diff --git a/devicetypes/encored-technologies/enertalk-energy-meter.src/enertalk-energy-meter.groovy b/devicetypes/encored-technologies/enertalk-energy-meter.src/enertalk-energy-meter.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5cfcffef195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devicetypes/encored-technologies/enertalk-energy-meter.src/enertalk-energy-meter.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * EnerTalk Energy Meter
+ *
+ * Copyright 2015 hyeon seok yang
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+ * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
+ * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+metadata {
+ definition (name: "EnerTalk Energy Meter", namespace: "Encored Technologies", author: "hyeon seok yang") {
+ }
+ simulator {
+ // TODO: define status and reply messages here
+ }
+ tiles(scale:2) {
+ valueTile("view", "device.view", decoration: "flat") {
+ state "view", label:' ${currentValue} kWh'
+ }
+ valueTile("month", "device.month", width: 6, height : 3, decoration: "flat") {
+ state "month", label:' ${currentValue}'
+ }
+ valueTile("real", "device.real", width: 2, height : 2, decoration: "flat") {
+ state "real", label:' ${currentValue}'
+ }
+ valueTile("tier", "device.tier", width: 2, height : 2, decoration: "flat") {
+ state "tier", label:' ${currentValue}'
+ }
+ valueTile("plan", "device.plan", width: 2, height : 2, decoration: "flat") {
+ state "plan", label:' ${currentValue}'
+ }
+ htmlTile(name:"deepLink", action:"linkApp", whitelist:["code.jquery.com",
+ "ajax.googleapis.com",
+ "fonts.googleapis.com",
+ "code.highcharts.com",
+ "enertalk-card.encoredtech.com",
+ "s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com",
+ "s3.amazonaws.com",
+ "ui-hub.encoredtech.com",
+ "enertalk-auth.encoredtech.com",
+ "api.encoredtech.com",
+ "cdnjs.cloudflare.com",
+ "encoredtech.com",
+ "itunes.apple.com"], width:2, height:2){}
+ main (["view"])
+ details (["month", "real", "tier", "plan", "deepLink"])
+ }
+mappings {
+ path("/linkApp") {action: [ GET: "getLinkedApp" ]}
+def getLinkedApp() {
+ def lang = clientLocale?.language
+ if ("${lang}" == "ko") {
+ lang = "
기기 설정
+ } else {
+ lang = "Setup Device
+ }
+ renderHTML() {
+ head {
+ """
+ """
+ }
+ body {
+ """
+ """
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/smartapps/encored-technologies/smart-energy-service.src/smart-energy-service.groovy b/smartapps/encored-technologies/smart-energy-service.src/smart-energy-service.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..84e6e3ae6eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smartapps/encored-technologies/smart-energy-service.src/smart-energy-service.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,1388 @@
+ * ProtoType Smart Energy Service
+ *
+ * Copyright 2015 hyeon seok yang
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+ * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
+ * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ name: "Smart Energy Service",
+ namespace: "Encored Technologies",
+ author: "hyeon seok yang",
+ description: "With visible realtime energy usage status, have good energy habits and enrich your life\r\n",
+ category: "SmartThings Labs",
+ iconUrl: "https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/smartthings-images/appicon_enertalk%401.png",
+ iconX2Url: "https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/smartthings-images/appicon_enertalk%402x",
+ iconX3Url: "https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/smartthings-images/appicon_enertalk%403x",
+ oauth: true)
+ appSetting "clientId"
+ appSetting "clientSecret"
+ appSetting "callback"
+preferences {
+ page(name: "checkAccessToken")
+cards {
+ card(name: "Encored Energy Service", type: "html", action: "getHtml", whitelist: whiteList()) {}
+/* This list contains, that url need to be allowed in Smart Energy Service.*/
+def whiteList() {
+ [
+ "code.jquery.com",
+ "ajax.googleapis.com",
+ "fonts.googleapis.com",
+ "code.highcharts.com",
+ "enertalk-card.encoredtech.com",
+ "s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com",
+ "s3.amazonaws.com",
+ "ui-hub.encoredtech.com",
+ "enertalk-auth.encoredtech.com",
+ "api.encoredtech.com",
+ "cdnjs.cloudflare.com",
+ "encoredtech.com",
+ "itunes.apple.com"
+ ]
+/* url endpoints */
+mappings {
+ path("/requestCode") { action: [ GET: "requestCode" ] }
+ path("/receiveToken") { action: [ GET: "receiveToken"] }
+ path("/getHtml") { action: [GET: "getHtml"] }
+ path("/consoleLog") { action: [POST: "consoleLog"]}
+ path("/getInitialData") { action: [GET: "getInitialData"]}
+ path("/getEncoredPush") { action: [POST: "getEncoredPush"]}
+/* This method does two things depends on the existence of Encored access token. :
+* 1. If Encored access token does not exits, it starts the process of getting access token.
