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Hi 👋 I’m Sony, an AI researcher with a passion for leveraging artificial intelligence to create real-world impact. Driven by a deep curiosity about how machine


Niccolò Arecco Ni-Ar
Chromatin and Splicing. Here you'll find the code I use in publications.

CRG Barcelona

yijieWang yijieWang77

Wu Han University Wuhan University

marialui marialui
International Master's degree in Bioinformatics, Bologna, Italy. Now PHD fellow in Translational Molecular Medicine and Surgery.
Luiz Maniero lhmaniero
PhD Candidate studying gene regulation in stem cells, skilled in HPC, R, Python, and other tools like ImageJ/CellProfiler.
Steven Lee StevenAZy
Talk is cheap, show me the code!

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai

Noah Yu Zhang noahpieta
Postdoc@GIS, A*STAR / Previous PhD from SIBS, CAS / nullius in verba

GIS, A*STAR Singapore

Postdoctoral Scholar at Faculty of Science <#Computational Biology #multiomics #machine learning #Single Cell Genomics #Systems Biology>
Barlin Chang Barlin-lab
Bio Research

The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun-Yet Sun University Chian

Daniel J. Gomez gomez-dan
Genomics, Big Data-Omics, Multiorgan Bioscientist, Molecular Biologist and Bioinformatician. Master's Student @ Cal State East Bay & Stanford Medicine

@StanfordBioinformatics @MoTrPAC

KRothamel KRothamel
Postdoc at UCSD in Yeo Lab

UCSD San Diego

Geng Lee geng-lee
😏 做個迷人的混蛋 桀驁而不失鋒範

Westlake University Hangzhou

Jane Xiaozhen WEN seven1112233
First-year Ph.D. student at Université de Montréal. Interested in Functional genomics and using Machine Learning for Drug Discovery.

Université de Montréal Montréal

Shicheng Guo Shicheng-Guo
Computational Biology, Data Science, Bioinformatics and Statistical Genetics

University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison

Prof Oak ProfOak7

Cuesta College Orcutt

Mariachiara Grieco mariachiaragrieco
PhD Student in Computational Biology @ European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM) and @ Italian Institute for Genomic Medicine (IIGM)

SEMM and IIGM Milan, Italy

Harpreet Singh h4rrye
Data Science | 3D Genome Organization | Network Science
