o hai!
```npm install```
curl http://selenium.googlecode.com/files/selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar > selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar
```java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar```
There isn't a test runner yet, but you can do this for each test under tests
PERSONA_ENV=stage node tests/change-password-test.js
sets the target you want to test. stage is the most stable environment at present, so run your tests against it.
Set some more environment variables:
* specify sauce username as `PERSONA_SAUCE_USER` (in persona-secrets bundle for mozilla identity devs)
* specify sauce api key as `PERSONA_SAUCE_APIKEY` (in persona-secrets bundle for mozilla identity devs)
* specify your sauce browser and OS combo as `PERSONA_BROWSER`
* current list: `linux_firefox_13`, `linux_opera_12`, `osx_firefox_14`, `vista_chrome`, `vista_firefox_13`, `vista_ie_9`, `xp_ie_8`
* the list is in config/sauce-platforms.js
* You can temporarily force a local browser run with `PERSONA_NO_SAUCE`. If you do this, make sure `PERSONA_BROWSER` is set to something that can be run locally.
Then run the tests just like you would locally:
PERSONA_ENV=stage node tests/change-password-test.js
It is possible to run all of the available tests either locally or against Sauce.
To run all the tests locally against one browser:
scripts/run-all.js --local --platform=osx_firefox_15 --env=stage
To run all the tests on Sauce in parallel against one browser:
scripts/run-all.js --parallel=15 --platform=osx_firefox_15 --env=stage
To run all the tests on Sauce against all supported browsers:
scripts/run-all.js --parallel=15 --platform=all --env=stage
For help with other run-all.js options: scripts/run-all.js --help
Tests can be disabled by adding the name of the test file to config/tests-to-ignore.js. This is useful while developing new test suites that are not yet ready to be consumed by all browsers.
exports.tests_to_ignore = [
This ignores the tests in public-terminals.js
- To get common test fixtures (personatestusers, restmail emails, eyedee.me emails, or browser sessions), use TestSetup.setup:
testSetup.setup({ browsers: 2, restmails: 1, eyedeemails: 1, personatestusers: 2 }, cb)
- You can also use a less verbose syntax:
testSetup.setup({b:2, r:1, e:1, p:2}, cb)
- Your callback should take an error function and an object that holds all the test fixtures you asked for:
function(err, fixtures) {
browser = fixtures.browsers[0];
secondBrowser = fixtures.browsers[1];
theEmail = fixtures.restmails[0];
eyedeemail = fixtures.eyedeemails[0];
firstUser = fixtures.personatestusers[0];
secondUser = fixtures.personatestusers[1];
This code lives in lib/wd-extensions.js
wfind(selector, cb(err, el))
: wait until the specified element is displayed, then pass it to cb. Alias for custom extensionwaitForDisplayed
.wclick(selector, cb(err))
: wait until the specified element is displayed, then click itwwin(windowName, cb(err))
: wait until the specified window is displayed, then switch to it. Aslias for custom extensionwaitForWindow
.wclickIfExists(selector, cb(err))
: wait for a maximum of one second to see if the specified element is displayed, then click it. If element does not exist, continue without an error.- calling
with no arguments will switch to the main window--not true ofwaitForWindow
- calling
wtype(selector, text, cb(err))
: wait until the specified element is displayed, then type into it- warning: wd.type() takes an element, not a selector!
wtext(selector, cb(err, text))
: wait until the specified element is displayed, then pass its text content to cbwgetAttribute(selector, attrName, cb(err, value))
: wait until the specified element is displayed, then get an attribute valuewclear(selector, cb(err))
: wait until the specified element is displayed, then clear it
find(selector, cb(err, el))
: find specified element and pass it to cb. Alias forelementByCss
.click(selector, cb(err))
: click the specified element. Alias forclickElement
.waitForDisplayed(opts, cb(err, el))
: wait for element to become visible, then switch to it.opts
can be just the selector, or an object with name, poll, and timeout props.
waitForWindow(opts, cb(err))
: wait for window to become visible, then switch to it.opts
can be just the name, or an object with name, poll, and timeout props.
waitForElementText(opts, cb(err, el))
: wait for specified el to have a non-empty text valueopts
can be just the selector, or an object with name, poll, and timeout props.
: close the currently open browser window and switch to one of the remainingnewSession(cb(err))
: allocate a new browser session and sets implicit wait timeoutdelay(timeout, cb(err))
: delay for the specified amount of time before continuing
- admc/wd is our webdriver library
- WebDriver's JSON wire protocol is what lives under the language bindings
- we keep a list of tests to write in an etherpad.