+* 2. If Encored access token does exist, it will show a list of configurations, that user need to define values.
+def checkAccessToken() {
+ log.debug "Staring the installation"
+ /* Choose the level */
+ atomicState.env_mode ="prod"
+ def lang = clientLocale?.language
+ /* getting language settings of user's device. */
+ if ("${lang}" == "ko") {
+ atomicState.language = "ko"
+ } else {
+ atomicState.language = "en"
+ }
+ /* create tanslation for descriptive and informative strings that can be seen by users. */
+ if (!state.languageString) {
+ createLocaleStrings()
+ }
+ if (!atomicState.encoredAccessToken) { /*check if Encored access token does exist.*/
+ log.debug "Encored Access Token does not exist."
+ if (!state.accessToken) { /*if smartThings' access token does not exitst*/
+ log.debug "SmartThings Access Token does not exist."
+ createAccessToken() /*request and get access token from smartThings*/
+ /* re-create strings to make sure it's been initialized. */
+ //createLocaleStrings()
+ }
+ def redirectUrl = buildRedirectUrl("requestCode") /* build a redirect url with endpoint "requestCode"*/
+ /* These lines will start the OAuth process.\n*/
+ log.debug "Start OAuth request."
+ return dynamicPage(name: "checkAccessToken", nextPage:null, uninstall: true, install:false) {
+ section{
+ paragraph state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".desc1
+ href(title: state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".main,
+ description: state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".desc2,
+ required: true,
+ style:"embedded",
+ url: redirectUrl)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* This part will load the configuration for this application */
+ return dynamicPage(name:"checkAccessToken",install:true, uninstall : true) {
+ section(title:state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".title6) {
+ /* A push alarm for this application */
+ input(
+ type: "boolean",
+ name: "notification",
+ title: state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".title1,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ multiple: false
+ )
+ /* A plan that user need to decide */
+ input(
+ type: "number",
+ name: "energyPlan",
+ title: state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".title2,
+ description : state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".subTitle1,
+ defaultValue: state.languageString.energyPlan,
+ range: "1130..*",
+ submitOnChange: true,
+ required: true,
+ multiple: false
+ )
+ /* A displaying unit that user need to decide */
+ input(
+ type: "enum",
+ name: "displayUnit",
+ title: state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".title3,
+ defaultValue : state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".defaultValues.default1,
+ required: true,
+ multiple: false,
+ options: state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".displayUnits
+ )
+ /* A metering date that user should know */
+ input(
+ type: "enum",
+ name: "meteringDate",
+ title: state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".title4,
+ defaultValue: state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".defaultValues.default2,
+ required: true,
+ multiple: false,
+ options: state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".meteringDays
+ )
+ /* A contract type that user should know */
+ input(
+ type: "enum",
+ name: "contractType",
+ title: state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".title5,
+ defaultValue: state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".defaultValues.default3,
+ required: true,
+ multiple: false,
+ options: state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".contractTypes)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+def requestCode(){
+ log.debug "In state of sending a request to Encored for OAuth code.\n"
+ /* Make a parameter to request Encored for a OAuth code. */
+ def oauthParams =
+ [
+ response_type: "code",
+ scope: "remote",
+ client_id: "${appSettings.clientId}",
+ app_version: "web",
+ redirect_uri: buildRedirectUrl("receiveToken")
+ ]
+ /* Request Encored a code. */
+ redirect location: "https://enertalk-auth.encoredtech.com/authorization?${toQueryString(oauthParams)}"
+def receiveToken(){
+ log.debug "Request Encored to swap code with Encored Aceess Token"
+ /* Making a parameter to swap code with a token */
