Apprise - Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!
Klipper Config for my Voron 2.4
a pinned extrusionless gantry with pin-in-tube belt clips
Tool changing system for Vorons and other front mount printer motion systems, not just stealthburner.
8-Track Raven 4 spool automated filament changer.
Highly optimized open source ambient lighting implementation based on modern digital video and audio stream analysis for Windows, macOS and Linux (x86 and Raspberry Pi / ARM).
The successor to Hyperion aka Hyperion Next Generation
Sherpa Zero: Voron Issue #6, Prusa3d Issue #602 Mitigator
3D Printer extruder Issue #6 and Issue #602 slayer.
A smaller version of the sherpa extruder, direct and bowden supported
A simple Filament Cutter for the awesome ERCF!
LED effects plugin for klipper
Klipper streamlined input shaper workflow and calibration tools
This library contains all the open source materials of BIGTREETECH touch screen hardware.
TMC stepper driver autotuning Klipper python extra
ZeroClick - fast & simple bed probing for tiny printers
Mounting plates and brackets for CAN based toolhead boards.
Total toolhead ecosystem with a focus on modularity, flexibility, and atrocity.