Want to learn or explore Java instantly without setup ?
Do you like Java but uses python, groovy, kotlin or similar languages for your scripts ?
Ever tried out Java 10+ support for running .java
files directly in your shell but felt it was a bit too cumbersome ?
Then try jbang
which lets you do this:
$ jbang --init=cli hello.java
$ jbang hello.java Max!
[jbang] Resolving dependencies...
[jbang] Resolving info.picocli:picocli:4.1.4...Done
[jbang] Dependencies resolved
[jbang] Building jar...
Hello Max!
$ jbang hello.java -h
Usage: hello [-hV] <greeting>
hello made with jbang
<greeting> The greeting to print
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
Instant cli app generated built using java and picocli as a dependency that was fetched as needed for the compilation and execution.
Scripting for Java 8 and upwards -
via JShell from Java 9 and upwards -
Works on [windows] Windows, [apple] OSX and [linux] Linux
Install using SDKMan ([apple]/[linux]), Homebrew ([apple]) or Chocolatey ([windows])
Dependency declarations using
//DEPS <gav>
for automatic dependency resolution -
Control compile and runtime options with
and//JAVA_OPTIONS <flags>
Compiled jar and Dependency resolution caching
Launch with debug enabled for instant debugging from your favorite IDE
Init templates to get started easily (
jbang --init=cli hello.java
) -
Generate gradle and IDE config with dependencies for easy editing in your favorite IDE (
jbang --edit myfile.java
) -
(PLANNED) Lookup dependencies with a short-hand name, i.e.
// DEPS log4j:1.2+,picocli
for quick getting started.
To use it simply install jbang
and run jbang yourscript.java
Minimum Java 8, Recommended: Java 11+
Tested and verified to use on OSX, Linux and Windows.
To use jbang
you as a minimum need to have Java 8 available, we though recommend Java 11 or higher.
To install both java and jbang
we recommend sdkman on Linux and OSX.
curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash # (1)
source ~/.bash_profile # (2)
sdk install java # (3)
Once Java is installed and ready, you install jbang
sdk install jbang
To test your installation run:
jbang --help
This should print out usage information.
To update run:
sdk update jbang
On Windows you can install both java
and jbang` with Chocolatey.
From a command prompt with enough rights to install with choco:
choco install jdk11
Once Java in installed run:
choco install jbang
To upgrade to latest version:
choco upgrade jbang
The latest package will be published to jbang choco package page, it might be a bit delayed as the review is still manual. In case the default version is not the latest you can see the version list and install specific version using:
choco install jbang --version=<version number>
On Windows you can also install jbang` with Scoop.
scoop bucket add maxandersen https://github.com/scoop-bucket
scoop install jbang
To upgrade to latest version:
scoop update jbang
On OSX you can install 'java' and jbang
with Homebrew using custom taps.
To install Java 11:
brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk
brew cask install adoptopenjdk11
Once Java is installed you can use brew with maxandersen/tap to get jbang
brew install maxandersen/tap/jbang
To upgrade to latest version:
brew upgrade maxandersen/tap/jbang
Unzip the latest binary release, put the jbang-<version>/bin
folder in to your $PATH
and you are set.
A script is just a single .java
file with a classic static main method or a .jsh
file which will be passed to jshell
Below is an (almost) minimal example you can save in helloworld.java
or simply run jbang --init hellworld.java
//usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $? // (1)
class helloworld { // (2)
public static void main(String[] args) {
if(args.length==0) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
} else {
System.out.println("Hello " + args[0]);
By using this
style instead of shebang#!
you trickbash
etc. to run this as a script while still being valid java code. -
A classname, can be anything when using
but to be valid java for most IDE’s you’ll want to name it the same as the source file.
Now to run this you can call it via jbang
jbang helloworld.java
or if on Linux/OSX run it directly. If you created it manually you need to mark it as executable before running it.
chmod +x helloworld.java
./helloworld jbang!
You can use http(s):/
and file:/
url’s for input too:
jbang https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maxandersen/jbang/master/examples/helloworld.java
There are support to run .jsh
via jshell
. The advantage of jshell
is that you do not need to have a class or static main method.
Classic jshell
does not support passing in arguments, jbang
In the case of .jsh
files jbang
injects a startup script that declares a String[] args
which will contain any passed in arguments.
System.out.println("Hello " + (args.length>0?args[0]:"World")); // (1)
/exit // (2)
Line where
are accessible without previous declaration. -
is so the jshell app will exit. If you remove itjbang
will launch into inter-active mode.
To get started you can run jbang --init helloworld.java
and a simple java class with a static main is generated.
Using jbang --init=cli helloworld.java
you get a more complete Hello World CLI using picocli as dependencies.
If you want to write real scripts you will want to use some java libraries.
To specify dependencies you use gradle-style locators. Below are examples for log4j
//usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $?
//DEPS log4j:log4j:1.2.17 (1)
import static java.lang.System.out;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import java.util.Arrays;
class classpath_example {
static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(classpath_example.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
BasicConfigurator.configure(); // (2)
logger.info("Welcome to jbang");
Arrays.asList(args).forEach(arg -> logger.warn("arg: " + arg));
logger.info("Hello from Java!");
//DEPS has to be start of line and can be one or more space separated dependencies.
Minimal logging setup - required by log4j.
Now when you run this the first time with no existing dependencies installed you should get an output like this:
$ ./classpath_example.java
[jbang] Resolving dependencies...
[jbang] Resolving log4j:log4j:1.2.17...Done
[jbang] Dependencies resolved
0 [main] INFO classpath_example - Welcome to jbang
1 [main] INFO classpath_example - Hello from Java!
There is also support for using Groovy lang style @Grab
//usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $?
import static java.lang.System.out;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import java.util.Arrays;
import groovy.lang.Grab; // (1)
import groovy.lang.Grapes;
@Grapes({ // (2)
@Grab(group="org.codehaus.groovy", module="groovy", version="2.5.8"), // (3)
@Grab(module = "log4j", group = "log4j", version = "1.2.17")
class classpath_example {
static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(classpath_example.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Arrays.asList(args).forEach(arg -> out.println(arg));
Import needed to make the compiler be okey with
annotation. -
In Groovy you normally put
on import statements. That is not allowed in Java thus when having multiple imports you need to put them in a@Grapes
annotation first. -
will grab any@Grab
annotation and assume it is declaring dependencies.
You can edit your script in your IDE by using jbang --edit helloworld.java
. This will generate a project in a temporary location with symbolic links to your script
and output the generated folder name. The easiest way to use that is to use it in a call to your IDE:
code `jbang --edit helloworld.java`
If you add additional dependencies to your file just re-run the edit command and the relevant files will be regenerated with the updated dependencies.
On Windows you might need elevated priviliges to create symbolic links. If you don’t have permissions then
the --edit option will result in an error. To use it enable symbolic links for your user or run your shell/terminal as administrator
to have this feature working.
The --edit
feature been tested with the following IDE’s:
The --edit
feature works with various IDE’s - it generates a build.gradle
to use with IDE’s that understands Gradle directly.
For speed and consistency jbang
also generates IDE specific settings.
Currently launchers and project files are generated for Eclipse and vscode. Intellij just reads build.gradle
for now thus
to run/debug you will need to manually set it up.
When running .java
scripts with jbang
you can pass the --debug
-flag and the script will enable debug,
suspend the execution and wait until you connect a debugger to port 4004.
jbang --debug helloworld.java
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 4004
You can change the debug port by passing in a number to the debug argument, i.e. --debug=4321
Be sure to put a breakpoint in your IDE/debugger before you connect to make the debugger actually stop when you need it. |
If you want to tweak memory settings or enable preview features you can setup the necessary options using
as in the following example using Java 14 experimental record
//usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $?
//JAVAC_OPTIONS --enable-preview -source 14 (1)
//JAVA_OPTIONS --enable-preview // (2)
import static java.lang.System.*;
public class records {
record Point(int x, int y) {}
public static void main(String[] args) {
var p = new Point(2,4);
Since Java 9 JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS and JDK_JAVAC_OPTIONS are also picked up by the Java runtime and compiler automatically.
For Java 8 and if you want to set explicilty only for jbang
you can also add flags by setting JBANG_JAVA_OPTIONS
environment variable is set that will be used over what is in the path.
Allows you to expliclity control what JDK you are using for jbang
, i.e.
JAVA_HOME=~/sdkman/candidates/java/14.ea.302-open/bin/java jbang examples/records.java
This will use Java 14 from sdkman no matter what your PATH
contains in the shell environment.
If you are using bash or zsh in your terminal you can get auto-completion by running the following:
source <(jbang --completion)
In previous versions of jbang
Java 10+ direct launch of .java
was used, but since v0.6 jbang
works with Java 8 and thus it
needs to do a separate compile step. Besides now working with Java 8 it also allow us to cache the compile step and thus
launch faster on consecutive runs.
The caching goes to ~/.jbang
by default, you can run jbang --clear-cache
to remove all cache data from this folder.
Why the name j’bang?
I was reading up on how to use the new shebang (#!) feature support in Java 10 and came up with the idea of port
to Java and needed a name. From there came j’bang which is a "bad" spelling of how shebang is pronounced in french. -
Why use of gradle resource locators rather than ?
kscript used it and its nice as it is a one-liner and easily parsable.
Why would I use Java to write scripts ? Java sucks for that… Use gradle, kotlin, scala, etc. instead!
Well, does it really suck ? With Java 8 streams, static imports and greatly improved standard java libraries it is very close to how kscript and grape looks like. With the following advantages:
works with plain Java without installing additional compiler/build tools
all IDE’s support editing .java files very well, content assist etc.
great debugging
And to be honest I built
just to see if I could and get my Java skills refreshed for the newer features in the language. Use it at your own risk :)
Why not use normal shebang(
) in the header ?You can use normal shebang (
#!/usr/bin/env jbang
) and Java 10+ will actually work with it from the command line. Not recommended though as many tools and especially IDE’s will start complaining about syntax errors as they don’t ignore the first line in this case.By using the
form it is treated as both a bash/shell file AND a valid java file and thus works everywhere a java file will work.Its worth noting that Go uses a similar approach which is also where I learned it from.
was heavily inspired by how kscript
by Holger Brand works.