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Phil Miller mr-pmillz
Black Hills Information Security - Security Analyst, Tester

Black Hills Information Security Black Hills, South Dakota

Gabriel Drouin gabrieldrouin
Software Developer Intern @ Flare Systems | CS Student @ USherbrooke

Flare Systems Sherbrooke, QC, Canada

Yerzhan Beisembay CubergDev
We are a Cuberg Development Team. Мы команда разработки Cuberg

Kostanay, Kazakhstan

k4sp3risme spoooky762
👻 Just Github's Resident Ghost 👻 I just like breaking things😑 🗡️ Owner Of Team: merkynet

Team M3rky right behind you

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

João Pedro akajhon
Bacharel em Ciências da Computação pela FEI. Engajado em Cybersegurança e Segurança da informação.

T-Systems do Brasil R. Baffin, 32 h - Chácara Inglesa, São Bernardo do Campo - SP, 09750-620

Mohammad BoAisha mboaisha
IT Security

Santander Consumer USA Dallas, TX

Ala Eddine Redjemi ndbrain
Self-Taught Computer Science Enthusiast

Algeria, Sidi bel abbes

Masthan Puli Pulimasthan25
Roses are #ff0000, the sky is #0000ff, unexpected braces at line fifty-two

Server Room

0xKrypton HantuPetani89
Cybersecurity Beginners


Mohamed Atef 0xAtef
Cyber Defense Lead | SOC/CDC Leader | SOAR & Security Automation Engineer | Detection Engineer | DFIR Specialist | Threat Hunting | CTI | Adversary Emulation

Somewhere In The Internet

mohamed shahat shiky8
lets hack IANA

init0 team Egypt

Benjamin Hupf BenjaminHupf
Sometimes I code stuff...and sometimes I don't. That's how life works...I guess

Somewhere in Germany...I guess

Stuart Beck Stuub
Cyber Threat Intelligence Researcher

Flare Systems

Paul Goffar n3tl0kr
Quick thinking, seasoned, systems and cyber security engineer. Specializing in digital forensics, incident response, and offensive security.

Detroit, MI

Matteo Rosi ottimo

Contrast Security Florence, Italy

Olivier Bilodeau obilodeau

Flare Montreal, Canada

AHMED ELSAYED @csgaee csgaee
Malware Research | Reverse Engineering | Threat Intelligence


Sophie Bernadin-Mercier Shuhala
Developer @ Shopify


Yann Dupont yann-dupont
5th year student in Computer Sciences at Insa Lyon / double-degree at ETS Montréal (IT Master's).

Insa Lyon

Aloïs Micard creekorful
CTO @vold-lu | @Debian developer

@Debian @vold-lu Metz, France