Welcome to the documentation guides for EventMachine, a fast and simple event-processing library for Ruby programs (à la JBoss Netty, Twisted, Node.js and so on).
- {file:docs/GettingStarted.md Getting started with EventMachine}
- {file:docs/EventDrivenServers.md Writing event-driven servers}
- {file:docs/EventDrivenClients.md Writing event-driven clients}
- {file:docs/ConnectionFailureAndRecovery.md Connection Failure and Recovery}
- {file:docs/TLS.md TLS (aka SSL)}
- {file:docs/Ecosystem.md EventMachine ecosystem}: Thin, Goliath, em-http-request, em-websockets, Proxymachine and beyond
- {file:docs/BlockingEventLoop.md On blocking the event loop: why it is harmful for performance and how to avoid it}
- {file:docs/LightweightConcurrency.md Lightweight concurrency with EventMachine}
- {file:docs/Deferrables.md Deferrables}
- {file:docs/ModernKernelInputOutputAPIs.md Brief introduction to epoll, kqueue, select}
- {file:docs/WorkingWithOtherIOSources.md Working with other IO sources such as the keyboard}
Please take a moment and tell us what you think about this guide on the EventMachine mailing list or in the #eventmachine channel on irc.freenode.net: what was unclear? What wasn't covered? Maybe you don't like the guide style or the grammar and spelling are incorrect? Reader feedback is key to making documentation better.