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Support to Render PlantUML Diagrams in the Author Visual Editing Mode

This plugin allows the Author visual editing mode to render PlantUML diagrams embedded in DITA topics.

To install:

  1. Download a zip of the entire wsaccess-javascript-sample-plugins parent project (,
  2. Copy the folder plantuml-images-support to the Oxygen plugins folder
  3. Restart Oxygen.
  4. You can later open the testDiagram.dita sample topic in the Oxygen editing area to see if the diagrams are properly rendered in the Author visual editing mode.

There is a text area under the image in which you can edit the textual description, in addition double clicking the diagram image will show a dialog box that contains the original diagram text content that can be edited.

More details about using PlantUML diagrams in the published output can be found at: