I'm currently looking for people to pair with, and work on a capstone project
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OpenSource Data Science Masters Curriculum
Below is a planned curriculum that I'm looking to follow. As with life, I'm not expecting it to be followed linearly necessarily. And I may swap courses in and out as interesting things arise.
I do plan to take at least one element from all of the recommended themes published in the OpenSource Data Science masters. And I'm favouring online courses as it's obviously easier to stay honest with regards to progress over reading a book and claiming that you know the subject matter.
- Linear Programming (Math 407) University of Washington
- Statistics by Princeton & Coursera
- Differential Equations in Data Science, Python tutorial
- Problem-Solving Heuristics "How to Solve It" by Polya, Book
Distributed Computing Paradigms
- Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce by Cloudera and Udacity Note: I might swap the above course with an EdX course on Apache Spark and distributed computing
- Introduction to Databases, by Stanford
Data Mining
- Mining Massive Data Sets, by Stanford and Coursera
Machine Learning - Foundational & Theoretical
- Machine Learning, by Ng Stanford and Coursera (in-progress)
- The Elements of Statistical Learning, by Stanford
Machine Learning - Practical
- Programming Collective Intelligence
- Intro to scikit-learn, by SciPy2013
Probabilistic Modeling
- Probabilistic Graphical Models, by Stanford and Coursera
Deep Learning (Neural Networks)
- Neural Networks, by Univesity of Toronto and Coursera
Natural Language Processing
- From Languages to Information, by Stanford
- NLP with Python (NLKT library)
- Big Data Analysis with Twitter, by UC Berkeley
OpenSource Data Science Masters Capstone Project I would like to do a capstone project focused on using big data to understand workplace dynamics, and more appropriate hiring decisions. E.g. can we use big data to better understand an employees cultural fit? As I progress through the curriculum, I'll better define the capstone project.
If you'd like to pair up for the capstone, let me know