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o hai!

Getting started

Install deps:

```npm install```

You need the selenium-server-standalone jar to run tests locally:

curl > selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar

Fire up selenium:

```java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar```

run some tests locally

There isn't a test runner yet, but you can do this for each test under tests:

PERSONA_ENV=stage node tests/change-password-test.js

PERSONA_ENV sets the target you want to test. stage is the most stable environment at present, so run your tests against it.

run some tests against sauce

Set some more environment variables:

* specify sauce username as `PERSONA_SAUCE_USER` (in persona-secrets bundle for mozilla identity devs)
* specify sauce api key as `PERSONA_SAUCE_APIKEY` (in persona-secrets bundle for mozilla identity devs)
* specify your sauce browser and OS combo as `PERSONA_BROWSER`
    * current list: `linux_firefox_13`, `linux_opera_12`, `osx_firefox_14`, `vista_chrome`, `vista_firefox_13`, `vista_ie_9`, `xp_ie_8`
    * the list is in config/sauce-platforms.js
* You can temporarily force a local browser run with `PERSONA_NO_SAUCE`. If you do this, make sure `PERSONA_BROWSER` is set to something that can be run locally.

Then run the tests just like you would locally:

PERSONA_ENV=stage node tests/change-password-test.js

run all the tests

It is possible to run all of the available tests either locally or against Sauce.

To run all the tests locally against one browser:

scripts/run-all.js --local --platform=osx_firefox_15 --env=stage

To run all the tests on Sauce in parallel against one browser:

scripts/run-all.js --parallel=15 --platform=osx_firefox_15 --env=stage

To run all the tests on Sauce against all supported browsers:

scripts/run-all.js --parallel=15 --platform=all --env=stage

For help with other run-all.js options: scripts/run-all.js --help

disabling tests

Tests can be disabled by adding the name of the test file to config/tests-to-ignore.js. This is useful while developing new test suites that are not yet ready to be consumed by all browsers.

exports.tests_to_ignore = [

This ignores the tests in public-terminals.js

Test Setup

  • To get common test fixtures (personatestusers, restmail emails, emails, or browser sessions), use TestSetup.setup:

testSetup.setup({ browsers: 2, restmails: 1, eyedeemails: 1, personatestusers: 2 }, cb)

  • You can also use a less verbose syntax:

testSetup.setup({b:2, r:1, e:1, p:2}, cb)

  • Your callback should take an error function and an object that holds all the test fixtures you asked for:
  function(err, fixtures) {
    browser = fixtures.browsers[0];
    secondBrowser = fixtures.browsers[1];
    theEmail = fixtures.restmails[0];
    eyedeemail = fixtures.eyedeemails[0];
    firstUser = fixtures.personatestusers[0];
    secondUser = fixtures.personatestusers[1];

Reference: Extensions to wd's API

This code lives in lib/wd-extensions.js

wait-API: wait, then do X. super useful.

  • wfind(selector, cb(err, el)): wait until the specified element is displayed, then pass it to cb. Alias for custom extension waitForDisplayed.
  • wclick(selector, cb(err)): wait until the specified element is displayed, then click it
  • wwin(windowName, cb(err)): wait until the specified window is displayed, then switch to it. Aslias for custom extension waitForWindow.
  • wclickIfExists(selector, cb(err)): wait for a maximum of one second to see if the specified element is displayed, then click it. If element does not exist, continue without an error.
    • calling wwin() with no arguments will switch to the main window--not true of waitForWindow.
  • wtype(selector, text, cb(err)): wait until the specified element is displayed, then type into it
    • warning: wd.type() takes an element, not a selector!
  • wtext(selector, cb(err, text)): wait until the specified element is displayed, then pass its text content to cb
  • wgetAttribute(selector, attrName, cb(err, value)): wait until the specified element is displayed, then get an attribute value
  • wclear(selector, cb(err)): wait until the specified element is displayed, then clear it

other extensions

  • find(selector, cb(err, el)): find specified element and pass it to cb. Alias for elementByCss.
  • click(selector, cb(err)): click the specified element. Alias for clickElement.
  • waitForDisplayed(opts, cb(err, el)): wait for element to become visible, then switch to it.
    • opts can be just the selector, or an object with name, poll, and timeout props.
  • waitForWindow(opts, cb(err)): wait for window to become visible, then switch to it.
    • opts can be just the name, or an object with name, poll, and timeout props.
  • waitForElementText(opts, cb(err, el)): wait for specified el to have a non-empty text value
    • opts can be just the selector, or an object with name, poll, and timeout props.
  • closeCurrentBrowserWindow(cb(err)): close the currently open browser window and switch to one of the remaining
  • newSession(cb(err)): allocate a new browser session and sets implicit wait timeout
  • delay(timeout, cb(err)): delay for the specified amount of time before continuing
