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Sergio L M Rivero sergiolmrivero

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil

Borg Org Enterprises borgorg
Borg Org Enterprises is a non-profit organization with a noble mission: to provide robots and smart machines that can handle everyday chores for people.

Borg Org Enterprises United States

landigf landigf
Undergraduate BSc in Computer Engineering | Undergraduate BSc in Statistics for Big Data

University of Salerno Italy

Xinyi LunnyRia

NJU & ECNU Jiangsu, China

Xin Lin peter-kinger


Szamosi Máté SzamosiMate
I am an Architect and BIM manager working at an office in Budapest. I have recently started to learn coding - mostly for fun, but I hope to use it in my work
Samuli Reijula samulipo

University of Helsinki

Jorge Mario Cruz-Duarte jcrvz
Research Professor at Tecnologico de Monterrey

Tecnológico de Monterrey México

Ankita Raturi sudokita
Assistant Professor in Agricultural Informatics @ Purdue University


Garima Garg ggargucsc

Staff Data Scientist, Raya Los Angeles, CA

Soheil Kooklan soheilkooklan
M.S. in Biomedical Engineering (Bioelectric) & Researcher
HSY suzhouhesuyang

NUIST Nanjing, China

HudsonShi HudsonShi
ex-IBMer CHD/SIT/PhD @ U of Alabama Open Source GeoAI Enthusiast Computational Social Scientist

University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL

Magnus C. 5kj41d
MSc in Computer Science. I live in Northern Jutland, Denmark. I have a huge interest Computational Archaeology/Paleoanthropology and Computer Vision.

Tinywolf and TimeTrails Denmark

Pedro pedroramos17
Software developer | Web

SP - Brazil

Silvia E Zieger silviaelisabeth
data scientist, digital detective, and story teller | image processing & signal deconvolution | machine learning | environmental monitoring


Murilo Mazzotti Silvestrini muriloms
Agronomist (UFLA), Master in Economics (UFSCar), Master in Complex Systems Modeling (USP), PhD student in Economic Development (UNICAMP)

Campinas, Brasil

Adela Bara AdelaBara

Bucharest University of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania

Akshay Mohabey akshaymohabey
MBA Student at Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode

IIM Kozhikode Calicut , India

Eugene Cho ValleyJin
Coding + Business

Tokamak Network Korea