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744 lines (543 loc) · 27.6 KB

File metadata and controls

744 lines (543 loc) · 27.6 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.




1.16.0 - 2023-09-20


  • Add "tags" strategy option for smart extract strategy. This checks relations for the specified keys/tags. For a relation to be completed it has to match the keys/tags.


  • Limit the number of extracts possible with osmium extract to 500. Prevents us from running out of file descriptors.


  • Extract with a polygon could fail in some circumstances.
  • Compile problem on Windows due to our use of GetObject() function from RapidJSON.

1.15.0 - 2023-01-19


  • Now requires libosmium version 2.17.0 or newer.
  • Remove the long-deprecated --remove-deleted/--simplify option on the apply-changes command.
  • Remove the long-deprecated --omit-rs option on the export command.
  • Remove the long-deprecated --history option on the getid command.
  • Update included Catch to v2.13.10.
  • Various small code cleanups.


  • Fix for polygon extracts. Sometimes objects outside the polygon used for extraction could end up in the output.
  • Correctly detect relative paths on Windows.
  • Fixes cross-compiling for mingw.

1.14.0 - 2022-02-07


  • Add --keep-member-nodes option to add-locations-to-ways command. When this is set, all nodes referenced directly from relations are kept in the output. If this is used, the input file is read twice an a bit more memory is needed. Osmium will run around 15% longer than without this option.
  • Add -S relations=false option to complete_ways extract strategy. If you don't need any relations you can set this when using osmium extract and the extract will be done more quickly.
  • New --clean option to osmium extract command to clean attributes.


  • Switch to C++14 and CMake 3.5.0 as a minimum requirements.
  • Switch to Catch version 2 testing framework.


  • Fix possible crash when pager set for osmium show command was less then 4 characters long.
  • Fixed hangup in osmium show when a non-existing pager was used.
  • Fixed some tests.
  • Fix/improve error detection in export code. More errors are detected now which makes a difference when the -e or -E options are used.

1.13.2 - 2021-10-05


  • New osmium removeid command to remove all objects with the specified IDs from an OSM file. (This is, in a way, the opposite of the osmium getid command.)
  • New osmium-output-headers(5) man page with details about the settings supported by the --output-header command line option.
  • New -g header.boxes output option to osmium fileinfo to get the bounding box(es) set in the header.
  • New option --attributes for the export command to specified attributes that should show up in the output files. (This needed a config file before.)
  • New option --buffer-data for osmium cat command to buffer all read data in memory before writing it out again. Can be used for benchmarking.


  • The osmium merge command now checks that the input files are ordered correctly and warns or stops if this is not the case.
  • Improved messages about files read in verbose mode for osmium cat.


  • Fixed relation member recursion in tags-filter so that objects referenced from matching relations are also in the output.
  • Fix point-in-polygon-check in extract command. More nodes directly on the boundary should now be inside the polygon. This fixes a problem with extracts on the antimeridian.
  • When an output file name for the extract command contains multiple dots (.), the file type could not always be deduced correctly. This improves detection for .json and .poly files.
  • Do not show progress when any of the inputs is stdin. Because we don't know how large the input file is we can't display a reliable progress indicator.
  • Allow none index type on osmium export.

1.13.1 - 2021-02-01


  • Update osmium-file-formats man page to include newer file format options.


  • The extract command did not work correctly on history files. Sometimes deleted objects were not detected as such and the resulting file was not a correct history file.
  • Open input file only once in tags-filter command if -R, --omit-referenced is used. This way it works when reading from STDIN.

1.13.0 - 2021-01-08


  • Add support for negative IDs in add-locations-to-ways command.
  • Show setting of -i, --invert-match option on tags-filter command.
  • Show bytes read and written in verbose mode in osmium cat output.


  • Now depends on libosmium 2.16.0 or greater.
  • Has support for PBF lz4 compression which is enabled by default if the library is found. Disable by setting CMake option WITH_LZ4 to OFF.
  • An OSM file header can now be set based on the input file header in extract command from the config file. Set the header to the special null value for this.
  • The fileinfo command now shows a Metadata section as described in the man page.


  • When using the -I, --id-osm-file option in the tags-filter command, not only the objects in the specified file were marked but also the nodes referenced from ways and the members referenced from relations. This had two results: a) When not using -r, --add-referenced: too many objects ended up in the resulting file. b) When using -t, --remove-tags: tags from those member objects were not removed.
  • When change files have been created from extracts it is possible that they contain objects with the same type, id, version, and timestamp. In that case we still want to get the last object available. This is now done correctly.
  • Various man page fixes.

1.12.1 - 2020-06-27


  • Require libosmium 2.15.6 which has an important fix related to multipolygons assembly (needed for "osmium export").

1.12.0 - 2020-04-21


  • New osmium tags-count command.
  • New --clean option to osmium cat command to clean attributes.


  • Allow index types with file name in export command.

1.11.1 - 2019-11-20


  • Introduce a generic facility for setting output format options. They can be set on the command line (--format-option/-x) or in the format_options section in the config file. Settings can be any OPTION=VALUE type string. There are two new settings: For the geojsonseq format, the option print_record_separator=false replaces the command line option --omit-rs/-r which is now deprecated. The tags_format option for the Pg output format allows using the hstore type for tags instead of json(b).


  • Open output file earlier in tags-filter command, so we see it immediately in case this fails.


  • When tags-filter is used with --remove-tags, matching ways got their tags removed if they are also referenced from relations. This was clearly wrong.

1.11.0 - 2019-09-16


  • New option --remove-tags/-t to getid command. When used the tags of all objects are removed that are not explicitly requested but are only included to complete references.
  • Add create-locations-index and query-locations-index commands. These are used to create, update, query and dump node location indexes on disk. These indexes store the location of nodes, typically to add them to ways and relations later. It is the same format used by osm2pgsql (they call it "flat node store") and by the add-locations-to-ways command.
  • Support for new Spaten export format.
  • Add special syntax for --output-header to copy header from input. Sometimes it is useful to copy header fields from the input to the output, for instance the osmosis_replication_timestamp field. This can now be done for some commands (currently only extract) by using the special syntax --output-header=OPTION!, i.e. using an exclamation mark instead of setting a value.


  • Better checking of coordinates in extract boundary polygons/bboxes.
  • Compile with NDEBUG in RelWithDebInfo mode.
  • Various code cleanups based on problems found with clang-tidy.
  • Updated Catch to version 1.12.2.
  • Mark PBF output of extract, renumber, and sort commands as sorted. Uses the new header option sorting of the libosmium library which is not in a released version yet. This sets the Sort.Type_then_ID header property in the PBF file.


  • Only check if way is closed after check that it contains nodes.
  • get_start_id() is not noexcept.
  • Man pages correctly show options starting with double dash and other small man page fixes.
  • Allow file-based location index types (dense_file_array and sparse_file_array) that need a file name. Using them was not possible because of an overzealous check that didn't recognize the file name.

1.10.0 - 2018-12-10


  • The fileinfo command now has an --object-type/-t option like some other commands.
  • Extended fileinfo command to show internal buffer counts and sizes.
  • Add --strategy option to sort command. New multipass strategy which reads the input file(s) three times making the sort a bit slower, but also using less memory.
  • New option --remove-tags/-t to tags-filter command. When used the tags of all objects that are not matching the filter expression but are included as references are removed.
  • New option for smart extract strategy: complete-partial-relations=X will complete all relations with at least X percent of their members already in the extract.
  • New export format "pg" creates a file in the PostgreSQL COPY text format with the GEOMETRY as WKB and the tags in JSON(B) format. This can be imported into a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database very quickly.


  • Show better error message if output directory is missing for extract command.


  • Several fixes for the tags-filter command which could lead to wrong results.

1.9.1 - 2018-08-18


  • Improved export command man page.


  • Regression: Default for linear_tags and area_tags should be true. It was before v1.9.0 and it is documented this way.

