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alastair rushworth alastairrushworth
⚙️🛠️ ML, data & stats hacker

Edinburgh, UK

Jose Storopoli storopoli
"Cypherpunks write code" 🔑 0x03A1D5FA17AECEEB

@AlpenLabs localhost


United States

Richard Tweed RichardoC
Senior Platform Engineer at Tessl

@tesslio London

Pim PimMiii
Student CMGT at HR (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences).
Eugene Janusov esycat

Persic Entertainment Sydney, Australia

asoji asoji
I'm just a "software dev"

in one of the IKEA drawers denting your local laptop lid

Omar Almashjari mshjri
Backend Dev

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Johan Xie johanvx
Graduate student in Energy and Power Engineering at SYSU

Sun Yat-sen University

Greg M myersg86
I like security and open source.

GitLab Southwest US

Nico Kokonas nicoandmee
hack/scrape all the things


Marco Lancini marco-lancini
Principal Security Engineer


Rune T. Sorensen areian
Coder and ops geek @ Onomondo

Onomondo Copenhagen, Denmark

Leon Richardt leon-richardt
PhD Student @ Distributed Systems Group, Osnabrück University

Osnabrück, Germany

Sergtek Sergtek
I wield the MAUI spear, the Ionic Capacitor bow, and honor the fallen Xamarin legions. Kotlin, my sword, excels in native combat. Ave, Developer! 🦅📱


Steve Jennings srjennings
Systems Engineer based in Florida. Working on fun stuff and enjoying life. 🙌
Emil Vågstedt emilknievel
Software Developer @mio-ab. Interests include retro technology, video games, FOSS and spending too much time configuring Emacs.

@mio-ab Sweden

Lochlan McElroy lochlanmcelroy
@krackentosh | I'm a cybersecurity student.
Just a nerd.
Javier javiermateos
Estudiante de Ingenieria Informatica en la Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Computer Engineering student at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Madrid, Spain

Shiro Shiro-Pe
“𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸”, Ina said calmly…


Jason jquaglia
Software Engineer | Inquisitor

Software Developer @ FileOpen Systems Seattle, WA

Nullpointer NullpointerWorks
NullpointerWorks project repository.

@NullpointerWorks Netherlands, Utrecht

Andy andyt96

New York, NY

Charles Magid ChasManRors

Ruby on Rails Dev Lexington, Massachusetts

Patchouli patchoulish

Laniakea Supercluster

William Moorehouse moorehousew
Full-stack SaaS developer and ML enthusiast.

Circumference Technology Services Canada

the last envoy TheLastEnvoy
brazilian, IT enthusiast, geographer and privacy concerned
Arthur Zopellaro arthurazs
Python and Linux. IEC 61850.

@YSMART-Projects Niterói, RJ - Brazil