+ def authorization = "Basic " + "${appSettings.clientId}:${appSettings.clientSecret}".bytes.encodeBase64()
+ def uri = "https://enertalk-auth.encoredtech.com/token"
+ def header = [Authorization: authorization, contentType: "application/json"]
+ def body = [grant_type: "authorization_code", code: params.code]
+ log.debug "Swap code with a token"
+ def encoredTokenParams = makePostParams(uri, header, body)
+ log.debug "API call to Encored to swap code with a token"
+ def encoredTokens = getHttpPostJson(encoredTokenParams)
+ /* make a page to show people if the REST was successful or not. */
+ if (encoredTokens) {
+ log.debug "Got Encored OAuth token\n"
+ atomicState.encoredRefreshToken = encoredTokens.refresh_token
+ atomicState.encoredAccessToken = encoredTokens.access_token
+ success()
+ } else {
+ log.debug "Could not get Encored OAuth token\n"
+ fail()
+ }
+def installed() {
+ log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}"
+ initialize()
+def updated() {
+ log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}"
+ /* Make sure uuid is there. */
+ getUUID()
+ /* Check uuid and if it does not exist then don't update.*/
+ if (!atomicState.notPaired) {
+ def theDay = 1
+ for(def i=1; i < 28; i++) {
+ /* set user choosen option to apropriate value. */
+ if (atomicState.language == "en") {
+ if ("${i}st day of the month" == settings.meteringDate ||
+ "${i}nd day of the month" == settings.meteringDate ||
+ "${i}rd day of the month" == settings.meteringDate ||
+ "${i}th day of the month" == settings.meteringDate) {
+ theDay = i
+ i = 28
+ } else if ("Rest of the month" == settings.meteringDate) {
+ theDay = 27
+ i = 28
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (settings.meteringDate == "매월 ${i}일") {
+ theDay = i
+ i = 28
+ } else if ("말일" == settings.meteringDate) {
+ theDay = 27
+ i = 28
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Set choosen contract to apropriate variable. */
+ def contract = 1
+ if (settings.contractType == "High voltage" || settings.contractType == "주택용 고압") {
+ contract = 2
+ if (settings.energyPlan < 460) {
+ settings.energyPlan = 490
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (settings.energyPlan < 1130) {
+ settings.energyPlan = 1130
+ }
+ }
+ /* convert bill to milliwatts */
+ def changeToUsageParam = makeGetParams("${state.domains."${atomicState.env_mode}"}/1.2/devices/${atomicState.uuid}/bill/expectedUsage?bill=${settings.energyPlan}",
+ [Authorization: "Bearer ${atomicState.encoredAccessToken}", ContentType: "application/json"])
+ def energyPlanUsage = getHttpGetJson(changeToUsageParam, 'CheckEnergyPlanUsage')
+ def epUsage = 0
+ if (energyPlanUsage) {
+ epUsage = energyPlanUsage.usage
+ }
+ /* update the the information depends on the option choosen */
+ def configurationParam = makePostParams("${state.domains."${atomicState.env_mode}"}/1.2/me",
+ [Authorization : "Bearer ${atomicState.encoredAccessToken}"],
+ [contractType : contract,
+ meteringDay : theDay,
+ maxLimitUsage : epUsage])
+ getHttpPutJson(configurationParam)
+ }
+def initialize() {
+ log.debug "Initializing Application"
+ def EATValidation = checkEncoreAccessTokenValidation()
+ /* if token exist get user's device id, uuid */
+ if (EATValidation) {
+ getUUID()
+ if (atomicState.uuid) {
+ def pushParams = makePostParams("${state.domains."${atomicState.env_mode}"}/1.2/devices/${atomicState.uuid}/events/push",
+ [Authorization: "Bearer ${atomicState.encoredAccessToken}", ContentType: "application/json"],
+ [type: "REST", regId:"${state.accessToken}__${app.id}"])
+ getHttpPostJson(pushParams)
+ }
+ } else {
+ log.warning "Ecored Access Token did not get refreshed!"
+ }
+ /* add device Type Handler */
+ atomicState.dni = "EncoredDTH01"
+ def d = getChildDevice(atomicState.dni)
+ if(!d) {
+ log.debug "Creating Device Type Handler."
+ d = addChildDevice("Encored Technologies", "EnerTalk Energy Meter", atomicState.dni, null, [name:"EnerTalk Energy Meter", label:name])
+ } else {
+ log.debug "Device already created"
+ }
+ setSummary()
+def setSummary() {
+ log.debug "in setSummary"
+ def text = "Successfully installed."
+ sendEvent(linkText:count.toString(), descriptionText: app.label,
+ name: "summary",
+ value: text,
+ data: [["icon":"indicator-dot-gray","iconColor":"#878787","value":text]],
+ displayed: false)
+// TODO: implement event handlers
+/* Check the validation of Encored Access Token (EAT)
+* If it's not valid try refresh Access Token.
