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Tom Youngman t-youngman
I am a doctoral researcher exploring how agent-based macroeconomic models can be used to assess the distributional impact of climate mitigation policies.

@INET-Complexity Bristol

Mariane Furtado MarianeFurtado
PhD in Epidemiology at USP; MSc. and BA in Economics at UFPel

Imperial College London United Kingdom

Yeamin Majumder yeaminmajumder

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Emma Turner DrEmmaTurner

University of Bristol / UK LLC United Kingdom

Adrien Allorant aallorant
Visiting Assistant Professor in Statistics - Reed College


Hyesop dataandcrowd
Lecturer in Auckland, NZ. ABMer, geospatial modeller, crowdsourcing

Auckland, NZ

Priyanka O priya-gitTest
Love everything Python (Pandas) and SQL, Data Management, Open Data, Open Source, Open Science in that order ... [* relaxed Tiger Mom ]


Constantinos Katsamis conkats
Research Engineer-Computational Fluid Dynamics (RANS,LES), HPC, Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics

University of Manchester

Sophy sssoz

London, UK

Uwaila Ekhator UwailaEkhator

United States of America

Sophie Lee sophie-a-lee
Statistics and R programming educator with a passion for making statistics accessible and engaging.


Mahbub Latif mlatif71
Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh

Ondrej Hoberla hoberla
Teaching Fellow @ Lincoln International Business School. MSc In Psychological Research Methods with Data Science.

University of Lincoln

Sam Dunn sammid84
Data scientist at Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, Department of Health and Social Care

DHSC Birmingham

Birder and Research Data Librarian. Teaching myself data processing and visualisation with bird data.
Sara Gonzales SaraynesGS
I am a PhD student in Social Science from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.


Matteo Lisi mattelisi

Royal Holloway, University of London

Jake Tufts JT-39
Data Scientist
Chris Moreh CGMoreh
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Sociology

Works at Newcastle University (UK) Lives in York (UK)

mellogwayo Mellogwayo
Data Scientist ✨| Social, financial, economic data 📊 | Python, R, Tableau, SQL 👩🏿‍💻|Using data to create innovative tools 🚀

Colchester, United Kingdom

Tharma vtharmalingam
Technical Evangelist | Data Scientist | C++, PHP, Python, R, ... | B.Tech., M.S., Pursuing Doctorate


Jean Baptiste Fankam Fankam lemythe
Postdoctoral fellow, Computational materials science and materials informatics at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Johannesburg, South Africa

Ivan Maljukanović Imoptimal
If programming has taught me anything, is that we as humans are not so different to software - we're all work in progress... #wordpress #developer #cats!

Zagreb, Croatia

Lawrence Kay LawrenceKay
Computational policy economist and team leader

London, United Kingdom

Kien Hoang kienhng

University of Nottingham, UK

Jesse Wise jessewise99
PhD researcher at University of Bath. Environmental Behavioural Scientist.

University of Bath Bath