OsmosJS makes it easy to compose and broadcast Osmosis and Cosmos messages, with all of the proto and amino encoding handled for you.
npm install @osmonauts/math
Calculate a pool's liquidity.
import { calcPoolLiquidity } from "@osmonauts/math";
const liquidity = calcPoolLiquidity(pool, prices);
Pool liquidity is calculated using the formula below:
Calculate the coins needed in a pool for the given dollar value.
import { calcCoinsNeededForValue } from "@osmonauts/math";
const coinsNeeded = calcCoinsNeededForValue(prices, poolInfo, value);
The amount of either of the tokens needed in a pool is calculated using the formula below:
Calculate the maximum coins affordable in the balance for a given pool.
import { calcMaxCoinsForPool } from "@osmonauts/math";
const maxCoins = calcMaxCoinsForPool(prices, poolInfo, balances);
Once you have the coins needed from either calcCoinsNeededForValue
or calcMaxCoinsForPool
, you can use calcShareOutAmount
to get the shareOutAmount for the pool:
import { calcShareOutAmount } from "@osmonauts/math";
const shareOutAmount = calcShareOutAmount(poolInfo, coinsNeeded);
Calculate a pool's APR which consists of three parts: superfluid APR, gauge APR and fees APR.
import { calcPoolAprs } from "@osmonauts/math";
const poolApr = calcPoolAprs({
activeGauges, // all the active gauges of a pool
pool, // pool info
prices, // priceHash
superfluidPools, // all the superfluid pools
aprSuperfluid, // apr of superfluid staking
lockupDurations, // all the lockup durations
volume7d, // 7 day trading volume of the pool
swapFee, // percentage value, e.g. 0.002
lockup = "14", // optional, specify the lockup duration
includeNonPerpetual = true, // optional, whether to include non-perpetual gauges
For superfluid APR, you can get all the pools' APRs from this endpoint.
The formula for calculating the gauge APR:
Fees APR works in a similar way:
Find the available routes for trade given sell token and buy token, as well as pool pairs.
import { getRoutesForTrade, makePoolPairs } from "@osmonauts/math";
const pairs = makePoolPairs(pools, prices);
const routes = getRoutesForTrade({
trade: {
sell, // token to sell
buy, // token to buy
Calculates the tokenOut amount after slippage, slippage is the number without the "%" part, e.g. if slippage is "1%", then pass in 1
as slippage, rather than 0.01
import { calcAmountWithSlippage } from "@osmonauts/math";
const tokenOutMinAmount = calcAmountWithSlippage(tokenOutAmount, slippage);
Calculates price impact given the tokenIn info and the tokenOutDenom.
import { calcPriceImpactGivenIn } from "@osmonauts/math";
const priceImpact = calcPriceImpactGivenIn(
tokenIn, // tokenIn info
pool // the pool that contains both tokenIn and tokenOut as poolAssets
Calculates price impact given the tokenOut info and the tokenInDenom.
import { calcPriceImpactGivenOut } from "@osmonauts/math";
const priceImpact = calcPriceImpactGivenOut(
tokenOut, // tokenOut info
pool // the pool that contains both tokenIn and tokenOut as poolAssets
Build the types and then publish:
yarn build:ts
yarn publish
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🛠 Built by Cosmology — if you like our tools, please consider delegating to our validator ⚛️
No developer or entity involved in creating this software will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other users of the code, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or loss of profits, cryptocurrencies, tokens, or anything else of value.