+* If the token gets refreshed, it will refresh the value of Encored Access Token
+* If it doesn't get refreshed, then it returns null
+private checkEncoreAccessTokenValidation() {
+ /* make a parameter to check the validation of Encored access token */
+ def verifyParam = makeGetParams("https://enertalk-auth.encoredtech.com/verify",
+ [Authorization: "Bearer ${atomicState.encoredAccessToken}", ContentType: "application/json"])
+ /* check the validation */
+ def verified = getHttpGetJson(verifyParam, 'verifyToken')
+ log.debug "verified : ${verified}"
+ /* if Encored Access Token need to be renewed. */
+ if (!verified) {
+ try {
+ refreshAuthToken()
+ /* Recheck the renewed Encored access token. */
+ verifyParam.headers = [Authorization: "Bearer ${atomicState.encoredAccessToken}"]
+ verified = getHttpGetJson(verifyParam, 'CheckRefresh')
+ } catch (groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException e) {
+ /* If refreshing token raises an error */
+ log.warn "Refresh Token Error : ${e}"
+ }
+ }
+ return verified
+/* Get device UUID, if it does not exist, return false. true otherwise.*/
+private getUUID() {
+ atomicState.uuid = null
+ atomicState.notPaired = true
+ /* Make a parameter to get device id (uuid)*/
+ def uuidParams = makeGetParams( "https://enertalk-auth.encoredtech.com/uuid",
+ [Authorization: "Bearer ${atomicState.encoredAccessToken}", ContentType: "application/json"])
+ def deviceUUID = getHttpGetJson(uuidParams, 'UUID')
+ log.debug "device uuid is : ${deviceUUID}"
+ if (!deviceUUID) {
+ return false
+ }
+ log.debug "got here even tho"
+ atomicState.uuid = deviceUUID.uuid
+ atomicState.notPaired = false
+ return true
+private createLocaleStrings() {
+ state.domains = [
+ test : "http://api.encoredtech.com",
+ prod : "https://api.encoredtech.com:8082/"
+ ]
+ state.languageString =
+ [
+ energyPlan : 30000,
+ en : [
+ desc1 : "Tab below to sign in or sign up to Encored EnerTalk smart energy service and authorize SmartThings access.",
+ desc2 : "Click to proceed authorization.",
+ main : "EnerTalk",
+ defaultValues : [
+ default1 : "kWh",
+ default2 : "1st day of the month",
+ default3 : "Low voltage"
+ ],
+ meteringDays : [
+ "1st day of the month",
+ "2nd day of the month",
+ "3rd day of the month",
+ "4th day of the month",
+ "5th day of the month",
+ "6th day of the month",
+ "7th day of the month",
+ "8th day of the month",
+ "9th day of the month",
+ "10th day of the month",
+ "11th day of the month",
+ "12th day of the month",
+ "13th day of the month",
+ "14th day of the month",
+ "15th day of the month",
+ "16th day of the month",
+ "17th day of the month",
+ "18th day of the month",
+ "19th day of the month",
+ "20st day of the month",
+ "21st day of the month",
+ "22nd day of the month",
+ "23rd day of the month",
+ "24th day of the month",
+ "25th day of the month",
+ "26th day of the month",
+ "Rest of the month"
+ ],
+ displayUnits : ["WON(₩)", "kWh"],
+ contractTypes : ["Low voltage", "High voltage"],
+ title1 : "Send push notification",
+ title2 : "Energy Plan",
+ subTitle1 : "Setup your energy plan by won",
+ title3 : "Display Unit",
+ title4 : "Metering Date",
+ title5 : "Contract Type",
+ title6 : "User & Notifications",
+ message1 : """ Your Encored Account is now connected to SmartThings!
Click 'Done' to finish setup.
+ message2 : """ The connection could not be established!
Click 'Done' to return to the menu.
+ message3 : [
+ header : "Device is not installed",
+ body1 : "You need to install EnerTalk device at first,",
+ body2 : "and proceed setup and register device.",
+ button1 : "Setup device",
+ button2 : "Not Installed"
+ ],
+ message4 : [
+ header : "Device is not connected.",
+ body1 : "Please check the Wi-Fi network connection",
+ body2 : "and EnerTalk device status.",
+ body3 : "Select ‘Setup Device’ to reset the device."
+ ]
+ ],
+ ko :[
+ desc1 : "스마트 에너지 서비스를 이용하시려면 EnerTalk 서비스 가입과 SmartThings 접근 권한이 필요합니다.",
+ desc2 : "아래 버튼을 누르면 인증을 시작합니다",
+ main : "EnerTalk 인증",
+ defaultValues : [
+ default1 : "kWh",
+ default2 : "매월 1일",
+ default3 : "주택용 저압"
+ ],
+ meteringDays : [
+ "매월 1일",
+ "매월 2일",
+ "매월 3일",
+ "매월 4일",
+ "매월 5일",
+ "매월 6일",
+ "매월 7일",
+ "매월 8일",
+ "매월 9일",
+ "매월 10일",
+ "매월 11일",
+ "매월 12일",
+ "매월 13일",
+ "매월 14일",
+ "매월 15일",
+ "매월 16일",
+ "매월 17일",
+ "매월 18일",
+ "매월 19일",
+ "매월 20일",
+ "매월 21일",
+ "매월 22일",
+ "매월 23일",
+ "매월 24일",
+ "매월 25일",
+ "매월 26일",
+ "말일"
+ ],
+ displayUnits : ["원(₩)", "kWh"],
+ contractTypes : ["주택용 저압", "주택용 고압"],
+ title1 : "알람 설정",
+ title2 : "사용 계획 (원)",
+ subTitle1 : "월간 계획을 금액으로 입력하세요",
+ title3 : "표시 단위",
+ title4 : "정기검침일",
+ title5 : "계약종별",
+ title6 : "사용자 & 알람 설정",
+ message1 : """ EnerTalk 계정이 SmartThings와 연결 되었습니다!
Done을 눌러 계속 진행해 주세요.
+ message2 : """ 계정 연결이 실패했습니다.
Done 버튼을 눌러 다시 시도해주세요.
