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Packages for simulating the Tethys-class Long-Range AUV (LRAUV) from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI).


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LRAUV Simulation

This repository contains packages for simulating the MBARI Tethys.

Instructions to build

Make sure you have ignition-dome and colcon.

Clone this repository then run

colcon build

Instructions to test out

This package comes with an empty example world. To run this example world simply source the colcon workspace and run:

. install/setup.bash
ign launch lrauv_world.ign

To run the integration world for testing communication with the LRAUV code base:

ign gazebo -v 4 -r tethys_comm.sdf

Using docker

You may also choose to use docker for convenience. Make sure you have a recent version of docker and nvidia-docker installed. Next to get started simply run the following command.


To test integration with MBARI LRAUV code base

Pull the Docker image on the MBARI DockerHub containing Ignition, MBARI LRAUV code base, and this repository.

Once inside a container, source the colcon workspaces:

. ~/ign_ws/install/setup.bash
. ~/lrauv_ws/install/setup.bash

This needs to be done for each terminal.

Setting up for a run

Launch the Ignition simulation:

ign launch lrauv_world.ign --verbose 4

Launch the MBARI command prompt:

cd ~/lrauv_ws/src/lrauv-application

At the LRAUV command prompt:

>configset micromodem.loadatstartup 0 bool persist
>restart app

This will pause for a bit, you might not be able to type right away.

Speed up 100 times for a bit to finish loading, before returning to normal speed. This allows the commands to finish loading, before you overwrite them with control commands. Otherwise the preloaded commands can kick in after you issue control commands and make the vehicle go to unexpected places

>quick on
>quick off

Verify that it is running the default GoToSurface app:

>show stack
2021-03-03T18:24:46.699Z,1614795886.699 [Default](IMPORTANT): Priority 0: Default:B.GoToSurface

An app is always being run. If no missions are specified, then it is running the default.

Control commands

Control commands can be issued to overwrite mission controls. For example, the rudder can be held at a constant angle like so:

>maintain control horizontalcontrol.rudderangleaction -15 degree

This overwrites the controller and maintains the rudder at -15 degrees (-0.261799 radians), which is the joint limit.

Unit conversions are automatically done in the MBARI code. Alternatively, you can specify in radians.

>maintain control horizontalcontrol.rudderangleaction -0.2 radian

A thruster command can then be issued to move the vehicle in a circle:

>maintain control SpeedControl.propOmegaAction 300 rpm

Currently, this is the tested and preferred method of control.

A sample list of command variables:

Config/Control-->HorizontalControl.loadAtStartup=1 bool
Config/Control-->HorizontalControl.kdHeading=0.049999 s
Config/Control-->HorizontalControl.kiHeading=0.001000 1/s
Config/Control-->HorizontalControl.kiwpHeading=0.000500 rad/s/m
Config/Control-->HorizontalControl.kpHeading=0.400000 n/a
Config/Control-->HorizontalControl.kwpHeading=0.049999 rad/m
Config/Control-->HorizontalControl.maxHdgAccel=7.499876 arcdeg/s2
Config/Control-->HorizontalControl.maxHdgInt=0.087266 rad
Config/Control-->HorizontalControl.maxHdgRate=11.999932 arcdeg/s
Config/Control-->HorizontalControl.maxKxte=45.000001 arcdeg
Config/Control-->HorizontalControl.rudDeadband=0.500000 arcdeg
Config/Control-->HorizontalControl.rudLimit=15.000000 arcdeg
VerticalControl-->VerticalControl.buoyancyAction=944.986938 cc
VerticalControl-->VerticalControl.depthIntegralInternal=nan rad
VerticalControl-->VerticalControl.depth2buoyIntInternal=nan cc
VerticalControl-->VerticalControl.massIntegralInternal=nan m
VerticalControl-->VerticalControl.elevatorIntegralInternal=nan rad
HorizontalControl-->HorizontalControl.rudderAngleAction=0.000000 rad
SpeedControl-->SpeedControl.propOmegaAction=0.000000 rad/s


After issuing control commands, for example, rudder and thrust, if you then notice that the vehicle gets some commands by itself, such as a non-zero elevator angle, this is because a preloaded mission is being loaded, and you need to wait to issue the control commands after it is done loading. Make sure to use

quick on

to let the system finish loading, before issuing control commands.

Run the circle mission

This has not been tested thoroughly.

Load the circle mission, which will perform two circles:

load Engineering/circle_test.xml

Set some parameters as desired:

set circle_test.Depth01 10 meter;set circle_test.Depth02 15 meter;set circle_test.RudderAngle01 15 degree;set circle_test.RudderAngle02 10 degree;set circle_test.WaitDuration 10 minute
run;quick off

You can check variables like depth:

report touch depth
quick on

To clear the report and go back to normal speed:

report clear
quick off

To stop the mission and terminate:


LRAUV cheat sheet

This contains some most-often used commands for quick reference:

Show general help or for a specific command:

>help report

Show mission currently being run

>show stack

Speed up 100 times faster than real time:

>quick on
# To go back to normal speed
>quick off

To report the value continuously on variable touch:

>report touch <componentName>.<variableName>
# To stop reporting
>report clear

To get the current value of a variable:

>get <componentName>.<variableName>

A sample list of variables in the ExternalSim component:

ExternalSim.latitudeSim=36.803400 arcdeg
ExternalSim.longitudeSim=-121.822200 arcdeg
ExternalSim.eastingSim=605067.311028 m
ExternalSim.northingSim=4073710.248871 m
ExternalSim.utmZoneSim=10 enum
ExternalSim.propThrustSim=-0.000000 N
ExternalSim.propTorqueSim=-0.000000 N-m
ExternalSim.netBuoySim=0.000000 N
ExternalSim.forceXSim=0.000000 N
ExternalSim.forceYSim=0.000000 N
ExternalSim.forceZSim=0.000000 N
ExternalSim.posXSim=0.000000 m
ExternalSim.posYSim=0.000000 m
ExternalSim.posZSim=0.000000 m
ExternalSim.rollSim=0.000000 rad
ExternalSim.pitchSim=0.000000 rad
ExternalSim.headingSim=0.000000 rad
ExternalSim.posXDotSim=0.000000 m
ExternalSim.posYDotSim=0.000000 m
ExternalSim.posZDotSim=0.000000 m
ExternalSim.rateUSim=0.000000 m/s
ExternalSim.rateVSim=0.000000 m/s
ExternalSim.rateWSim=0.000000 m/s
ExternalSim.ratePSim=0.000000 m/s
ExternalSim.rateQSim=0.000000 m/s
ExternalSim.rateRSim=0.000000 m/s
ExternalSim.homingSensorRangeSim=27.335945 m
ExternalSim.homingSensorAzimSim=-1.531450 rad
ExternalSim.homingSensorElevSim=1.073800 rad

To stop a mission:


To terminate:
