Basic health information of a person such as Blood group, heart/diabetic problem info, order donor status are quickly needed when a person is fainted / met in accident. Delay in finding these info may cost a life. In emergency need of initial funds is crucial.
Using hyperledger blockchain, We store a person's both public health information & private medical history. We allow hospitals/labs to issue blood donor rebates as ERC20 based HEAL Tokens. And they will accept HEAL tokens as mode of payment.
Stored in: HyperLedger
UI : Toshi SOS + Fabric
- Blood Group : B+
- Diabetic Patient : Yes / No
- Heart Patient : Yes / No
- Allergic To : [ ]
- Organ Donor : Yes / No
Stored in: HyperLedger
UI : Fabric
- Scanned JPG/PDF files
- Generalized report values
Private Keys for these private health information/ records will be available only to respective patient & report adding hospital/lab.
Government has particular scale of rebates to blood donors. Govt organization will send HEAL tokens to all hospitals every month in advanced.
Upon receiving blood donations, As per government norms 1 unit blood's rebate value will be calculated in HEAL Tokens and paid to donor's ETH address
During health checkups, emergency payments Patient can pay in HEAL Token
* Displays QR code to access public health information
* Sends emergency alert to configured friends & family with current location
* Sends emergency alert to near by ambulance service / hospital
Displays Healchain info / wallet
Receives blood request from user & broadcasts to all other users in a location/circle
When Toshi supports ERC20 tokens, User can send HEAL Tokens to friends, family, hospitals & labs.
Payments/notifications: Toshi Frontend: Vue BlockChain: Chaincode (Hyperledger Fabric), solidity (Ethereum) Token: ERC20
Misc: Docker for app deployment Node API for Toshi & BlockChain interactions Go.