+ message3 : [
+ header : "기기 설치가 필요합니다.",
+ body1 : "가정 내 분전반에 EnerTalk 기기를 먼저 설치하고,",
+ body2 : "아래 버튼을 눌러 기기등록 및 연결을 진행하세요.",
+ button1 : "기기 설정",
+ button2 : "설치필요"
+ ],
+ message4 : [
+ header : "Device is not connected.",
+ body1 : "Please check the Wi-Fi network connection",
+ body2 : "and EnerTalk device status.",
+ body3 : "Select ‘Setup Device’ to reset the device."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+/* This method makes a redirect url with a given endpoint */
+private buildRedirectUrl(mappingPath) {
+ log.debug "Start : Starting to making a redirect URL with endpoint : /${mappingPath}"
+ def url = "https://graph.api.smartthings.com/api/token/${state.accessToken}/smartapps/installations/${app.id}/${mappingPath}"
+ log.debug "Done : Finished to make a URL : ${url}"
+ url
+String toQueryString(Map m) {
+ return m.collect { k, v -> "${k}=${URLEncoder.encode(v.toString())}" }.sort().join("&")
+/* make a success message. */
+private success() {
+ def lang = clientLocale?.language
+ if ("${lang}" == "ko") {
+ log.debug "I was here at first."
+ atomicState.language = "ko"
+ } else {
+ atomicState.language = "en"
+ }
+ log.debug atomicState.language
+ def message = atomicState.languageString."${atomicState.language}".message1
+ connectionStatus(message)
+/* make a failure message. */
+private fail() {
+ def lang = clientLocale?.language
+ if ("${lang}" == "ko") {
+ log.debug "I was here at first."
+ atomicState.language = "ko"
+ } else {
+ atomicState.language = "en"
+ }
+ def message = atomicState.languageString."${atomicState.language}".message2
+ connectionStatus(message)
+private connectionStatus(message) {
+ def html = """
+ SmartThings Connection
+ """
+ render contentType: 'text/html', data: html
+private refreshAuthToken() {
+ /*Refreshing Encored Access Token*/
+ log.debug "Refreshing Encored Access Token"
+ if(!atomicState.encoredRefreshToken) {
+ log.error "Encored Refresh Token does not exist!"
+ } else {
+ def authorization = "Basic " + "${appSettings.clientId}:${appSettings.clientSecret}".bytes.encodeBase64()
+ def refreshParam = makePostParams("https://enertalk-auth.encoredtech.com/token",
+ [Authorization: authorization],
+ [grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: "${atomicState.encoredRefreshToken}"])
+ def newAccessToken = getHttpPostJson(refreshParam)
+ if (newAccessToken) {
+ atomicState.encoredAccessToken = newAccessToken.access_token
+ log.debug "Successfully got new Encored Access Token.\n"
+ } else {
+ log.error "Was unable to renew Encored Access Token.\n"
+ }
+ }
+private getHttpPutJson(param) {
+ log.debug "Put URI : ${param.uri}"
+ try {
+ httpPut(param) { resp ->
+ log.debug "HTTP Put Success"
+ }
+ } catch(groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException e) {
+ log.warn "HTTP Put Error : ${e}"
+ }
+private getHttpPostJson(param) {
+ log.debug "Post URI : ${param.uri}"
+ def jsonMap = null
+ try {
+ httpPost(param) { resp ->
+ jsonMap = resp.data
+ log.debug resp.data
+ }
+ } catch(groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException e) {
+ log.warn "HTTP Post Error : ${e}"
+ }
+ return jsonMap
+private getHttpGetJson(param, testLog) {
+ log.debug "Get URI : ${param.uri}"
+ def jsonMap = null
+ try {
+ httpGet(param) { resp ->
+ jsonMap = resp.data
+ }
+ } catch(groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException e) {
+ log.warn "HTTP Get Error : ${e}"
+ }
+ return jsonMap
+private makePostParams(uri, header, body=[]) {
+ return [
+ uri : uri,
+ headers : header,
+ body : body
+ ]
+private makeGetParams(uri, headers, path="") {
+ return [
+ uri : uri,
+ path : path,
+ headers : headers
+ ]
+def getInitialData() {
+ def lang = clientLocale?.language
+ if ("${lang}" == "ko") {
+ lang = "ko"
+ } else {
+ lang = "en"
+ }
+ atomicState.solutionModuleSettings.language = lang
+ atomicState.solutionModuleSettings
+def consoleLog() {
+ log.debug "console log: ${request.JSON.str}"
+def getHtml() {
+ /* initializing variables */
+ def deviceStatusData = "", standbyData = "", meData = "", meteringData = "", rankingData = "", lastMonth = "", deviceId = ""
+ def standby = "", plan = "", start = "", end = "", meteringDay = "", meteringUsage = "", percent = "", tier = "", meteringPeriodBill = ""
+ def maxLimitUsageBill, maxLimitUsage = 0
+ def deviceStatus = false
+ def displayUnit = "watt"
