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pg_hint_plan documentation


Markdown format is kept as a main format, relying on python sphinx and
myst_parser to render an HTML documentation if needed.

Note that while markdown is more readable as raw text, it's a way simpler
syntax that lacks a lot of features that reStructuredText offers.  Relying on
sphinx gives us an opportunity to later write parts of the documentation in
reStructuredText if needed, but also offers other appealing features like
multilingual documentation.

Readthedocs is the expected target, so use its theme and follow its
recommendation about pinning various requirement versions.

Building the doc locally

The documentation can be built locally easily using

make -C docs/ html

The rendered documentation will be generated in docs/html/_build/html

Note that you need to have all python prerequirements installed, which can be
done using:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

If you need to update the requirements (which shouldn't be needed frequently),
update the docs/ and generate the target docs/requirements.txt
using pip-compile.  See the link about this tool below for more details on how
to use it.


Note that each translator has to follow all those steps whenever the
translation needs to be updated.  Note also that those commands assume that the
current working directory is docs/.

- Bootstrapping the translation (the .pot files) is simply done using

make gettext

This will generate the various .pot file in _build/gettext.

- The per-language translation files (the .po files) can then be generated.  We
  currently only support Japanese, the rest of the commands will assume a
  single Japanese translation.  Those files can be generated using:

sphinx-intl update -p _build/gettext -l ja

The files are generated (or updated) in the docs/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/.

- You can then translate the .po file with any editor (poedit, vim...)

- The translated documentation can be built using:

make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='ja'" html

- If everything is ok, you can commit the modifications in the .po files.


References if you're interested in the various design choices:

- quickstart for RTD with sphinx:
- reproducible builds:
- myst parser:
- pip-tools / pip-compile:
- RTD sphinx theme:
- Internationalization: