Phone-2-Phone adb Framework - A project for "debugging" phones... from other phones.
A loose framework to assist in pulling data, making system changes, etc, with minimal user input.
Attacking another device by plugging directly into it has always been something I thought would be movie hacker cool.
The real idea is that: Someone leaves their phone at the table, locked, and only for a few minutes. You pull your phone out, plug them together, and hope to god that have USB debugging enabled (all custom ROMs do.) Slurp down their files, stick your own backdoors there, and you're set to go!
Took me about 45 seconds to copy over 62MB of* databases and user_prefs files (from encrypted Galaxy Nexus to unencrypted Galaxy Nexus, but running AOKP Milestone 5).
Yes, because as devious as I might think I am (an I am), I'm certain others have more clever ideas than mine.
As this project develops, it will form more into a framework, providing tools necessary to quickly, and sanely, allow users (i.e. you) to create scripts as easily as possible.
Most of the scripts should be doable by both PC and an Android phone.
Note: This was designed for sh (not bash/dash/ksh/etc). I can't guarentee functionality will work across the shells.
Android requires:
- An install has/supports adb (I believe stock comes with adb, otherwise you could probably add it)
- An install that supports USB host mode
- A phone that supports USB host mode (hardware support)
- Root
- Busybox
- A terminal emulator
- Probably a USB On the Go cable
PC requires
- Android SDK (specifically, you nee adb)
- adb needs to be in $PATH
- Something that will interpret shell scripts (I'm looking at you, Windows users. cygwin should work)
- Copy to phone
sh ./
- profit
Targets known to be working:
- AOKP Milestone 5
- CyanogenMod
- Busybox 1.20.0
- Probably others, all they really need at the moent is busybox
Targets that still have some issues:
- Stock Android (Still figuring out the best methods to re-implement everything with a limited shell environment)
As necessary, I'll start expanding and building checks against certain ROMs/toolkit versions to create maximum damage.
AntiGuard is an Android app I wrote that will assist you in unlcoking a phone. Since ADB doesn't always give you root, you might be limited in what you can do. However, the standard ADB shell user is also very powerful.
AntiGuard is now built into the regular toolset!
To install AntiGuard, you simply need to run
adb install AntiGuard/AntiGuard.apk
To unlock the screen once install
adb shell am start -S io.kos.antiguard/.unlock
To uninstall, hit the uninstall button, or run this command
adb ununinstall io.kos.antiguard
Me, you're welcome. @theKos Email