+ def meteringPeriodBillShow = "", meteringPeriodBillFalse = "collecting data"
+ def standbyShow = "", standbyFalse = "collecting data"
+ def rankingShow = "collecting data"
+ def tierShow = "collecting data"
+ def lastMonthShow = "", lastMonthFalse = "no records"
+ def planShow = "", planFalse = "set up plan"
+ def thisMonthUnitOne ="", thisMonthUnitTwo = "", planUnitOne = "", planUnitTwo = "", lastMonthUnit = "", standbyUnit = ""
+ def thisMonthTitle = "This Month", tierTitle = "Billing Tier", planTitle = "Energy Goal",
+ lastMonthTitle = "Last Month", rankingTitle = "Ranking", standbyTitle = "Always on", energyMonitorDeviceTitle = "EnerTalk Device" , realtimeTitle = "Realtime"
+ def onOff = "OFF", rankImage = "", tierImage = ""
+ def htmlBody = ""
+ /* Get the language setting on device. */
+ def lang = clientLocale?.language
+ if ("${lang}" == "ko") {
+ atomicState.language = "ko"
+ } else {
+ atomicState.language = "en"
+ }
+ if (atomicState.language == "ko") {
+ rankingShow = "데이터 수집 중"
+ meteringPeriodBillFalse = "데이터 수집 중"
+ lastMonthFalse = "정보가 없습니다"
+ standbyFalse = "데이터 수집 중"
+ planFalse = "계획을 입력하세요"
+ thisMonthTitle = "이번 달"
+ tierTitle = "누진단계"
+ planTitle = "사용 계획"
+ lastMonthTitle = "지난달"
+ rankingTitle = "랭킹"
+ standbyTitle = "대기전력"
+ energyMonitorDeviceTitle = "스마트미터 상태"
+ realtimeTitle = "실시간"
+ }
+ /* check Encored Access Token */
+ def EATValidation = checkEncoreAccessTokenValidation()
+ log.debug EATValidation
+ /* check if uuid already exist or not.*/
+ if (EATValidation && atomicState.notPaired) {
+ getUUID()
+ }
+ /* If token has been verified or refreshed and if uuid exist, call other apis */
+ log.debug atomicState.notPaired
+ if (!atomicState.notPaired) {
+ if(EATValidation) {
+ /* make a parameter to get device status */
+ def deviceStatusParam = makeGetParams( "${state.domains."${atomicState.env_mode}"}/1.2/devices/${atomicState.uuid}/status",
+ [Authorization: "Bearer ${atomicState.encoredAccessToken}", ContentType: "application/json"])
+ /* get device status. */
+ deviceStatusData = getHttpGetJson(deviceStatusParam, 'CheckDeviceStatus')
+ /* make a parameter to get standby value.*/
+ def standbyParam = makeGetParams( "${state.domains."${atomicState.env_mode}"}/1.2/devices/${atomicState.uuid}/standbyPower",
+ [Authorization: "Bearer ${atomicState.encoredAccessToken}", ContentType: "application/json"])
+ /* get standby value */
+ standbyData = getHttpGetJson(standbyParam, 'CheckStandbyPower')
+ /* make a parameter to get user's info. */
+ def meParam = makeGetParams( "${state.domains."${atomicState.env_mode}"}/1.2/me",
+ [Authorization: "Bearer ${atomicState.encoredAccessToken}", ContentType: "application/json"])
+ /* Get user's info */
+ meData = getHttpGetJson(meParam, 'CheckMe')
+ /* make a parameter to get energy used since metering date */
+ def meteringParam = makeGetParams( "${state.domains."${atomicState.env_mode}"}/1.2/devices/${atomicState.uuid}/meteringUsage",
+ [Authorization: "Bearer ${atomicState.encoredAccessToken}", ContentType: "application/json"])
+ /* Get the value of energy used since metering date. */
+ meteringData = getHttpGetJson(meteringParam, 'CheckMeteringUsage')
+ /* make a parameter to get the energy usage ranking of a user. */
+ def rankingParam = makeGetParams( "${state.domains."${atomicState.env_mode}"}/1.2/ranking/usages/${atomicState.uuid}?state=current&period=monthly",
+ [Authorization: "Bearer ${atomicState.encoredAccessToken}", ContentType: "application/json"])
+ /* Get user's energy usage rank */
+ rankingData = getHttpGetJson(rankingParam, 'CheckingRanking')
+ /* Parse the values from the returned value of api calls. Then use these values to inform user how much they have used or will use. */
+ /* parse device status. */
+ if (deviceStatusData) {
+ if (deviceStatusData.status == "NORMAL") {
+ deviceStatus = true
+ }
+ }
+ log.debug "deiceStatusData : ${deviceStatus} || ${deviceStatusData}"
+ /* Parse standby power. */
+ if (standbyData) {
+ if (standbyData.standbyPower) {
+ standby = (standbyData.standbyPower / 1000)
+ }
+ }
+ /* Parse max limit usage and it's bill from user's info. */
+ if (meData) {
+ if (meData.maxLimitUsageBill) {
+ maxLimitUsageBill = meData.maxLimitUsageBill
+ maxLimitUsage = meData.maxLimitUsage
+ }
+ }
+ /* Parse the values which have been used since metering date.
