 2022 C++ platform toolset.
- Optional Windows 11 SDK (10.0.26100.0) for Windows 10 compilation
Set Execution Policy to RemoteSigned
Open PowerShell as an administrator: Right-click on the Start button and select “Windows PowerShell (Admin)”.
Run the command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force
Follow instructions in the link below:
Press Windows Start and run the cmd.exe terminal as Administrator. Run commands in this prompt is not stated otherwise.
is required to complete this step. If you don't have it on your system, download it from and install before you continue. Run below commands in terminal to clone model server repository:
mkdir C:\git
cd C:\git\
git clone
cd model_server
Run windows_install_build_dependencies.bat This will install around 3.3 GB dependencies in the c:\opt directory:
- wet.exe, msys2 tools, Openvinotoolkit, OpenCL headers, BoringSSL, bazel, Python 3.11.9, OpenCV
If error occurs during the script execution, please fix the error and rerun the script.
[WARNING] This step consumes 11GB of disk space. It can take up to 1h depending on host CPU and internet connection speed.
The script compiles ovms_test binary, downloads and converts test LLM models (src\tests\llm_testing) and installs Python torch and optimum.
This step prepares deployment package from the build artifacts in the dist\windows\ directory. Run this script after successful compilation.
You can follow the baremetal deployment guide for information how to deploy and use the package.
For building ovms.exe and running ovms_test.exe with manual bazel commands you must setup proper environment variables. Run the batch script in new "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022" terminal:
cd c:\git\model_server
Rebuild unit tests:
bazel --output_user_root=c:\opt build --config=windows --action_env OpenVINO_DIR=c:\opt\genai/runtime/cmake --jobs=%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% --verbose_failures //src:ovms_test 2>&1 | tee win_build_test.log
Download LLMs
%cd%\windows_prepare_llm_models.bat %cd%\src\test\llm_testing
Change tests configs to windows:
Run specific unit tests by setting gtest_filter:
%cd%\bazel-bin\src\ovms_test.exe --gtest_filter=* 2>&1 | tee win_full_test.log