Q: How do you pronounce Leiningen?
A: It's LINE-ing-en. ['laɪnɪŋən]
Q: What's a group ID? How do snapshots work?
A: See the
for background.
Q: How should I pick my version numbers?
A: Use semantic versioning.
Q: What if my project depends on jars that aren't in any repository?
A: You will need to get them in a repository. The
deploy guide
explains how to set up a private repository. In general it's easiest
to deploy them to a static HTTP server or a private S3 bucket with the
plugin. Once the repo is set up, lein deploy private-repo com.mycorp/somejar 1.0.0 somejar.jar pom.xml
will push the artifacts out. If you don't
have a pom, you can create a dummy project with lein new
generate a pom from that. If you are just doing exploratory coding
you can deploy to file:///$HOME/.m2/repository
and the jars will
be available locally.
Q: I want to hack two projects in parallel, but it's annoying to switch between them.
A: Leiningen provides a feature called checkout dependencies.
See the
to learn more.
Q: Is it possible to exclude indirect dependencies?
A: Yes. Some libraries, such as log4j, depend on projects that are
not included in public repositories and unnecessary for basic
functionality. Projects listed as :dependencies
may exclude
any of their dependencies by using the :exclusions
key. See
lein help sample
for details.
Q: Why doesn't deps
task populate the lib
directory in version 2?
A: The only reason version 1 copied the jars around in the first
place was to support existing tooling that needed a cheap way to
calculate a project's classpath. Now that Leiningen has a mature
plugin ecosystem, this is no longer needed; jars can be referenced
directly out of the ~/.m2/repository
directory. If you need to see
a listing of all the dependencies that will be used and their
versions, use lein deps :tree
. To get the classpath use lein classpath
Q: I specified a dependency on version X but am getting version Y; what's up?
A: One of your dependencies' dependencies has declared a
dependency on a hard version range, which overrides your "soft"
declaration. Running lein deps :tree
will identify which of your
dependencies are responsible for the version range. You can add an
clause to prevent that from affecting the rest of your
dependencies. See lein help sample
for how exclusions work. You
may also want to report a bug with the dependency that uses hard
version ranges as they cause all kinds of problems and exhibit
unintuitive behaviour.
Q: I have two dependencies, X and Y, which depends on Z. How is the version
of Z decided?
A: The decision depends on which depth and which order the dependencies come
in the :dependencies
vector: The dependency at the lowest depth will be
picked. If there are multiple versions of a single group/artifact at that
depth, the first of those will be picked. For instance, in the dependency
[Z "1.0.9"]
[X "1.3.2"]
[Z "2.0.1"]
the direct dependency ([Z "1.0.9"]
) is picked, as it is closest to the root.
For the dependency graph
[X "1.3.2"]
[Z "2.0.1"]
[Y "1.0.5"]
[Z "2.1.3"]
the dependency X comes first, and therefore [Z "2.0.1"]
is picked. If we
place Y before X however, [Z "2.1.3"]
will be picked.
Note that this only applies to soft dependencies, and lein deps :tree
only warn if the latest version is not chosen.
Q: I'm behind an HTTP proxy; how can I fetch my dependencies?
A: Set the $http_proxy
environment variable in Leiningen 2.x. You can also
set $http_no_proxy
for a list of hosts that should be reached directly, bypassing
the proxy. This is a list of patterns separated by |
and may start or end with
a *
for wildcard, e.g. localhost|*.mydomain.com
For Leiningen 1.x versions, see the instructions for
configuring a Maven proxy
using ~/.m2/settings.xml
Q: What can be done to speed up launch?
A: The main delay involved in Leiningen comes from starting two
JVMs: one for your project and one for Leiningen itself. Most people
use a development cycle that involves keeping a single project REPL
process running for as long as they're working on that project.
Depending on your editor you may be able to do this via its Clojure
integration. (See nrepl.el or
foreplay, for example.)
Otherwise you can use the basic lein repl
Q: Still too slow; what else can make startup faster?
A: The wiki has a page covering
ways to improve startup time.
Q: What if I care more about long-term performance than startup time?
A: Leiningen 2.1.0 onward get a speed boost by disabling optimized
compilation (which only benefits long-running processes). This can
negatively affect performance in the long run, or lead to inaccurate
benchmarking results. If want the JVM to fully optimize, you can follow
the instructions on the Wiki page covering
Q: What does "Unrecognized VM option 'TieredStopAtLevel=1'" mean?
A: Old versions of the JVM do not support the directives Leiningen
uses for tiered compilation which allow the JVM to boot more
quickly. You can disable this behaviour with export LEIN_JVM_OPTS=
or upgrade your JVM to something more recent. (newer than b25 of Java 6)
Q: What are the downsides of Tiered Compilation?
A: Tiered Compilation sacrifices long-term JIT performance for
improved boot time. Most uses of Leiningen are in a context where
fast boot is more important, but in cases where this isn't the case
you can switch profiles (lein with-profiles production run ...
) to
prevent the Tiered Compilation :jvm-opts
setting from being used.
Q: I'm attempting to run a project as a background process (lein run &
but the process suspends until it is in the foreground. How do I run a program
in the background?
A: For long-lasting processes, use lein trampoline run &
or consider to
(uber)jar the program. For short-lived ones, both lein run <&- &
bash -c "lein run &"
will work fine.
Q: I need to do AOT for an uberjar; can I avoid it during development?
A: A reasonable request. Leiningen supports isolating different
profiles by their target directory. Simply specify :target-path "target/%s"
in order to have each profile set use a different
directory for generated files. Then you can put your :aot
settings in the :uberjar
profile, and the .class files created
from the AOT process will not affect normal development use. You can
specify the profile-isolated :target-path
in your :user
profile if
you want it applied across all the projects you work on.