+ * The list is :
+ * meteringPeriodBill : A bill for energy usage.
+ * plan : The left amount of bill until it reaches limit.
+ * start : metering date in millisecond e.g. if the metering started on june and 1st, 2015,06,01
+ * end : Today's date in millisecond
+ * meteringDay : The day of the metering date. e.g. if the metering date is June 1st, then it will return 1.
+ * meteringUSage : The amount of energy that user has used.
+ * tier : the level of energy use, tier exits from 1 to 6.
+ */
+ if (meteringData) {
+ if (meteringData.meteringPeriodBill) {
+ meteringPeriodBill = meteringData.meteringPeriodBill
+ plan = maxLimitUsageBill - meteringData.meteringPeriodBill
+ start = meteringData.meteringStart
+ end = meteringData.meteringEnd
+ meteringDay = meteringData.meteringDay
+ meteringUsage = meteringData.meteringPeriodUsage
+ tier = ((int) (meteringData.meteringPeriodUsage / 100000000) + 1)
+ if(tier > 6) {
+ tier = 6
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Get ranking data of a user and the percent */
+ if (rankingData) {
+ if (rankingData.user.ranking) {
+ percent = ((int)((rankingData.user.ranking / rankingData.user.population) * 10))
+ if (percent > 10) {
+ percent = 10
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if the start value exist, get last month energy usage. */
+ if (start) {
+ def lastMonthParam = makeGetParams( "${state.domains."${atomicState.env_mode}"}/1.2/devices/${atomicState.uuid}/meteringUsages?period=monthly&start=${start}&end=${end}",
+ [Authorization: "Bearer ${atomicState.encoredAccessToken}", ContentType: "application/json"])
+ lastMonth = getHttpGetJson(lastMonthParam, 'ChecklastMonth')
+ }
+ /* I decided to set values to device type handler, on loading solution module.
+ So, users may need to go back to solution module to update their device type handler. */
+ def d = getChildDevice(atomicState.dni)
+ def kWhMonth = Math.round(meteringUsage / 10000) / 100 /* milliwatt to kilowatt*/
+ def planUsed = 0
+ if ( maxLimitUsage > 0 ) {
+ planUsed = Math.round((meteringUsage / maxLimitUsage) * 100) /* get the pecent of used amount against max usage */
+ } else {
+ planUsed = Math.round((meteringUsage/ 1000000) * 100) /* if max was not decided let the used value be percent. e.g. 1kWh = 100% */
+ }
+ /* get realtime usage of user's device.*/
+ def realTimeParam = makeGetParams("${state.domains."${atomicState.env_mode}"}/1.2/devices/${atomicState.uuid}/realtimeUsage",
+ [Authorization: "Bearer ${atomicState.encoredAccessToken}"])
+ def realTimeInfo = getHttpGetJson(realTimeParam, 'CheckRealtimeinfo')
+ if (!realTimeInfo) {
+ realTimeInfo = 0
+ } else {
+ realTimeInfo = Math.round(realTimeInfo.activePower / 1000 )
+ }
+ /* inserting values to device type handler */
+ d?.sendEvent(name: "view", value : "${kWhMonth}")
+ if (deviceStatus) {
+ d?.sendEvent(name: "month", value : "${thisMonthTitle} \n ${kWhMonth} \n kWh")
+ } else {
+ d?.sendEvent(name: "month", value : "\n ${state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".message4.header} \n\n " +
+ "${state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".message4.body1} \n " +
+ "${state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".message4.body2} \n " +
+ "${state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".message4.body3}")
+ }
+ d?.sendEvent(name: "real", value : "${realTimeInfo}w \n\n ${realtimeTitle}")
+ d?.sendEvent(name: "tier", value : "${tier} \n\n ${tierTitle}")
+ d?.sendEvent(name: "plan", value : "${planUsed}% \n\n ${planTitle}")
+ deviceId = d.id
+ } else {
+ /* If it finally couldn't get Encored access token. */
+ log.error "Could not get Encored Access Token. Please try later."
