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WinDbg cheatsheet



Symbol Path

In a command prompt:

C:\> setx _NT_SYMBOL_PATH srv*C:\Symbols*

In WinDbg, Ctrl+S then


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In WinDbg

0:000> .scriptproviders

Should display something like

Available Script Providers:
    NatVis (extension '.NatVis')
    JavaScript (extension '.js')

VS Code linting

Download JsProvider.d.ts to the root of your script and add the following at its top:

/// <reference path="JSProvider.d.ts" />
"use strict";


Basic commands

Action Command Examples
Help / Manual .hh <command> .hh
.hh !process
Clear screen .cls
Dynamic evaluation ? ? 40004141 – nt
? 2 + 2
? nt!ObTypeArrayIndex
Comment $$ $$ this is a useful comment
Print a string .echo .echo "Hello world"
Print a formatted string
(see printf formatters)
.printf .printf "Hello %ma\n" , @$esp
Command separator ; command1 ; command2
Attach (Detach) to (from) process  .attach .detach
Display parameter value under different formats (hexadcimal, decimal, octal) .formats .formats 0x42
Change default base n n 8
Quit WinDbg (will kill the process if not detached) q
Restart debugging session .restart
Reboot system (KD) .reboot

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.printf formatters

Description Formatter Examples
ASCII C string (i.e. NULL terminated) %ma
Wide C string (i.e. NULL terminated) %mu
UNICODE_STRING** string %msu
Print the symbol pointed by address %y .printf “%p\n”,nt!PsLoadedModuleList  // returns 0xffff8009bc2010
Pointer %p .printf “%y\n”,ffff8009bc2010 // returns nt!PsLoadedModuleList

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Execution flow 

Action Command Examples
Start or resume execution (go) g
Dump register(s) r r
r eax
r rax=42
Step over p pa 0xaddr (step over until 0xaddr is reached)
pt (step over until return)
pc (step over until next call)
Step into t Same as above, replace p with t
Execute until reaching current frame return address (go upper) gu
List module(s) lm lm (UM: display all modules)
lm (KM: display all drivers and sections)
lm m *MOD* (show module with pattern 'MOD' )
Get information about current debugging status .lastevent
Show stack call k

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Registers / Memory access

Action Command Examples
Read memory As bytes: db
word: dw
dword: dd
qword: dq
pointer: dp
unicode string: dW
db @sp 41 41 41 41
dw @rip
dd @rax l4
dyb @rip
dps @esp
dW @rsp
Write memory As bytes: eb
word: ew
dword: ed
qword: eq
ascii string:ea
Unicode string: eu

ea @pc "AAAA"
Read register(s) r
r [[REG0],REG1,...]
r rax,rbp
Write register(s) r [REG]=[VALUE] r rip=4141414141414141
Show register(s) modified by the current instruction r.
Dump memory to file .writemem .writemem C:\mem.raw @eip l1000
Load memory from file .readmem .readmem C:\mem.raw @rip l1000
Dump MZ/PE header info !dh !dh kernel32
!dh @rax
Read / write physical memory
(syntax similar to dX/eX commands)
!db / !eb
!dw / !ew
!dd / !ed
!dq / !eq
Fill / Compare memory f
f @rsp l8 41
c @rsp l8 @rip
Dereference memory poi(<AddrOrSymbol>): dereference pointer size
dwo(): dereference DWORD
qwo(): dereference QWORD
db poi( @$rax )

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Memory search

Action Command Examples
Search  byte: s [RANGE] [VALUE]
dword: s -d [RANGE] [DWORD_VALUE]
s @eip @eip+100 90 90 90 cc
s -d @eax l100 41424344
Search ASCII (Unicode) s –a <AddrStart> L<NbByte> "Pattern"
s –a <AddrStart> <AddrEnd> "Pattern"
(for Unicode – change –a with –u)
Search for pattern in command .shell .shell -ci "<windbg command>" batch command
.shell -ci "!address" findstr PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE

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Action Command Examples
Examine x x nt!*CreateProcess*
Display types dt dt ntdll!_PEB @$peb
dt ntdll!_TEB –r @$teb
Set breakpoint bp 
bp 0xaddr (or mod!symbol)
List breakpoints bl
Disable breakpoint(s) bd [IDX] (IDX is returned by bl) bd 1
bd *
Delete breakpoint(s) bc [IDX] (IDX is returned by bl) bc 0
bc *
(Un)Set exception on event sx sxe ld mydll.dll
Break on memory access ba ba r 4 @esp
Define breakpoint command bp … [Command]
Where [Command] can be
- an action: "r ; g"
- a condition: ".if (@$rax == 1) {.printf \"rcx=%p\\\n\", @rcx }"
bp kernel32!CreateFileA "da @rcx; g" "
Enable breakpoint after N hit(s) bp <address> N+1 bp /1 0xaddr (temporary breakpoint)
bp 0xaddr 7 (disable after 6 hits)
Set "undefined" breakpoint bu <address>

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Action Command Examples
Examine x x /t /v ntdll!*CreateProcess*
Display types dt dt ntdll!_PEB @$peb
List nearest symbols ln ln 0xaddr
Set/update symbol path .sympath
Load module symbols ld ld Module
ld *

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Convenience variables and functions 

Action Command Examples
Program entry point $exentry bp $exentry
Process Environment Block $peb dt _PEB @$peb
Thread Environment Block $teb dt _TEB @$teb
Return Address $ra g @ra
Instruction Pointer $ip
Size of Page $pagesize
Size of Pointer $ptrsize
Process ID $tpid
Thread ID $tid

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Useful extensions

Action Command Examples
Detailed information about loaded DLLs !dlls
!dlls -I (show load order)
!dlls -c 0xaddr (show DLL containing0xaddr)
Get mapping information !address !address -f:MEM_COMMIT
Change verbosity of symbol loader !sym !sym noisy
!sym quiet
Dump PEB/TEB information !peb
Analyze the reason of a crash !analyze !analyze -v
Convert an NTSTATUS code to text !error !error c0000048
Perform heuristic checks to
the exploitability of a bug
Encode/decode pointer encoded
by KernelBase API EncodePointer()
!encodeptr32 (or 64)
!decodeptr32 (or 64)
Display the current exception handler !exchain
Dump UM heap information !heap

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LINQ & Debugger Data Model 

Variable description Command Examples
Create a variable dx @$myVar = VALUE dx @$ps = @$cursession.Processes
Delete a variable dx @$vars.Remove("VarName") dx @$vars.Remove("ps")
List user defined variable dx @$vars
dx Debugger.State.UserVariables
Bind address Address to
a N-entry array of type T
dx (T* [N])0xAddress dx (void** [5]) Debugger.State.PseudoRegisters.General.csp
Function description Command Examples
:--- --- ---
Create a "lambda" inline function dx @$my_function = ([arg0, arg1] => Code) dx @$add = (x, y => x + y)
Filtering objects [Object].Where( [FILTER PATTERN] ) dx @$cursession.Processes.Where( x => x.Name == "notepad.exe")
Sorting objects - asc: [Object].OrderBy([Sort Expression])
- desc: [Object].OrderByDescending([Sort Expression])
dx @$cursession.Processes.OrderByDescending(x => x.KernelObject.UniqueProcessId)
Projecting .Select( [PROJECTION KEYS] ) .Select( p => new { Item1 = p.Name, Item2 = p.Id } )
Access n-th element of iterable $Object[n] @$cursession.Processes[4]
Get the number of objects in iterable $Object.Count() @$cursession.Processes.Count()
Create a iterator from a LIST_ENTRY structure dx Debugger.Utility.Collections.FromListEntry(Address, TypeAsString, "TypeMemberNameAsString") dx @$ProcessList = Debugger.Utility.Collections.FromListEntry( *(nt!_LIST_ENTRY*)&(nt!PsActiveProcessHead), "nt!_EPROCESS", "ActiveProcessLinks")
dx @$HandleList = Debugger.Utility.Collections.FromListEntry( *(nt!_LIST_ENTRY*)&(nt!PspCidTable), "nt!_HANDLE_TABLE", "HandleTableList")
Apply a structure S to memory (dt-like) dx (S*)0xAddress dx (nt!_EPROCESS*)&@$curprocess.KernelObject