1.9.0 - 2018-08-11


  • Add area matching to tags-filter. The tags-filter command can now match "areas" using the "a/" prefix. Areas in this sense are all closed ways with 4 or more nodes and all relations with tag "type=multipolygon" or "type=boundary".
  • Add --geometry-types option to the export command allowing you to restrict the geometry types written out.
  • Also print out smallest node, way, and relation ID in fileinfo command.
  • In the renumber command, the start IDs for nodes, ways, and relations can now be set together or separately with the --start-id option. Negative IDs are now also allowed. Also there is a new --show-index function that prints out the ID mappings in the index.
  • More tests and updated documentation.
  • Add -C, --print-default-config option to the export command writing out the default configuration to stdout.
  • New getparents command to get the ways used by specified nodes or relations having specified members.


  • Newest version of libosmium (2.14.2) and protozoro (1.6.3) are now required.
  • Calculation of CRC32 in the fileinfo command is now optional. Calculating the CRC32 is very expensive and going without it makes the program much much faster. Use --crc/-c to enable it. It will also be automatically enabled for JSON output to stay compatible with earlier versions of Osmium which might be used in an automated context (you can disable this with --no-crc). It is also enabled if -g data.crc32 is specified. If it is enabled we are using the CRC32 implementation from zlib which is faster than the one from boost we used before. This is possible through some changes in libosmium.
  • Treat ways with same node end locations as closed in export command instead of looking at the IDs. This is more consistent with what the libosmium MultipolygonManager does.
  • In the export command, the decision whether a way is treated as a linestring or polygon has changed. See the man page for details.
  • Create linestring geometries for untagged ways if -n or --keep-untagged option is set. It doesn't matter whether they are closed or not, they are only written out as linestrings.


  • Show error for ways with less than 2 nodes if --show-errors is set.
  • Attributes (such as id, version, timestamp, etc.) can appear in the properties of the output with arbitrary configurable names. These could overlap with tag keys which we don't want. This change removes tags with those keys on the assumption that the names chosen for the attributes are sufficiently different (something like "@id") from normal tag keys that this will not happen very often and those tags are useless anyway.
  • Make --(no)-progress option work in sort command.

1.8.0 - 2018-03-31


  • Support for negative IDs in export command.
  • Lots of tests with missing metadata (Thanks to Michael Reichert).
  • Add metadata options to the extended output of fileinfo command (Thanks to Michael Reichert).
  • Add progress bars to many commands.
  • Add --redact option to the apply-changes command to redact (patch) history files. The change files can contain any version of any object which will replace that version of that object from the input. This allows changing the history! This mode is for special use only, for instance to remove copyrighted or private data.


  • Needs libosmium 2.14.0.
  • Update included catch.hpp to version 1.12.1.
  • Removed Makefile. Undocumented and possibly confusing way of building. As documented, use CMake directly instead.
  • Allow bbox setting with any two opposing corners, instead of insisting on bottom-left and top-right corner. This affects the changeset-filter and extract commands.
  • Allow GeoJSON input file to have a FeatureCollection instead of a Feature. Only the first feature of this collection is used.


  • Bug in the derive-changes command if it is used without --keep-details. A deletion of any type of object was written as a deletion of a node. (Thanks to Michael Reichert.)
  • Fix assertion failure in diff command.
  • Throw exception instead of using assert to catch broken rings.
  • Disable progress bar if STDOUT isn't a tty.
  • Show error when there are no extracts specified in extract command.
  • Improve STDIN handling in extract command. STDIN can now be used with the simple strategy, with other strategies it will give you a nice error message.
  • Lots of code cleanups based on clang-tidy warnings making the code more robust.
  • Only install manpage directories, not CMake files. (Thanks Bas Couwenberg.)

1.7.1 - 2017-08-25


  • Extended some man pages.


  • Allow any OSM file header option with fileinfo -g. There is no final list of possible options, so any option should be allowed.
  • Needs libosmium 2.13.1.


  • Specifying extracts in config files was broken. The extract command was not reading config files correctly and all resulting OSM files were empty. Specifying an extract on the command line using --bbox or --polygon was still working.
  • Allow zero-length index files in renumber.