+ }
+ /* change the display uinit to bill from kWh if user want. */
+ if (settings.displayUnit == "WON(₩)" || settings.displayUnit == "원(₩)") {
+ displayUnit = "bill"
+ }
+ if (meteringPeriodBill) {
+ /* reform the value of the bill with the , separator */
+ meteringPeriodBillShow = formatMoney("${meteringPeriodBill}")
+ meteringPeriodBillFalse = ""
+ thisMonthUnitOne = "₩"
+ def dayPassed = getDayPassed(start, end, meteringDay)
+ if (atomicState.language == 'ko') {
+ thisMonthUnitTwo = "/ ${dayPassed}일"
+ } else {
+ if (dayPassed == 1) {
+ thisMonthUnitTwo = "/${dayPassed} day"
+ } else {
+ thisMonthUnitTwo = "/${dayPassed} days"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (plan) {
+ planShow = plan
+ if (plan >= 1000) {planShow = formatMoney("${plan}") }
+ planFalse = ""
+ planUnitOne = "₩"
+ if (atomicState.language == 'ko') {
+ planUnitTwo = "남음"
+ } else {
+ planUnitTwo = "left"
+ }
+ }
+ /*set the showing units for html.*/
+ log.debug lastMonth
+ if (lastMonth.usages) {
+ lastMonthShow = formatMoney("${lastMonth.usages[0].meteringPeriodBill}")
+ lastMonthFalse = ""
+ lastMonthUnit = "₩"
+ }
+ if (standby) {
+ standbyShow = standby
+ standbyFalse = ""
+ standbyUnit = "W"
+ }
+ if (percent) {
+ rankImage = ""
+ rankingShow = ""
+ }
+ if (tier) {
+ tierImage = ""
+ tierShow = ""
+ }
+ if (deviceStatus) {
+ onOff = "ON"
+ }
+ atomicState.solutionModuleSettings = [
+ auth : atomicState.encoredAccessToken,
+ deviceState : deviceStatus,
+ percent : percent,
+ displayUnit : displayUnit,
+ language : atomicState.language,
+ deviceId : deviceId,
+ pairing : true
+ ]
+ htmlBody = """
+ ${thisMonthUnitOne}
+ ${meteringPeriodBillShow}
+ ${meteringPeriodBillFalse}
+ ${thisMonthUnitTwo}
+ ${tierImage}
+ ${tierShow}
+ ${planUnitOne}
+ ${planShow}
+ ${planFalse}
+ ${planUnitTwo}
+ ${lastMonthUnit}
+ ${lastMonthShow}
+ ${lastMonthFalse}
+ ${rankImage}
+ ${rankingShow}
+ ${standbyShow}
+ ${standbyFalse}
+ ${standbyUnit}
+ ${onOff}
+ """
+ } else {
+ log.debug "abotu to ask device connection"
+ def d = getChildDevice(atomicState.dni)
+ /* inserting values to device type handler */
+ d?.sendEvent(name: "month", value : "\n ${state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".message3.header} \n\n ${state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".message3.body1} \n ${state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".message3.body2}")
+ deviceId = d.id
+ if (state.language == "ko") {
+ energyMonitorDeviceTitle = "스마트미터 상태"
+ }
+ /* need device pairing */
+ atomicState.solutionModuleSettings = [
+ dId : deviceId,
+ pairing : false
+ ]
+ htmlBody = """
+ ${state.languageString."${atomicState.language}".message3.button2}
+ """
+ }
+ renderHTML() {
+ head {
+ """
+ """
+ }
+ body {
+ htmlBody
+ }
+ }
+/* put commas for money or if there are things that need to have a comma separator.*/
+private formatMoney(money) {
+ def i = money.length()-1
+ def ret = ""
+ def commas = ((int) Math.floor(i/3))
+ def j = 0
+ def counter = 0
+ while (i >= 0) {
+ if (counter > 0 && (counter % 3) == 0) {
+ ret = "${money[i]},${ret}"
+ j++
+ } else {
+ ret = "${money[i]}${ret}"
+ }
+ counter++
+ i--
+ }
+ ret
+/* Count how many days have been passed since metering day:
+* if metering day < today, it returns today - metering day
+* else if metering day > today, it calcualtes how many days have been passed since meterin day and return calculated value.
+* else return 1 (today).
+private getDayPassed(start, end, meteringDay){
+ def day = 1
+ def today = new Date(end)
+ def tzDifference = 9 * 60 + today.getTimezoneOffset()
+ today = new Date(today.getTime() + tzDifference * 60 * 1000).getDate();
+ if (today > meteringDay) {
+ day += today - meteringDay;
+ }
+ if (today < meteringDay) {
+ def startDate = new Date(start);
+ def month = startDate.getMonth();
+ def year = startDate.getYear();
+ def lastDate = new Date(year, month, 31).getDate();
+ if (lastDate == 1) {
+ day += 30;
+ } else {
+ day += 31;
+ }
+ day = day - meteringDay + today;
+ }
+ day
+/* Get Encored push and send the notification. */
+def getEncoredPush() {
+ byte[] decoded = "${params.msg}".decodeBase64()
+ def decodedString = new String(decoded)
+ if (settings.notification == "true") {
+ sendNotification("${decodedString}", [method: "push"])
+ } else {
+ sendNotificationEvent("${decodedString}")
+ }
\ No newline at end of file