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Ashish Prajapati Ashish-simpleCoder
Looking for A Opportunity | Javscript | React.js | Typescript | Next.js


Harisudarsan harisudarsan1
Iam Harisudarsan a student at IIT BHU. Opensource enthusiast.


Omkar Phansopkar OmkarPh
Dev @safedep, @nexB , Litwiz labs | GSoC mentor & contributor

@safedep @nexB @litwizlabs-wizstudio-v1 Mumbai, India, Earth-616

Rounit Ranjan Sinha rounit08
making js and sons work for you Building @ingre-ai @beleza-ui UI @appscrip prev @zestreamlabs @evehealthcares

Appscrip India

Shivasai Challa cyborgboy
Application Security 💻 | Learning How things work 📖| Experimenting with my life 🧪🥼 | Trying to build things 🛠️

Hyderabad, India

Andrew Smyth APsmyth88

The Open Source Security Index Palo Alto

Blue DeviL blue-devil
Binary Grinder

Observable Universe

Gabor Dolla agdolla
homo ludens

Budapest, Hungary

m anes manes90


Aspen Mayer aspenmayer
a person on the internet


Sandro Cícero sandrociceros-orquestra
DevOps & SRE Specialist

Peruíbe, SP, Brasil

Spyros northdpole
Founder @ -- security workflow automation, maintainer of OpenCRE -- Knowhere

VJ Patel VJftw
Work: VP Lead Security Engineer @jpmorganchase. Also: Avid Guitarist, Food Eater and Napper.

@jpmorganchase London, UK

Akhil Mahendra th3-j0k3r
Security Engineer | AppSec | CTF @teambi0s
Mitesh Dandade Mitesh411
Sr Automation Engineer

Classified Location

Bharath 0xbharath

Disruptive Labs Bangalore

Ram rams3sh
Security Enthusiast !! Saddle Addict !!
Nipun Gupta nipundev
Solving security challenges for software and security engineering teams


Jose Tom josetom
Hacking as @cb-jose

@chargebee Chennai