OSSIM Plugin for reading nitf files with 12 bit jpeg compressed blocks.
This plugin is built as part of the OSSIM suite of repositories. See the build instructions in ossim/README.md. As long as this repository is located in the same parent directory as OSSIM, CMake will detect it and create the Makefiles in <build-dir>/<build-type>/ossim-jpeg12-plugin
. You can cd
into that directory and type make
if you only want to build the plugin.
There is an ossim preferences file template/example in the repository at ossim/share/ossim/templates/ossim_preferences_template
. Copy it to some known location. All OSSIM applications will look for this file to configure the runtime. Set the environment variable OSSIM_PREFS_FILE
to point to your working prefs file prior to running any OSSIM application.
In your preferences file, add the following line in the section for plugins:
plugin.fileX: /path/to/your/ossim-jpeg12-plugin.so
The extension will of course depend on your OS. Replace X with a consecutive index (starting at 0 or 1). The plugins are loaded in the order of these indexes. The path should be your OSSIM install path, or you can use your output build's lib
directory during development.