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Helge Hecht hechth
PhD Student at RECETOX / Research Software Engineer

@RECETOX Brno, Czech Republic

Marcela Ishihara cell-ai
PhD researcher @ Butantan Institute Currently working on statistical models of gene regulatory networks applied to non-model organisms.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Billy Rowell williamrowell
Bioinformatics scientist & 1x programmer on a good day. Comp Bio @PacificBiosciences.

@PacificBiosciences Fremont, CA, US

Elementary knowledge of python
Denis Isaev denisayeff
researcher in crystallography for materials science, scientific data analysis and visualisation enthusiast

Institute of Solid State Chemistry

Karel Berka KarelBerka
Physical theoretical chemist

Palacky University Olomouc Olomouc, Czech Republic

Tomáš Raček krab1k

Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic