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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


James Guzman james94
Software Engineer, Autonomous Robotics Infrastructure (Medical Imaging, Surgical Robotics, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Self-Driving Cars)

Davis, CA

Joshua Lara josh28x
sincerity, grace & strength | learning
Jonathan Beus, MD beusj
Pediatric Hospitalist and Clinical Informaticist

Atlanta, GA

Esmael Mohammed eusme
Software Engineer , Co-Founder of Qualliaware Software S.C

Qualliaware Software SC Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Sasank Desaraju sasank-desaraju
MD/PhD student building neural network solutions to biomedical problems

University of Florida

Dalton DaltonSW
Howdy, I'm a software engineer who likes making games and writing neat programs


Anurag Saxena saxenanurag
Python Developer

Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute Cleveland, OH

Tony ansalls

Epic Systems Madison, WI

Moein Almasi moeinalmasi
Partner, Software Engineering | General Manager at Microsoft

@Microsoft Montreal, Canada

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Kris Rye rye
With a K. Fan of Rust, Ruby, Docker, and more.

@StoDevX, @frog-pond Verona, WI

Hunter Damron hdamron17
Software Developer at Epic Systems

Epic Systems Madison, WI

Xiangyu Shen XiangyuShen
JHU Computer Science 2023, Double Major in Applied Math and Statistics, Minors in Math and Entrepreneurship and Management.
Jonah PIascik jonahpiascik
Sr. Systems Engineer and Database Administrator

Connecticut Children's Hartford, CT

Kevin Lyles klylesatepic

Epic Systems Corporation Madison, WI

Fanny Franchini Fannychini
Senior Data Scientist - 🔬 Cancer Health Services Research | 🧬 Data Science | 📊 Public Health

Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre Melbourne

Lucas Rizzolo lrizzolo
KXC ‘22 | Math and CS
Aram Zegerius zegerius
tech @ founda

@founda Amsterdam

Yudha YudhaESap
Previously on digital health. Currently learning R, Python, Rust, Solidity, prompting with AGI, and NFT. Love walking, art, food, nature, and animals.


Brendan O'Leary bjoleary
I'm a digital health technology, regulation, and policy consultant, and I like to code.
Daniel Rizk drizk1
University of Michigan MD MS -> Resident Physician of Internal Medicine at University of Maryland
James Brandreth jamesbrandreth
Research Software Engineer at UCL IHI

UCL London

Karandeep Singh kdpsingh
Chief Health AI Officer at UCSD Health
Doug Ross doug-ross
Former CTO at Western & Southern Financial; Lead Architect at Alpha Software; currently lead Cloud and Software Development practice for a global consultancy
