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Andy Ferguson teknostatik
Mostly Linux and mechanical keyboards.

Birmingham, UK

Andrew Spence agileandyuk
Professional Scrum Trainer - Scrum.Org

Agile Andy LTD Royston, Herts, UK

Evgeniya Simeonova ESimeonova
Certified Scrum Master, Agile Business Analyst, AI Prompt Engineer and AI Tools Certificates, Automation QA, Top Skills in Financial Regulatory Compliance
Leo leandromonaco
I'm a curiosity-driven & lifelong learning engineer.

QLD, Australia

Yattol Yattol
Always bring a towel
Raphaël Van den Eede taggar
ICT professional. 30 years of experience in single-sourced technical documentation. Customer proxy. Pragmatic & agile.

Raphaël Van den Eede Flanders

René Knuvers reneknuvers
More of a hobby-programmer, but a professional electrical design engineer in railroad rolling stock

LUCROS Railway Engineering BV The Netherlands

Mohammad Easin devmeasin
frontend-focused ⚛️ full-stack dev | building scalable SaaS applications useing Jamstack | problem solver | tech enthusiast 👨🏾‍💻 | open source lover ❤️ .

@xpeedstudio Dhaka, Bangladesh

Isaac isaac746 resources. llc

Mizanur Rahman mirahman
I am a software artisan with great passion on building large scale applications. I am an agile practitioner and coach/trainer of agile engineering practices.

@mizan NY, USA

Stas Pavlov SVPavlov
Agile Product Manager | Professional Scrum Trainer Always be Knolling

Prowareness Netherlands

Miguel Vela Romera miguel-romera-qbox
Engineering manager @qbox-ai @qbox-tech Madrid, Spain

Erik van Luxzenburg eLuxZen
Lean Master Black Belt & agile coach/certified scrum master PGP

LuxZen Apeldoorn, the Netherlands

Ming Hong Liong mhliong

Singapore Airlines Limited Singapore

Tamilarasan tamilarasanpkv
A IT professional gaining experience of nearly 7 years of which 5 years in Software Testing comprises of both Manual Testing and Automation testing in Banking D


Simone Cusimano SimoneCusimano
Tech Lead @inpeco and Computer Science Master Degree

@inpeco-tpm Italia

Christian Neverdal flyrev
Lead Software Engineer at @TelenorNorge | Professional Kanban Trainer at

@TelenorNorgeInternal Trondheim, Norway