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WinDbg JavaScript reference

Action Command Examples
Print message host.diagnostics.debugLog(Message)
Read data from memory host.memory.readMemoryValues(0xAddr)
Read string from memory host.memory.readString(0xAddr)
Evaluate expression host.evaluateExpression([EXPR])
Resolve symbol host.getModuleSymbolAddress(mod, sym) var pRtlAllocateHeap = host.getModuleSymbolAddress('ntdll', 'RtlAllocateHeap');
Dereference a pointer as an object host.createPointerObject(...).dereference() var pPsLoadedModuleHead = host.createPointerObject(host.getModuleSymbolAddress("nt", "PsLoadedModuleList"), "nt", "_LIST_ENTRY *");
Create typed variable from address host.createTypedObject(addr, module, symbol) var loader_data_entry = host.createTypedObject(0xAddress,"nt","_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY")
Dereference memory host.evaluateExpression('(int*)0xADDRESS').dereference()
Get access to the Pseudo-Registers host.namespace.Debugger.State.PseudoRegisters var entrypoint = host.namespace.Debugger.State.PseudoRegisters.General.exentry.address;
Execute WinDbg command host.namespace.Debugger.Utility.Control.ExecuteCommand var modules=host.namespace.Debugger.Utility.Control.ExecuteCommand("lm");
Set Breakpoint host.namespace.Debugger.Utility.Control.SetBreakpointAtSourceLocation
Iterate through LIST_ENTRYs host.namespace.Debugger.Utility.Collections.FromListEntry() var process_iterator = host.namespace.Debugger.Utility.Collections.FromListEntry( pAddrOfPsActiveProcessHead, "nt!_EPROCESS", "ActiveProcessLinks")

Dealing with host.Int64

Action Command Examples
Create/Convert an Int64 object host.parseInt64('value')
host.parseInt64('value', 16 )
host.parseInt64('0x1337', 16);
Add / Substract [Int64Obj].add($int)
var NextPage = BasePage.add(0x1000);
Multiply / Divide [Int64Obj].multiply($int)
Compare [Int64Obj1].compareTo([Int64Obj2]) BasicBlock.StartAddress.compareTo(Address1) <= 0
Bitwise operation and: [Int64Obj].bitwiseAnd($int)
or: [Int64Obj].bitwiseOr($int)
xor: [Int64Obj].bitwiseXor($int)
lsh: [Int64Obj].bitwiseShiftLeft($shift)
rsh: [Int64Obj].bitwiseShiftRight($shift)
var PageBase = Address.bitwiseAnd(0xfffff000);
Convert Int64 to native number - with exception if precision loss: [Int64Obj].asNumber()
- no exception if precision loss: [Int64Obj].convertToNumber()

WinDbg gallery skeleton

Only 3 files are needed (see [5] for more details):

  • config.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Settings Version="1">
  <Namespace Name="Extensions">
    <Setting Name="ExtensionRepository" Type="VT_BSTR" Value="Implicit"></Setting>
    <Namespace Name="ExtensionRepositories">
      <Namespace Name="My Awesome Gallery">
        <Setting Name="Id" Type="VT_BSTR" Value="any-guid-will-do"></Setting>
        <Setting Name="LocalCacheRootFolder" Type="VT_BSTR" Value="\absolute\path\to\the\xmlmanifest\directory"></Setting>
        <Setting Name="IsEnabled" Type="VT_BOOL" Value="true"></Setting>
  • ManifestVersion.txt
  • Manifest.X.xml (where X is the version number, let's just use 1 so it is Manifest.1.xml)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExtensionPackages Version="" Compression="none">
    <Description>Description of Script1.</Description>
      <ScriptComponent Name="Script1" Type="Engine" File=".\relative\path\to\Script1.js" FilePathKind="RepositoryRelative">
          <FunctionAlias Name="AliasCreatedByScript`">
              <Description><![CDATA[Quick description of AliasCreatedByScript.]]></Description>

Then in WinDbg load & save:

0:000> .settings load \path\to\config.xml
0:000> .settings save

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Time-Travel Debugging

Action Command Examples
DDM Objects @$curprocess.TTD
dx @$curprocess.TTD.Threads.First().Lifetime
dx @$cursession.TTD.Calls("ntdll!Nt*File").Count()
Run execution back g-
Reverse Step Over p-
Reverse Step Into t-
Regenerate the index !ttdext.index
Jump to position XX:YY (WinDbg) !tt XX:YY !tt 1B:0
Jump to position XX:YY (DDM) <TtdPosition>.SeekTo() dx @$curprocess.TTD.Lifetime.MinPosition.SeekTo()

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Additional resources

  1. WinDbg .printf formatters
  2. JavaScript Debugger Scripting
  3. WinDbg Pseudo-Register Syntax
  4. WinDbg Playlist on YouTube
  5. WinDbg Extension Gallery

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