1.7.0 - 2017-08-15


  • New export command for exporting OSM data into GeoJSON format. The OSM data model with its nodes, ways, and relations is very different from the data model usually used for geodata with features having point, linestring, or polygon geometries. The export command transforms OSM data into a more usual GIS data model. Nodes will be translated into points and ways into linestrings or polygons (if they are closed ways). Multipolygon and boundary relations will be translated into multipolygons. This transformation is not loss-less, especially information in non-multipolygon, non-boundary relations is lost. All tags are preserved in this process. Note that most GIS formats (such as Shapefiles, etc.) do not support arbitrary tags. Transformation into other GIS formats will need extra steps mapping tags to a limited list of attributes. This is outside the scope of this command.
  • New --bbox/-B option to changeset-filter command. Only changesets with bounding boxes overlapping this bounding box are copied to the output.
  • Support for the new flex_mem index type for node location indexes. It is used by default in the add_locations_to_ways and export commands. The new man page osmium-index-types documents this and other available indexes.


  • The order of objects in an OSM file expected by some commands as well as the order created by the sort command has changed when negative IDs are involved. (Negative IDs are sometimes used for objects that have not yet been uploaded to the OSM server.) The negative IDs are ordered now before the positive ones, both in order of their absolute value. This is the same ordering as JOSM uses.
  • The commands check-refs, fileinfo, and renumber now also work with negative object IDs.
  • Allow leading spaces in ID files for getid command.
  • Various error messages and man pages have been clarified.
  • Updated minimum libosmium version required to 2.13.0.
  • Update version of Catch unit test framework to 1.9.7.


  • Libosmium fix: Changesets with more than 2^16 characters in comments now work.
  • Libosmium fix: Changeset bounding boxes are now always output to OSM files (any format) if at least one of the corners is defined. This is needed to handle broken data from the main OSM database which contains such cases. This now also works when reading OPL files.

1.6.1 - 2017-04-10


  • Clarify differences between diff and derive-changes commands in man pages.
  • Needs current libosmium 2.12.1 now.


  • Use empty header for apply-changes instead of the one from input file.
  • Call 'less' with -R when using ANSI colors with 'show' command.
  • Do not show progress options on show command.

1.6.0 - 2017-03-07


  • New tags-filter command for filtering OSM files based on tag keys and values.
  • Add option --locations-on-ways to apply-changes for updating files created with add-locations-to-ways.
  • Add optional output_header on extracts in config file. (#47)
  • Add --change-file-format to apply-changes format for setting format of change files.
  • Add --set-bounds option to extract command.


  • Now requires libosmium 2.12.
  • Deprecated --history option on getid command in favour of --with-history for consistency with other commands.
  • Use new RelationsMapIndex from libosmium for getid instead of std::multimap.
  • Update included version of Catch unit test framework to 1.8.1 which required some changes in the tests.
  • Use osmium::util::file_size instead of our own filesize() function.
  • Miscellaneous code cleanups and improved warning messages and man pages.


  • Add -pthread compiler and linker options on Linux/OSX. This should fix a problem where some linker versions will not link binaries correctly when the --as-needed option is used.
  • Typo in GeoJSON parser which broke MultiPolygon support.
  • Wrong description of -S option in extract man page.
  • Windows build problem related to forced build for old Windows versions.
  • All but the first polygon in a GeoJSON multipolygon were ignored by the extract command.
  • Zsh command line completion for some commands.

1.5.1 - 2017-01-19


  • Build with warnings in all build types, not only "Dev".
  • Better error messages for command line errors.


  • Make --overwrite and --fsync work in derive_changes command.
  • A dereference of end iterator in derive_changes.
  • You can not specify the special file name "-" (to read from STDIN) several times for commands reading multiple files.

1.5.0 - 2017-01-18


  • New extract command to cut out geographical regions from an OSM file using a bounding box or (multi)polygon.

1.4.1 - 2016-11-20


  • Add hint to error message about --overwrite option when trying to open an existing file.
  • Check the required libosmium version in CMake build.


  • Add --ignore-missing-nodes to add-locations-to-ways subcommand. If this is not set, the command will now fail if there are missing nodes needed for ways.
  • The check-refs and getid subcommands now use the IdSet class from the newest libosmium making them more efficient (especially on very large input files).
  • Improved error messages for low-level errors.
  • Now requires at least libosmium 2.10.2 and protozero 1.4.5.


  • Consistently handle --output-header option in all commands that create standard OSM files.
  • Handling of some output options was not correct in diff command. They do now what is documented and it is documented what they do.
  • Progress bar and output from verbose mode will now be kept separate.

1.4.0 - 2016-09-15


  • The new manual is a more gentle introduction into the capabilities of Osmium Tool. Numerous man page additions.
  • New merge command to merge any number of sorted OSM files.
  • New derive-changes command to create change file from two OSM data files.
  • New diff command to show differences between OSM files.
  • The renumber command can now optionally only renumber some object types.
  • Version information is now printed including the git commit id and always shown in verbose mode.
  • Added iwyu target to CMake config.
  • Progress bars will be shown on some commands. (This is configurable at run time with the --progress and --no-progress options.)


  • The apply-changes subcommand now detects whether it is updating a normal OSM file or an OSM history file based on file name suffix (can be forced with --with-history). The options --simplify and --remove-deleted are now deprecated (a warning will be written to stderr). For normal OSM files, output is always simplified and deleted objects are removed, for OSM history files, all versions of all objects are kept.
  • Also check ordering of changesets in osmium fileinfo -e.
  • The getid options -i and -I can now be used multiple times.
  • More consistent warning messages.
  • Compiles much faster due to include optimizations.
  • Update the included RapidJSON to version 1.1.0.


  • CMake now creates compile_commands.json.
  • Wrapper script now works with quoted arguments.

1.3.1 - 2016-06-08


  • Check that input files are correctly ordered in the renumber and check-refs commands.
  • Most commands now show the memory used in verbose mode.
  • New option -h/--help on most commands shows command line options.
  • New --default-type option to getid command.
  • The getid command can now recursively add all referenced objects.
  • New show command to quickly see OSM file contents.
  • New add-locations-to-ways command.


  • Much faster and more memory efficient implementation of the renumber command.
  • The getid command can now read IDs from stdin.
  • Also show libosmium version when running version subcommand.

1.3.0 - 2015-11-17


  • Add new sort subcommand for sorting OSM data files, history files, and change files.
  • Add new changeset-filter subcommand.
  • New option --fsync on all subcommands that write an OSM file. Will call fsync after writing any file.


  • Uses new libosmium version now (use at least libosmium version 2.5.3).

1.2.1 - 2015-08-31


  • Uses new libosmium version now (use at least libosmium version 2.4.1).


  • Several Windows line ending issues were fixed. Consistently uses files in binary mode now with LF line endings.
  • CRC calculation fixed in libosmium.

1.2.0 - 2015-08-18


  • Added lots of tests.


  • Uses new libosmium version now (use at least libosmium version 2.3.0).
  • Many corrections and updates in manual pages.
  • Change CRC32 implementation. The new implementation uses the newly added CRC functions from libosmium. This should make the CRC independent of host architecture and endianness.
  • Lots of refactoring code cleanups.


  • Remove license that's not applicable from LICENSE-rapidjson.txt.
  • Renumbering didn't work properly in some cases.
  • Fix error checking in renumber command.

1.1.1 - 2015-07-04


  • Osmium fileinfo --show-variables didn't work properly.
  • Improved zsh autocompletion

1.1.0 - 2015-07-04


  • New getid subcommand to filter by node/way/relation IDs.
  • New renumber subcommand to renumber IDs in OSM files.
  • New check-refs subcommand to check referential integrity in OSM files.
  • Improved testing framework and added some functional tests.
  • Fileinfo subcommand can now output a single variable using -g.
  • Fileinfo subcommand can now output all data in JSON format using the RapidJSON library (which is included in the code).
  • Fileinfo subcommand now also shows largest ID of each type.


  • Lots of refactoring to handle command line parsing for different subcommands in a uniform manner. Now pretty much all command line options concerning file input and output are consistent across subcommand.
  • Uses newest libosmium.


  • Time-fiter subcommand: Fixed case where objects are updated twice in the same second.
  • Some corrections in man pages.

1.0.1 - 2015-03-31


  • Minor updates to documentation and build system